Clark Boylan c1ffb9f145 Update etherpad and etherpad puppet manifests.
* manifests/site.pp: Pass new mysql DB variables to

* modules/etherpad_lite/manifests/apache.pp: Fix broken /etc/ssl/certs
permissions (0700 -> 0755).

* modules/etherpad_lite/manifests/init.pp: Update default nodejs and
etherpad versions. Remove ep_headings plugin install. New plugin define
should be used for this instead. Stop making the etherpad-lite ref to
checkout optional (defaults to develop). Note these changes are probably
not going to be backward compat.

* modules/etherpad_lite/manifests/plugin.pp: Define to install etherpad
lite plugins.

* modules/etherpad_lite/manifests/site.pp: Simplify DB support and
remove support for the dirty DB type.

* modules/etherpad_lite/templates/etherpad-lite_settings.json.erb: Bring
settings erb up to par with latest template.

* modules/etherpad_lite/templates/etherpadlite.vhost.erb: Update rewrite
rules for new etherpad. Instead of allowing nice pad urls rooted at /
redirect these url to /p/padname. Etherpad does not deal well with a
change in root path as /p/ is hardcoded in many places.

* modules/openstack_project/manifests/etherpad.pp
* modules/openstack_project/manifests/etherpad_dev.pp:
Update to use new etherpad module setup. MySQL DBs are now externally
managed, pass in needed connection info.

* modules/mysql_backup/manifests/backup_remote.pp: New define to backup
remote DB servers.

* modules/mysql_backup/templates/my.cnf.erb: Template for a my.cnf to be
used by the cron in backup_remote.pp. Allows for easy connectivity from
server using MySQL DB as root.

Change-Id: I1250297674b91e81d59cd28c07c52e09967ca548
2013-10-09 16:53:06 -07:00

55 lines
1.4 KiB

# == Define: mysql_backup::backup
# Arguments determine when backups should be taken, where they should
# be located, and how often they shouled be rotated. The namevar
# of the define must be the name of the database to backup.
# This define assumes that the mysqldump command is installed under
# /usr/bin.
define mysql_backup::backup (
$minute = '0',
$hour = '0',
$day = '*',
$dest_dir = '/var/backups/mysql_backups',
$rotation = 'daily',
$num_backups = '30',
$defaults_file = '/etc/mysql/debian.cnf'
) {
# Wrap in check as there may be mutliple backup defines backing
# up to the same dir.
if ! defined(File[$dest_dir]) {
file { $dest_dir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
if ! defined(Package['mysql-client']) {
package { 'mysql-client':
ensure => present,
cron { "${name}-backup":
ensure => present,
command => "/usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=${defaults_file} --opt --ignore-table mysql.event --all-databases | gzip -9 > ${dest_dir}/${name}.sql.gz",
minute => $minute,
hour => $hour,
weekday => $day,
require => File[$dest_dir],
include logrotate
logrotate::file { "${name}-rotate":
log => "${dest_dir}/${name}.sql.gz",
options => [
"rotate ${num_backups}",
require => Cron["${name}-backup"],