The twine upload client for PyPI needs a newer version of the Python requests library than is provided on Ubuntu 12.04, so get it via pip instead of from distribution packages. Change-Id: Ibc9a7e1e496a3aa573902c4d1aad11d20187d260
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# Extra configuration (like mysql) that we will want on many but not all
# slaves.
class openstack_project::thick_slave(
$all_mysql_privs = false,
include openstack_project::jenkins_params
# Packages that most jenkins slaves (eg, unit test runners) need
$packages = [
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::ant_package, # for building buck
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::awk_package, # for building extract_docs.awk to work correctly
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::asciidoc_package, # for building gerrit/building openstack docs
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::docbook_xml_package, # for building openstack docs
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::docbook5_xml_package, # for building openstack docs
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::docbook5_xsl_package, # for building openstack docs
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::gettext_package, # for msgfmt, used in translating manuals
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::gnome_doc_package, # for generating translation files for docs
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::graphviz_package, # for generating graphs in docs
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::firefox_package, # for selenium tests
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::librrd_dev_package, # for python-rrdtool, used by kwapi
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::libtidy_package, # for python-tidy, used by sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::libsasl_dev, # for keystone ldap auth integration
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::memcached_package, # for tooz unit tests
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::mongodb_package, # for ceilometer unit tests
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::nspr_dev_package, # for spidermonkey, used by ceilometer
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::libxml2_dev_package, # for xmllint, need for wadl
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::libffi_dev_package, # xattr's cffi dependency
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::pandoc_package, #for docs, markdown->docbook, bug 924507
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::pkgconfig_package, # for spidermonkey, used by ceilometer
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::python_lxml_package, # for validating openstack manuals
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::python_magic_package, # for pushing files to swift
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::python_zmq_package, # zeromq unittests (not pip installable)
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::sbcl_package, # cl-openstack-client testing
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::xslt_package, # for building openstack docs
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::xvfb_package, # for selenium tests
$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::php5_cli_package, # for community portal build
package { $packages:
ensure => present,
include pip
# for pushing files to swift and uploading to pypi with twine
package { 'requests':
ensure => latest,
provider => pip,
# transitional for upgrading to the pip version
package { $::openstack_project::jenkins_params::python_requests_package:
ensure => absent,
before => Package['requests'],
if ($::lsbdistcodename == 'trusty') {
file { '/etc/profile.d/rubygems.sh':
ensure => absent,
} else {
file { '/etc/profile.d/rubygems.sh':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/rubygems.sh',
package { 'rake':
ensure => '10.1.1',
provider => gem,
before => Package['puppetlabs_spec_helper'],
require => Package[$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::rubygems_package],
$gem_packages = [
package { $gem_packages:
ensure => latest,
provider => gem,
require => Package[$::openstack_project::jenkins_params::rubygems_package],
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora') and ($::operatingsystemrelease >= 19) {
class {'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
'root_password' => 'insecure_slave',
'default_engine' => 'MyISAM',
'bind_address' => '',
package_name => 'community-mysql-server',
} else {
class {'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
'root_password' => 'insecure_slave',
'default_engine' => 'MyISAM',
'bind_address' => '',
include mysql::server::account_security
mysql::db { 'openstack_citest':
user => 'openstack_citest',
password => 'openstack_citest',
host => 'localhost',
grant => ['all'],
require => [
# mysql::db is too dumb to realize that the same user can have
# access to multiple databases and will fail if you try creating
# a second DB with the same user. Create the DB directly as mysql::db
# above is creating the user for us.
database { 'openstack_baremetal_citest':
ensure => present,
charset => 'utf8',
provider => 'mysql',
require => [
database_grant { 'openstack_citest@localhost/openstack_baremetal_citest':
privileges => ['all'],
provider => 'mysql',
require => Database_user['openstack_citest@localhost'],
if ($all_mysql_privs == true) {
database_grant { 'openstack_citest@localhost':
privileges => ['all'],
provider => 'mysql',
require => Database_user['openstack_citest@localhost'],
# The puppetlabs postgres module does not manage the postgres user
# and group for us. Create them here to ensure concat can create
# dirs and files owned by this user and group.
user { 'postgres':
ensure => present,
gid => 'postgres',
system => true,
require => Group['postgres'],
group { 'postgres':
ensure => present,
system => true,
if ($::lsbdistcodename == 'trusty') {
class { 'postgresql::globals':
version => '9.3',
before => Class['postgresql::server'],
class { 'postgresql::server':
postgres_password => 'insecure_slave',
manage_firewall => false,
# The puppetlabs postgres module incorrectly quotes ip addresses
# in the postgres server config. Use localhost instead.
listen_addresses => ['localhost'],
require => [
class { 'postgresql::lib::devel':
require => Class['postgresql::params'],
# Create DB user and explicitly make it non superuser
# that can create databases.
postgresql::server::role { 'openstack_citest':
password_hash => postgresql_password('openstack_citest', 'openstack_citest'),
createdb => true,
superuser => false,
require => Class['postgresql::server'],
postgresql::server::db { 'openstack_citest':
user => 'openstack_citest',
password => postgresql_password('openstack_citest', 'openstack_citest'),
grant => 'all',
require => [
# Alter the new database giving the test DB user ownership of the DB.
# This is necessary to make the nova unittests run properly.
postgresql_psql { 'ALTER DATABASE openstack_citest OWNER TO openstack_citest':
db => 'postgres',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Postgresql::Server::Db['openstack_citest'],
postgresql::server::db { 'openstack_baremetal_citest':
user => 'openstack_citest',
password => postgresql_password('openstack_citest', 'openstack_citest'),
grant => 'all',
require => [
# Alter the new database giving the test DB user ownership of the DB.
# This is necessary to make the nova unittests run properly.
postgresql_psql { 'ALTER DATABASE openstack_baremetal_citest OWNER TO
db => 'postgres',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Postgresql::Server::Db['openstack_baremetal_citest'],
# vim:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab:textwidth=79