As we move configuration for zuul worker nodes out of puppet and into DIB elements, we should keep track of what is being managed by puppet for long-lived servers and what no longer needs to be managed for single use workers. The openstack_project::server class wraps the openstack_server::template class which stores configuration that is common to both types of machines. This patch updates the backup_server and lists class to use the openstack_project::server class, updating class parameters where they differ between o_p:server and o_p::template. This way we can chop down the template class and move bits into the server class until eventually we can entirely remove the openstack_project::single_use_slave and openstack_project::template classes. Change-Id: Ief997d608a3a1632ec34da34ec46a237ead761f5
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# == Class: openstack_project::puppetdb
class openstack_project::puppetdb (
$puppetboard = true,
$version = '2.3.8-1puppetlabs1',
) {
# The puppetlabs postgres module does not manage the postgres user
# and group for us. Create them here to ensure concat can create
# dirs and files owned by this user and group.
user { 'postgres':
ensure => present,
gid => 'postgres',
system => true,
require => Group['postgres'],
group { 'postgres':
ensure => present,
system => true,
class { 'puppetdb::database::postgresql':
require => [User['postgres'],
class { '::puppetdb::server':
database_host => 'localhost',
ssl_listen_address => '', # works for ipv6 too
java_args => { '-Xmx' => '512m', '-Xms' => '256m' },
puppetdb_version => $version,
require => [ User['postgres'],
if $puppetboard {
class { 'openstack_project::puppetboard': }
if versioncmp($version, '2.3.8') > 0 {
file { '/etc/puppetdb/':
ensure => directory,
before => Class['::puppetdb::server'],
file { '/etc/puppetdb/conf.d/':
ensure => directory,
before => Class['::puppetdb::server'],
apt::source { 'puppetlabs-pc1':
location => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com',
repos => 'PC1',
key => {
'id' =>'47B320EB4C7C375AA9DAE1A01054B7A24BD6EC30',
'server' => 'pgp.mit.edu',
before => Class['::puppetdb::server'],