Clark Boylan 87d00c5603 Use https where possible for status site things
OpenStack docs and css resources are all hosted over
https now. Avoid hitting redirects and point directly at the current
source urls.

Change-Id: Ic8d2195983016c8140025bafb46e78fa6d5bfff5
2017-04-19 11:47:02 -07:00

395 lines
11 KiB

<html xmlns=""
<TITLE>Zuul Status</TITLE>
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.container {
width: 1024px;
label {
font-weight: normal;
#pipeline-container {
margin: 0 auto;
.line {
background-image: url('line.png');
background-repeat: repeat-y;
.pipeline {
float: left;
padding: 4px;
.pipeline > .header {
background: #0000cc;
color: white;
.pipeline > .subhead > .count {
float: right;
margin-right: 1em;
color: #535353;
font-size: 11pt;
.pipeline table {
margin: 0 0 2px 0;
.pipeline table td {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 10px 0;
td.tree {
width: 16px;
height: 100%;
vertical-align: top;
.pipeline table td.change-container {
padding-left: 4px;
.change {
border: 1px solid #95c7db;
padding: 2px;
.change > .header {
background: #E2ECEF;
color: black;
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padding: 4px;
.change > .header > .changeid {
margin: 1em;
.change > .header > .time {
float: right;
.change > .hover {
background: #F3FDFF;
.jobs {
padding-top: 4px;
.jobwrapper {
display: table;
width: 100%;
.job {
display: block;
line-height: 1.5;
.result {
float: right;
.result_success {
color: #007f00;
.result_failure {
color: #cf2f19;
.result_unstable {
color: #e39f00;
.queue_good {
color: #888888;
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/** Theming for the progress bars to get them consisten across browers:
referenced from
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/* Needs to be in here for Safari polyfill so background images work as expected. */
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/* Polyfill */
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/** Background color */
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/* Chrome */
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/** Foreground color */
/* IE10 */
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/* Firefox */
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/* Polyfill */
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<script type="text/javascript">header('Zuul');</script>
<div class="container">
<h1> Zuul Status </h1>
<p> Zuul is a pipeline oriented project gating and automation
system. Each of the sections below is a separate pipeline
configured to automate some portion of the testing or
operation of the OpenStack project. For more information, please see
<a href="">the Zuul reference manual.</a>
Queue lengths: <span id="trigger_event_queue_length"></span> events,
<span id="result_event_queue_length"></span> results.
<label for="filter">Filters:</label>
<span class="filter_container">
<input title="project(s) or review(s) separated by comma" type="text" id="filter" />
An embedded 'approved' image.
From the famfamfam "Silk" icon set, Creative Commons Attribution 2.5.
<img class="filter-saved hidden" src="%2BV7SrIM%2BbSss8ySGdR4abQQv6lrui6VxsRonrGCS9VEjSQ9E7CtiqdOZ4UuTqnBHO1X7YXl6Daa4yGq7vWO1D40wVDtj4kWQbn94myPGkCDPdSesczE2sCZShwl8CzcwZ6NiUs6n2nYX99T1cnKqA2EKui6%2BTwphA5k4yqMayopU5mANV3lNQTBdCMVUA9VQh3GuDMHiVcLCS3J4jSLhCGmKCjBEx0xlshjXYhApfMZRP5CyYD%2BUkG08%2Bxt%2B4wLVQZA1tzxthm2tEfD3JxARH7QkbD1ZuozaggdZbxK5kAIsf5qGaKMTY2lAU/rH5HW3PLsEwUYy%2BYCcERmIjJpDcpzb6l7th9KtQ69fi09ePUej9l7cx2DJbD7UrG3r3afQHOyCo%2BV3QQzE35pvQvnAZukk5zL5qRL59jsKbPzdheXoBZc4saFhBS6AO7V4zqCpiawuptwQG%2BUAa7Ct3UT0hh9p9EnXT5Vh6t4C22QaUDh6HwnECOmcO7K%2B6kW49DKqS2DrEZCtfuI%2B9GrNHg4fMHVSO5kE7nAPVkAxKBxcOzsajpS4Yh4ohUPPWKTUh3PaQEptIOr6BiJjcZXCwktaAGfrRIpwblqOV3YKdhfXOIvBLeREWpnd8ynsaSJoyESFphwTtfjN6X1jRO2%2BFxWtCWksqBApeiFIR9K6fiTpPiigDoadqCEag5YUFKl6Yrciw0VOlhOivv/Ff8wtn0KzlebrUYwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg%3D%3D" />
<a href="#" class="save-filter hidden">Save Filter</a>
<label for="expandByDefault">Expand by default:</label>
<span class="expand_by_default_container">
<input type="checkbox" id="expandByDefault" onchange="toggle_expand_by_default(this)"/>
<div class="container">
<div id="message"/>
<div id="pipeline-container">
<p class="loading_message">Loading...</p>
<div class="container" id="graph-container">
<h2> Job Stats </h2>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.graphite.defaults.url = "<%= @graphite_render_url %>";
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
areaMode: 'stacked',
target: [
"color(alias(sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.nodes.building), 'Building'), 'ffbf52')",
"color(alias(sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.nodes.ready), 'Available'), '00c868')",
"color(alias(sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.nodes.used), 'In Use'), '6464ff')",
"color(alias(sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.nodes.delete), 'Deleting'), 'c864ff')",
title: "Test Nodes"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"alias(smartSummarize(sumSeries(stats_counts.zuul.pipeline.*.all_jobs),'1h'),'All Jobs')",
title: "Zuul Jobs Launched (per Hour)"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"alias(smartSummarize(stats_counts.gerrit.event.comment-added, '1h'), 'Comment added')",
"alias(smartSummarize(stats_counts.gerrit.event.patchset-created, '1h'), 'Patchset created')",
"alias(smartSummarize(stats_counts.gerrit.event.change-merged, '1h'), 'Change merged')",
title: "Gerrit Events (per Hour)"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"color(alias(stats.gauges.zuul.geard.queue.running, 'Running'), 'blue')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.zuul.geard.queue.waiting, 'Waiting'), 'red')",
"color(alias(, 'Total Jobs'), '888888')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.zuul.geard.workers, 'Workers'), 'green')",
title: "Zuul Job Queue"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"color(alias(stats.gauges.logstash.geard.queue.running, 'Running'), 'blue')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.logstash.geard.queue.waiting, 'Waiting'), 'red')",
"color(alias(, 'Total Jobs'), '888888')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.logstash.geard.workers, 'Workers'), 'green')",
title: "Logstash Job Queue"
<div class="container" id="zuul_info_container">
<h2>Zuul info</h2>
Zuul version:
<span id="zuul-version"></span>
Last reconfigured:
<span id="last-reconfigured-span"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">footer();</script>