#! /usr/bin/crm
# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

# This script trains an OSB (Orthogonal Sparse Bigram) bayesian filter
# with log lines from test runs and classifies each line according to
# the likelyhood it indicates an error.  Very little experimentation
# has been done to determine the best classifier and training method;
# further experimentation may be useful.

# The training method is TET -- Train Every Thing.  This is not
# normally advised as a training method for Bayesian filters.  In
# experiments, it identified about twice as many lines as being
# associated with errers as were indicated by a TOE (Train On Error)
# method.  Some of them were false positives, but many were not, and
# of those, it had a much higher (pR ~= 37) confidence in them than
# TOE.  TET seems to give qualitatively better results when filtering
# for higher pR values.

# Set unbuffered IO

# Base component of path to data files
isolate (:prefix:) /:*:_arg2:/

# Whether this run is for a SUCCESS or FAILURE result
isolate (:target:) /:*:_arg3:/

# Train each file on a newline just to make sure it exists
learn [:_nl:] <osb unique microgroom> (:*:prefix:/SUCCESS.css)
learn [:_nl:] <osb unique microgroom> (:*:prefix:/FAILURE.css)
    # Iterate over each line
    window <bychar> /\n/ /\n/
        isolate (:stats:)
        isolate (:result:)
        isolate (:prob:)
        isolate (:pr:)
        # Save a copy of this line
        isolate (:line:) /:*:_dw:/
                # Remove things that look like timestamps from the beginning of the line
                match (:timestamp:) /^[-.0-9 |:]+/
                alter (:timestamp:) //
                # Don't treat UUIDs as uniquely special.
                match (:uuidtoken:) /[[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12}/
                alter (:uuidtoken:) /UUIDTOKEN/
                    match (:uuidtoken:) <fromnext> /[[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12}/
                    alter (:uuidtoken:) /UUIDTOKEN/
                    # Loop to replace all TOKENS in line
                # Don't treat IDs as uniquely special.
                match (:idtoken:) /[[:xdigit:]]{32,40}/
                alter (:idtoken:) /IDTOKEN/
                    match (:idtoken:) <fromnext> /[[:xdigit:]]{32,40}/
                    alter (:idtoken:) /IDTOKEN/
                    # Loop to replace all TOKENS in line
                # Don't treat IDs as uniquely special.
                match (:numtoken:) /-[[:digit:]]{7,}/
                alter (:numtoken:) /-NUMTOKEN/
                    match (:numtoken:) <fromnext> /-[[:digit:]]{7,}/
                    alter (:numtoken:) /-NUMTOKEN/
                    # Loop to replace all TOKENS in line
            # Train on the line
            learn <osb unique microgroom> (:*:prefix:/:*:target:.css)
            # Classify the line to see if it looks more like a SUCCESS or FAILURE line
            classify <osb unique microgroom> (:*:prefix:/SUCCESS.css :*:prefix:/FAILURE.css) (:stats:)
                # The stats variable looks like:
                #   CLASSIFY succeeds; success probability: 1.0000  pR: 304.6527
                #   Best match to file #0 (/tmp/crm114/console_html/SUCCESS.css) prob: 0.9933  pR: 2.1720
                #   Total features in input file: 20
                #   #0 (/tmp/crm114/console_html/SUCCESS.css): features: 3544235, hits: 901854, prob: 9.93e-01, pR:   2.17
                #   #1 (/tmp/crm114/console_html/FAILURE.css): features: 1, hits: 0, prob: 6.69e-03, pR:  -2.17
                # Pull out the filename, probability, and pR (a kind of logarithmic probability, see CRM docs)
                match [:stats:] <nomultiline> /^Best match to .*\/([A-Za-z]+).css\) prob: ([-.0-9]+)  pR: ([-.0-9]+)/ ( :: :result: :prob: :pr: )
                    # If this line is classified as FAILURE, negate
                    # the pR value (which will always be positive).
                    # Do this by prepending a '-' or the empty string.
                        match [:result:] /FAILURE/
                        alter (:result:) /-/
                    } alius {
                        alter (:result:) //
                # Output the sign and pR value for this line.
                output /:*:result::*:pr:\n/