:title: Paste .. _paste: Paste ##### Paste servers are an easy way to share long-form content such as configuration files or log data with others over short-form communication protocols such as IRC. OpenStack runs the "lodgeit" paste software. At a Glance =========== :Hosts: * http://paste.openstack.org :Puppet: * https://opendev.org/opendev/puppet-lodgeit * :git_file:`modules/openstack_project/manifests/paste.pp` :Projects: * https://opendev.org/opendev/lodgeit * https://bitbucket.org/dcolish/lodgeit-main :Bugs: * https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/748 Overview ======== For OpenStack we use `a fork <https://opendev.org/opendev/lodgeit>`_ of lodgeit which is based on one with bugfixes maintained by `dcolish <https://bitbucket.org/dcolish/lodgeit-main>`_ but adds back missing anti-spam features required by OpenStack. Puppet configures lodgeit to use MySQL as a database backend, apache as a front-end proxy. The lodgeit module will automatically create a git repository in ``/var/backups/lodgeit_db``. Inside this every site will have its own SQL file, for example "openstack" will have a file called ``openstack.sql``. Every day a cron job will update the SQL file (one job per file) and commit it to the git repository. .. note:: Ideally the SQL files would have a row on every line to keep the diffs stored in git small, but ``mysqldump`` does not yet support this.