:title: Jenkins .. _jenkins: Jenkins ####### Jenkins is a Continuous Integration system that runs tests and automates some parts of project operations. It is controlled for the most part by :ref:`zuul` which determines what jobs are run when. At a Glance =========== :Hosts: * http://jenkins.openstack.org * http://jenkins-dev.openstack.org :Puppet: * :file:`modules/jenkins` * :file:`modules/openstack_project/manifests/jenkins.pp` * :file:`modules/openstack_project/manifests/jenkins_dev.pp` :Configuration: * :file:`modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/` :Projects: * http://jenkins-ci.org/ * :ref:`zuul` * :ref:`jjb` :Bugs: * http://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci * https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Issue+Tracking :Resources: * :ref:`zuul` * :ref:`jjb` Overview ======== A large number and variety of jobs are defined in Jenkins. The configuration of all of those jobs is stored in git in the openstack-infra/config repository. They are defined in YAML files that are read by :ref:`jjb` which configures the actual jobs in Jenkins. Anyone may submit a change to the openstack-infra/config repository that defines a new job or alters an existing job by editing the appropriate YAML files. See :ref:`jjb` for more information. Because of the large number of builds that Jenkins executes, the OpenStack project favors the following approach in configuring Jenkins jobs: * Minimal use of plugins: the more post-processing work that Jenkins needs to perform on a job, the more likely we are to run into compatibility problems among plugins, and contention for shared resources on the Jenkins master. A number of popular plugins will cause all builds of a job to be serialized even if the jobs otherwise run in parallel. * Minimal build history: Jenkins stores build history in individual XML files on disk, and accessing a large build history can cause the Jenkins master to be unresponsive for a significant time while loading them. It also increases memory usage. Instead, we generally keep no more than a day's worth of builds. * Move artifacts off of Jenkins: Jenkins is not efficient at serving static information such as build artifacts (e.g., tarballs) or logs. Instead, we copy them to a static webserver which is far more efficient. Authorization ============= Jenkins is set up to use OpenID in a Single Sign On mode with Launchpad. This means that all of the user and group information is managed via Launchpad users and teams. In the Jenkins Security Matrix, a Launchpad team name can be specified and any members of that team will be granted those permissions. However, because of the way the information is processed, a user will need to re-log in upon changing either team membership on Launchpad, or changing that team's authorization in Jenkins for the new privileges to take effect. Devstack Gate ============= OpenStack integration testing is performed by the devstack gate test framework. This framework runs the devstack exercises and Tempest smoketests against a devstack install on single use cloud servers. The devstack gate source can be found on `git.openstack.org `_ and the `Readme `_ describes the process of using devstack gate to run your own devstack based tests. The :ref:`devstack-gate` project is used to maintain a pool of Jenkins slaves that are used to run these tests. Devstack-gate jobs create and delete Jenkins slaves as needed in order to maintain the pool. Sysadmin ======== Jenkins is largely hidden, and has no sensitive data exposed publically, so we use self-signed certs for Jenkins masters. After bringing up a jenkins node (16G memory instance if you use the stock jenkins.default) with puppet, log in and configure Jenkins by hand: #. Configure the site so it knows it's correct url. (Jenkins URL in global config). This is needed to complete an SSO sign-in. #. Configure the OpenID plugin for your SSO site (e.g. Launchpad) #. Do not set CSRF protection - that breaks Jenkins job builder. #. Login. #. Setup matrix security: add the 'authenticated' pseudo user and grant Admin access to your own user. #. Setup one account per `http://ci.openstack.org/jenkins-job-builder/installation.html#configuration-file` and grab the API token for it. #. Configure the number of executors you want on the Jenkins Master (e.g. 1) #. Configure a maven environment (if you have Maven projects to test). #. Enable the gearman plugin globally. Your gearman server is zuul.$project. If Test Connection fails, do a puppet run (puppet agent --test) on the zuul machine, as gearman wouldn't have started with no workers configured. #. Configure the timestamper plugin. E.g. to ''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' ' #. Enable the zmq plugin globally if it is visible. No settings were visible when writing this doc. #. You will configure global scp and ftp credentials for static and docs sites respectively later, but as we haven't setup those sites yet, thats not possible :). Puppet takes care of the rest. Quirks ------ Note that jenkins talks to it's slaves via ssh, the modules/openstack_project/manifests/init.pp file contains the ssh public key that puppet installs on the slaves. Slaves ------ Statically provisioned slaves have labels assigned by hand. E.g. centos6, and are added to a chosen Jenkins master by hand. Adding a slave is then: #. Launch a slave #. Add it to Jenkins Add your jenkins master key for the credentials (make it global, one-time operation). Set the jenkins home to /home/jenkins #. Set appropriate labels on it #. Profit!