#!/bin/bash MODULE_PATH=/etc/puppet/modules function remove_module { local SHORT_MODULE_NAME=$1 if [ -n "$SHORT_MODULE_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MODULE_PATH/$SHORT_MODULE_NAME" else echo "ERROR: remove_module requires a SHORT_MODULE_NAME." fi } # Array of modules to be installed key:value is module:version. declare -A MODULES # Array of modues to be installed from source and without dependency resolution. # key:value is source location, revision to checkout declare -A SOURCE_MODULES #NOTE: if we previously installed kickstandproject-ntp we nuke it here # since puppetlabs-ntp and kickstandproject-ntp install to the same dir if grep kickstandproject-ntp /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/Modulefile &> /dev/null; then remove_module "ntp" fi remove_module "gearman" #remove old saz-gearman remove_module "limits" # remove saz-limits (required by saz-gearman) MODULES["puppetlabs-ntp"]="0.2.0" # freenode #puppet 2012-09-25: # 18:25 < jeblair> i would like to use some code that someone wrote, # but it's important that i understand how the author wants me to use # it... # 18:25 < jeblair> in the case of the vcsrepo module, there is # ambiguity, and so we are trying to determine what the author(s) # intent is # 18:30 < jamesturnbull> jeblair: since we - being PL - are the author # - our intent was not to limit it's use and it should be Apache # licensed MODULES["openstackci-vcsrepo"]="0.0.8" MODULES["puppetlabs-apache"]="0.0.4" MODULES["puppetlabs-apt"]="1.4.2" MODULES["puppetlabs-haproxy"]="0.4.1" MODULES["puppetlabs-mysql"]="0.6.1" MODULES["puppetlabs-postgresql"]="3.4.1" MODULES["puppetlabs-stdlib"]="4.3.2" MODULES["saz-memcached"]="2.0.2" MODULES["spiette-selinux"]="0.5.1" MODULES["rafaelfc-pear"]="1.0.3" MODULES["puppetlabs-inifile"]="1.0.0" MODULES["puppetlabs-firewall"]="0.0.4" MODULES["puppetlabs-puppetdb"]="3.0.1" MODULES["stankevich-python"]="1.6.6" MODULES["puppetlabs-rabbitmq"]="4.0.0" SOURCE_MODULES["https://github.com/nibalizer/puppet-module-puppetboard"]="2.4.0" SOURCE_MODULES["https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard"]="master" MODULE_LIST=`puppet module list` # Transition away from old things if [ -d /etc/puppet/modules/vcsrepo/.git ] then rm -rf /etc/puppet/modules/vcsrepo fi # Install all the modules for MOD in ${!MODULES[*]} ; do # If the module at the current version does not exist upgrade or install it. if ! echo $MODULE_LIST | grep "$MOD ([^v]*v${MODULES[$MOD]}" >/dev/null 2>&1 then # Attempt module upgrade. If that fails try installing the module. if ! puppet module upgrade $MOD --version ${MODULES[$MOD]} >/dev/null 2>&1 then # This will get run in cron, so silence non-error output puppet module install $MOD --version ${MODULES[$MOD]} >/dev/null fi fi done MODULE_LIST=`puppet module list` # Make a second pass, just installing modules from source for MOD in ${!SOURCE_MODULES[*]} ; do # get the name of the module directory if [ `echo $MOD | awk -F. '{print $NF}'` = 'git' ]; then echo "Remote repos of the form repo.git are not supported: ${MOD}" exit 1 fi MODULE_NAME=`echo $MOD | awk -F- '{print $NF}'` # set up git base command to use the correct path GIT_CMD_BASE="git --git-dir=${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}/.git --work-tree ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" # treat any occurrence of the module as a match if ! echo $MODULE_LIST | grep "${MODULE_NAME}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # clone modules that are not installed git clone $MOD "${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" else if [ ! -d ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}/.git ]; then echo "Found directory ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME} that is not a git repo, deleting it and reinstalling from source" remove_module $MODULE_NAME git clone $MOD "${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" elif [ `${GIT_CMD_BASE} remote show origin | grep 'Fetch URL' | awk -F'URL: ' '{print $2}'` != $MOD ]; then echo "Found remote in ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME} that does not match desired remote ${MOD}, deleting dir and re-cloning" remove_module $MODULE_NAME git clone $MOD "${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" fi fi # fetch the latest refs from the repo $GIT_CMD_BASE fetch # make sure the correct revision is installed, I have to use rev-list b/c rev-parse does not work with tags if [ `${GIT_CMD_BASE} rev-list HEAD --max-count=1` != `${GIT_CMD_BASE} rev-list ${SOURCE_MODULES[$MOD]} --max-count=1` ]; then # checkout correct revision $GIT_CMD_BASE checkout ${SOURCE_MODULES[$MOD]} fi done