Generate SSL check list This role automatically generates a list of domains for the certificate validation checks. This ensures our certificates are valid and are being renewed as expected. This role must run after ``letsencrypt-request-certs`` role, as that builds the ``letsencrypt_certcheck_domains`` variable for each host and certificate. It must also run on a host that has already run the ``install-certcheck`` role. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: letsencrypt_certcheck_domain_list :default: /var/lib/certcheck/ssldomains The ssl-cert-check domain configuration file to write. See also the ``install-certcheck`` role. .. zuul:rolevar:: letsencrypt_certcheck_additional_domains :default: [] A list of additional domains to check for hosts not using the ``letsencrypt-*`` roles. Each entry should be in the format ``hostname port``.