New releases info: https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/4U5AP7GZ76NYQONACUVPDHSJBLLBSENL/ Sync all our forked files from mailman-docker to the current upstream state, except for our overridden hyperkitty->archives and postorius->mailman3 URL routes in docker/mailman/web/mailman-web/urls.py. Change-Id: I3b3955c8b2b91f167510c8a1122d9d8e2d620082
155 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File
155 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File
#! /bin/bash
set -e
function wait_for_postgres () {
# Check if the postgres database is up and accepting connections before
# moving forward.
# TODO: Use python's psycopg2 module to do this in python instead of
# installing postgres-client in the image.
until psql -P pager=off $DATABASE_URL -c '\l'; do
>&2 echo "Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
sleep 1
>&2 echo "Postgres is up - continuing"
function wait_for_mysql () {
# Check if MySQL is up and accepting connections.
readarray -d' ' -t ENDPOINT <<< $(python3 -c "from urllib.parse import urlparse; o = urlparse('$DATABASE_URL'); print('%s %s' % (o.hostname, o.port if o.port else '3306'));")
until mysqladmin ping --host ${ENDPOINT[0]} --port ${ENDPOINT[1]} --silent; do
>&2 echo "MySQL is unavailable - sleeping"
sleep 1
>&2 echo "MySQL is up - continuing"
function check_or_create () {
# Check if the path exists, if not, create the directory.
if [[ ! -e dir ]]; then
echo "$1 does not exist, creating ..."
mkdir "$1"
# function postgres_ready(){
# python << END
# import sys
# import psycopg2
# try:
# conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="$POSTGRES_DB", user="$POSTGRES_USER", password="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD", host="postgres")
# except psycopg2.OperationalError:
# sys.exit(-1)
# sys.exit(0)
# }
# SMTP_HOST defaults to the gateway
if [[ ! -v SMTP_HOST ]]; then
export SMTP_HOST=$(/sbin/ip route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }')
# Check if $SECRET_KEY is defined, if not, bail out.
if [[ ! -v SECRET_KEY ]]; then
echo "SECRET_KEY is not defined. Aborting."
exit 1
# Check if $DATABASE_URL is defined, if not, use a standard sqlite database.
# If the $DATABASE_URL is defined and is postgres, check if it is available
# yet. Do not start the container before the postgresql boots up.
# If the $DATABASE_URL is defined and is mysql, check if the database is
# available before the container boots up.
# TODO: Check the database type and detect if it is up based on that. For now,
# assume that postgres is being used if DATABASE_URL is defined.
if [[ ! -v DATABASE_URL ]]; then
echo "DATABASE_URL is not defined. Using sqlite database..."
export DATABASE_URL=sqlite://mailmanweb.db
export DATABASE_TYPE='sqlite'
if [[ "$DATABASE_TYPE" = 'postgres' ]]
elif [[ "$DATABASE_TYPE" = 'mysql' ]]
# Check if we are in the correct directory before running commands.
if [[ ! $(pwd) == '/opt/mailman-web' ]]; then
echo "Running in the wrong directory...switching to /opt/mailman-web"
cd /opt/mailman-web
# Check if the logs directory is setup.
if [[ ! -e /opt/mailman-web-data/logs/mailmanweb.log ]]; then
echo "Creating log file for mailman web"
mkdir -p /opt/mailman-web-data/logs/
touch /opt/mailman-web-data/logs/mailmanweb.log
if [[ ! -e /opt/mailman-web-data/logs/uwsgi.log ]]; then
echo "Creating log file for uwsgi.."
touch /opt/mailman-web-data/logs/uwsgi.log
# Check if the settings_local.py file exists, if yes, copy it too.
if [[ -e /opt/mailman-web-data/settings_local.py ]]; then
echo "Copying settings_local.py ..."
cp /opt/mailman-web-data/settings_local.py /opt/mailman-web/settings_local.py
chown mailman:mailman /opt/mailman-web/settings_local.py
echo "settings_local.py not found, it is highly recommended that you provide one"
echo "Using default configuration to run."
# Collect static for the django installation.
python3 manage.py collectstatic --noinput --clear --verbosity 0
# Compile all the installed po files to mo.
SITE_DIR=$(python3 -c 'import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])')
echo "Compiling locale files in $SITE_DIR"
cd $SITE_DIR && /opt/mailman-web/manage.py compilemessages && cd -
# Compress static files.
python3 /opt/mailman-web/manage.py compress --force
# Migrate all the data to the database if this is a new installation, otherwise
# this command will upgrade the database.
python3 /opt/mailman-web/manage.py migrate
# If MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER and MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL is defined create a new
# superuser for Django. There is no password setup so it can't login yet unless
# the password is reset.
echo "Creating admin user $MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER ..."
python3 /opt/mailman-web/manage.py createsuperuser --noinput --username "$MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER"\
--email "$MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL" 2> /dev/null || \
echo "Superuser $MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER already exists"
# If SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN is defined then rename the default `example.com`
# domain to the defined domain.
if [[ -v SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN ]];
echo "Setting $SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN as the default domain ..."
python3 /opt/mailman-web/manage.py shell -c \
"from django.contrib.sites.models import Site; Site.objects.filter(domain='example.com').update(domain='$SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN', name='$SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN')"
# Create a mailman user with the specific UID and GID and do not create home
# directory for it. Also chown the logs directory to write the files.
chown mailman:mailman /opt/mailman-web-data -R
[[ -v DISKCACHE_PATH ]] && chown mailman:mailman "${DISKCACHE_PATH}" -R
exec $@