# # Nodepool openstacksdk configuration # # This file is deployed to nodepool launcher and builder hosts as # # {{ openstacksdk_config_dir}}/clouds.yaml # # and is used there to authenticate nodepool operations to clouds. # This file only contains projects we are launching test nodes in, and # the naming should correspond that used in nodepool configuration # files. # cache: expiration: server: 5 port: 5 floating-ip: 5 clouds: rax: profile: rackspace regions: - name: DFW values: block_storage_endpoint_override: 'https://dfw.blockstorage.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/' metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.rax-dfw' - name: ORD values: block_storage_endpoint_override: 'https://ord.blockstorage.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/' metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.rax-ord' - name: IAD values: block_storage_endpoint_override: 'https://iad.blockstorage.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/' metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.rax-iad' api_timeout: 60 auth: username: '{{ nodepool_rackspace_username }}' api_key: '{{ nodepool_rackspace_key }}' project_id: '{{ nodepool_rackspace_project }}' auth_type: 'rackspace_apikey' force_ipv4: true volume_api_version: 2 raxflex: regions: - name: SJC3 values: metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.raxflex-sjc3' auth: auth_url: 'https://keystone.api.sjc3.rackspacecloud.com/v3' project_id: '{{ nodepool_raxflex_project }}' username: '{{ nodepool_raxflex_username }}' password: '{{ nodepool_raxflex_key }}' user_domain_name: rackspace_cloud_domain ovh: profile: ovh # OVH has a weird new ipv6 setup that we can't handle properly # for now ignore ipv6 force_ipv4: true regions: - name: BHS1 values: metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.ovh-bhs1' - name: GRA1 values: metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.ovh-gra1' api_timeout: 60 auth: username: '{{ nodepool_ovh_username }}' password: '{{ nodepool_ovh_password }}' project_name: '{{ nodepool_ovh_project }}' vexxhost: profile: vexxhost regions: - name: ca-ymq-1 values: metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.vexxhost-ca-ymq-1' - name: sjc1 values: metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.vexxhost-sjc1' api_timeout: 60 auth_type: password auth: username: '{{ nodepool_vexxhost_username }}' password: '{{ nodepool_vexxhost_password }}' project_name: '{{ nodepool_vexxhost_project }}' project_domain_name: default user_domain_name: default image_format: 'raw' force_ipv4: true linaro: regions: - name: RegionOne values: metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.linaro' identity_api_version: '3' auth: auth_url: 'https://openinfraci.linaro.cloud:5000' username: '{{ nodepool_linaro_username }}' password: '{{ nodepool_linaro_password }}' project_name: '{{ nodepool_linaro_project }}' project_domain_name: default user_domain_name: default image_format: 'raw' osuosl: regions: - name: RegionOne values: networks: - name: public7 default_interface: True metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.osuosl-regionone' auth: auth_url: https://arm-openstack.osuosl.org:5000/v3 username: '{{ nodepool_osuosl_username }}' password: '{{ nodepool_osuosl_password }}' project_name: 'opendevzuul' project_id: '{{ nodepool_osuosl_project_id }}' user_domain_name: "Default" floating_ip_source: None identity_api_version: 3 image_format: 'raw' openmetal: regions: - name: IAD3 values: networks: - name: External routes_externally: true default_interface: true metrics: statsd: prefix: 'nodepool.task.openmetal-iad3' auth: auth_url: 'https://openmetal.us-east.opendev.org:5000' username: '{{ nodepool_openmetal_username }}' password: '{{ nodepool_openmetal_password }}' project_name: 'opendevzuul' project_id: '{{ nodepool_openmetal_project_id }}' user_domain_name: "Default" identity_api_version: 3 image_format: 'raw'