Newer apt supports phased updates. These updates mean a subset of servers will pull newly available packages. There are potentially good reasons for this like A/B testing and spreading out load for package updates. The problem is that it can create confusing situations when packages are not consistent when we expect them to be. Avoid this confusion by always installing the latest available packages. Change-Id: I995070823bc2456547ba9d2023d3de7e5d9b6810
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- name: Remove Rackspace APT repo
path: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ospc.list
state: absent
register: rax_apt_repo_removed
- name: Remove Rackspace signing key
when: rax_apt_repo_removed.changed
command: apt-key del 4096R/CB1EF1DB
- name: Configure apt retries
mode: 0444
src: 80retry
dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80retry
- name: Disable apt translations
mode: 0444
src: 90no-translations
dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90no-translations
- name: Always install latest packages
mode: 0444
src: 95phased-updates
dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/95phased-updates
- name: Replace sources.list file
src: 'sources.list.{{ ansible_facts.lsb.codename }}.{{ ansible_facts.architecture }}'
dest: /etc/apt/sources.list
notify: Update apt cache
- name: Configure Ubuntu ESM
# Note technically this requires ubuntu-advantage-tools to be installed
# but the above notify to update apt caches won't have run by the time
# we get here. That should be ok because the Xenial nodes have all been
# around long enough to have ua installed.
- name: Get UA status
command: "ua status"
register: uastatus
- name: Attach UA
command: "ua attach --no-auto-enable {{ ubuntu_advantage_token }}"
when: "'This machine is not attached to a UA subscription.' in uastatus.stdout"
no_log: true
- name: Enable ESM
command: "ua enable esm-infra"
when: "'esm-infra yes enabled' not in uastatus.stdout"
- ubuntu_advantage_token is defined
- enable_ubuntu_esm is defined and enable_ubuntu_esm
- ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
- ansible_distribution_release == 'xenial'