:title: Translate .. _translate: Translate ######### As of the Liberty release, translations for various projects in OpenStack are done on the Zanata translations platform. At a Glance =========== :Hosts: * https://translate.openstack.org * https://translate-dev.openstack.org :Puppet: * https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-zanata/tree/ * :file:`modules/openstack_project/manifests/translate.pp` * :file:`modules/openstack_project/manifests/translate-dev.pp` :Projects: * http://zanata.org/ * https://github.com/zanata/ :Bugs: * https://zanata.atlassian.net/projects/ZNTA/issues/ Overview ======== The OpenStack Infrastructure runs a production instance and a development instance of Zanata running on the `Wildfly JBoss Application Server <http://wildfly.org/>`_. Upgrades must be tested on the development server before being applied in production. Translators work through the Zanata web UI or with the zanata-cli tool to do their translations. A series of Jenkins jobs handle translations proposals on the proposal slave. Projects are added for translations by modifying :config:`gerrit/projects.yaml` and adding the following to the project:: options: - translate Projects are then registered with Zanata with the register-zanata-projects.py from :ref:`jeepyb`, this is run when :config:`gerrit/projects.yaml` changes. Finally, the translations jobs must be added to the project in :config:`jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml` and :config:`zuul/layout.yaml`.