We will be doing our first set of project renames in about a month since we've noticed that the waiting queue is not draining properly. The contents of this queue produce many scary looking (on the order of thousands) exceptions during gerrit startup. Move the queue aside to avoid confusion and uncertainty of problems during the project rename process. Change-Id: I3cd8fd17de340d536dd7e4e07fa1e18c86107832
168 lines
4.9 KiB
168 lines
4.9 KiB
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Stop Gerrit
cmd: docker-compose down
chdir: /etc/gerrit-compose/
- name: Make organization dir
state: directory
path: "{{ (item[0] + item[1].new) | dirname }}"
group: gerrit2
owner: gerrit2
mode: 0755
- [ '~gerrit2/review_site/git/' ]
- "{{ repos }}"
- name: Rename git repos on gerrit
shell: mv {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].old }}.git {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].new }}.git
- [ '~gerrit2/review_site/git/' ]
- "{{ repos }}"
- hosts: gitea
gather_facts: False
gitea_url: https://localhost:3000
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Move gitea repo
include_tasks: gitea-rename-tasks.yaml
loop: "{{ repos }}"
loop_var: repo
- hosts: storyboard-dev
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Rename projects in storyboard
shell: echo 'update projects set name="{{ item.new }}" where name="{{ item.old }}";' | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf storyboard
with_items: "{{ repos }}"
# We don't want to be blocked by errors on the dev server.
ignore_errors: yes
- hosts: storyboard
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Rename projects in storyboard
shell: echo 'update projects set name="{{ item.new }}" where name="{{ item.old }}";' | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf storyboard
with_items: "{{ repos }}"
- hosts: zuul02.opendev.org
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Backup the zuul keys before we modify them
command: "docker exec zuul-scheduler_scheduler_1 zuul-admin export-keys /var/lib/zuul/zuul-keys-backup.json"
- name: Copy zuul keys from old to new project
command: "docker exec zuul-scheduler_scheduler_1 zuul-admin copy-keys gerrit {{ item.old }} gerrit {{ item.new }}"
loop: "{{ repos }}"
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
become: yes
become_user: gerrit2
- name: Make backup of gerrit index
shell: cp -ax /home/gerrit2/review_site/index /home/gerrit2/index.backup.$(date +%s)
# As an alternative we can simply delete the waiting queue. Previously
# these were copied for debugging purposes but the problems are
# reasonably well understood so we probably don't need to keep collecting
# more data.
# We use the tmp/ path because it is not backed up and we don't need to
# preserve this information long term.
- name: Create replication queue target location
path: /home/gerrit2/tmp/replication_waiting_queues
state: directory
mode: '0755'
owner: gerrit2
group: gerrit2
- name: Move the replication plugin waiting queue aside due to bugs
shell: mv /home/gerrit2/review_site/data/replication/ref-updates/waiting /home/gerrit2/tmp/replication_waiting_queues/waiting_queue_$(date +%s)
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- name: Start gerrit
name: gerrit
tasks_from: start
gerrit_run_init: false
gerrit_run_reindex: false
gerrit_run_compose_up: true
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
become: yes
become_user: gerrit2
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Wait for gerrit ssh to be listening
host: localhost
port: 29418
# Far longer than necessary
timeout: 1800
- name: Sleep a bit longer just to be sure it is up
timeout: 30
- name: Set base ssh command fact
gerrit_ssh_command: ssh -p 29418 -i /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key openstack-project-creator@localhost gerrit
- name: Rename groups in gerrit
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} rename-group {{ item.old }} {{ item.new }}"
with_items: "{{ gerrit_groups|default([]) }}"
- name: Start online reindex of accounts
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start accounts --force"
- name: Start online reindex of groups
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start groups --force"
- name: Start online reindex of projects
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start projects --force"
- name: Start online reindex of changes
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start changes --force"
- hosts: zuul02.opendev.org
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Remove old zuul project keys
command: "docker exec zuul-scheduler_scheduler_1 zuul-admin delete-keys gerrit {{ item.old }}"
loop: "{{ repos }}"