- hosts: "!disabled"
  name: "Base: set up users and base package repositories on all hosts"
    - users
    - base-repos

# Run base-server seperately so that the update apt cache handler in base-repos
# fires before we run base-server
- hosts: "!disabled"
  name: "Base: set up common environment on all hosts"
    - base-server
    - timezone
    - unbound
    - exim

# Do not run firewall rules on kubernetes hosts, they are managed by k8s-on-openstack.
# TODO(mordred) snmpd should be able to be re-added to kubernetes hosts but we will
# need to add cacti to sg-opendev-nodes and sg-opendev-master security groups first.
- hosts: "!disabled:!kubernetes"
  name: "Base: set up firewall rules"
    - snmpd
    - iptables