There is a bug, or misfeature, in acme.sh using dns manual mode where it will not renew the certificate when new domains are added to an existing certificate. It appears to generate the TXT record requests correctly, but then when we renew the certificate it thinks it is not time and skips it. This is filed upstream with [1] however we can work around it, and generally be better anyway. For each letsencrypt host, during certificate request we build up the "acme_txt_required" key which is a list of TXT record tuples. Currently we keep the challenge domain in the first entry, which is not useful (all our hosts have the same challenge domain, amce.opendev.org). Modify this to be the certificate key from the host config. To be clear; when a host has letsencrypt_certs: hostname-cert-main: hostname.opendev.org altname.opendev.org hostname-cert-secondary: secondary.opendev.org secondaryalt.opendev.org acme_txt_required when renewing all certs will end up looking like: [ (hostname-cert-main, <txt1>), (hostname-cert-main, <txt2>), (hostname-cert-secondary, <txt3>), (hostname-cert-secondary, <txt3>>) ] In the certificate creation path, we walk "acme_txt_required" and take the unique 0-value entries; this gives us the list of keys in "letsencrypt_certs" which were actually updated. We can then force renewal for these certs, because we know they changed in some way that requires reissuing them (within renewal time, or new domains). This isn't just a work-around, it is generically better too. Previously if any cert on host required an update, we would try to update them all. This would be a no-op; acme.sh would just skip doing anything; but now we don't even have to call into the renewal if we know nothing has changed. [1] https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/2763 Change-Id: I1e82c64217d46d7e1acc0111dff4db2f0062c42a
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# Set to !0 to use letsencrypt staging rather than production requests
if [[ ${LETSENCRYPT_STAGING} != 0 ]]; then
# Ensure we don't write out files as world-readable
umask 027
echo -e "\n--- start --- ${1} --- $(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S%z') ---" >> ${LOG_FILE}
if [[ ${1} == "issue" ]]; then
# Take output like:
# [Thu Feb 14 13:44:37 AEDT 2019] Domain: '_acme-challenge.test.opendev.org'
# [Thu Feb 14 13:44:37 AEDT 2019] TXT value: 'QjkChGcuqD7rl0jN8FNWkWNAISX1Zry_vE-9RxWF2pE'
# and turn it into:
# _acme-challenge.test.opendev.org:QjkChGcuqD7rl0jN8FNWkWNAISX1Zry_vE-9RxWF2pE
# Ansible then parses this back to a dict.
for arg in "$@"; do
--cert-home ${CERT_HOME} \
--no-color \
--yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please \
--issue \
--dns \
--challenge-alias ${CHALLENGE_ALIAS_DOMAIN} \
$arg 2>&1 | tee -a ${LOG_FILE} | \
egrep 'Domain:|TXT value:' | cut -d"'" -f2 | paste -d':' - -
# shell magic ^ is
# - extract everything between ' '
# - stick every two lines together, separated by a :
elif [[ ${1} == "renew" ]]; then
for arg in "$@"; do
# NOTE(ianw) 2020-02-28 : we only set force here because of a
# bug/misfeature in acme.sh dns manual-mode where it does not
# notice that the renewal is required when we update domain
# names in a cert
# (https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/2763).
# This is safe (i.e. will not explode our quota limits by
# constantly renewing) because Ansible only calls this path
# when TXT records have been installed for this certificate;
# i.e. we will never run this renewal unless it is actually
# required.
--cert-home ${CERT_HOME} \
--no-color \
--yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please \
--force \
--renew \
$arg 2>&1 | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}
elif [[ ${1} == "selfsign" ]]; then
# For testing, simulate the key generation
for arg in "$@"; do
# TODO(ianw): Set SAN names from the other "-d" arguments?;
# it's a pita to parse.
read -r -a domain_array <<< "$arg"
mkdir -p ${CERT_HOME}/${domain}
cd ${CERT_HOME}/${domain}
echo "Creating certs in ${CERT_HOME}/${domain}"
# Generate a fake CA key
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
# Create fake CA root certificate
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -sha256 -days 1024 -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/O=opendev" -out ca.cer
# Create key for localhost
openssl genrsa -out ${domain}.key 2048
# Create localhost certificate signing request
openssl req -sha256 -new -key ${domain}.key -out ${domain}.csr -subj '/CN=localhost'
# Create localhost certificate signed by fake CA
openssl x509 -req -CA ca.cer -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial \
-sha256 -days 365 -in ${domain}.csr -out ${domain}.cer
cp ${domain}.cer fullchain.cer
} | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Unknown driver arg: $1"
exit 1
echo "--- end --- $(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S%z') ---" >> ${LOG_FILE}