This duplicates the behavior of puppet module install for the git clone operations. Puppet module install will use the first element of the modulepath. This makes the git clone operations go into the same directory as the modules installed via the puppet module tool. This helps us downstream because we are moving the directory that holds these modules out of /etc/ and into /opt/. Change-Id: I0c7833a6d9a79fa613efc9daebee916f3192306a
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Executable File
122 lines
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Executable File
# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation.
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
MODULE_PATH=`puppet config print modulepath | cut -d ':' -f 1`
SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
SCRIPT_DIR=$(readlink -f "$(dirname $0)")
function remove_module {
if [ -n "$SHORT_MODULE_NAME" ]; then
echo "ERROR: remove_module requires a SHORT_MODULE_NAME."
# Array of modules to be installed key:value is module:version.
declare -A MODULES
# Array of modues to be installed from source and without dependency resolution.
# key:value is source location, revision to checkout
# Array of modues to be installed from source and without dependency resolution from openstack git
# key:value is source location, revision to checkout
#NOTE: if we previously installed kickstandproject-ntp we nuke it here
# since puppetlabs-ntp and kickstandproject-ntp install to the same dir
if grep kickstandproject-ntp /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/Modulefile &> /dev/null; then
remove_module "ntp"
remove_module "gearman" #remove old saz-gearman
remove_module "limits" # remove saz-limits (required by saz-gearman)
# load modules.env to populate MODULES[*] and SOURCE_MODULES[*]
# for processing.
if [ -f "${MODULE_ENV_PATH}/${MODULE_ENV_FILE}" ] ; then
if [ -z "${!MODULES[*]}" ] && [ -z "${!SOURCE_MODULES[*]}" ] ; then
echo ""
echo "WARNING: nothing to do, unable to find MODULES or SOURCE_MODULES"
echo " export options, try setting MODULE_ENV_PATH or MODULE_ENV_FILE"
echo " export to the proper location of modules.env file."
echo ""
exit 0
MODULE_LIST=`puppet module list --color=false`
# Transition away from old things
if [ -d /etc/puppet/modules/vcsrepo/.git ]; then
rm -rf /etc/puppet/modules/vcsrepo
# Install all the modules
for MOD in ${!MODULES[*]} ; do
# If the module at the current version does not exist upgrade or install it.
if ! echo $MODULE_LIST | grep "$MOD ([^v]*v${MODULES[$MOD]}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# Attempt module upgrade. If that fails try installing the module.
if ! puppet module upgrade $MOD --color=false --version ${MODULES[$MOD]} >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# This will get run in cron, so silence non-error output
puppet module install $MOD --color=false --version ${MODULES[$MOD]} >/dev/null
MODULE_LIST=`puppet module list`
# Make a second pass, just installing modules from source
for MOD in ${!SOURCE_MODULES[*]} ; do
# get the name of the module directory
if [ `echo $MOD | awk -F. '{print $NF}'` = 'git' ]; then
echo "Remote repos of the form repo.git are not supported: ${MOD}"
exit 1
MODULE_NAME=`echo $MOD | awk -F- '{print $NF}'`
# set up git base command to use the correct path
GIT_CMD_BASE="git --git-dir=${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}/.git --work-tree ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}"
# treat any occurrence of the module as a match
if ! echo $MODULE_LIST | grep "${MODULE_NAME}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# clone modules that are not installed
git clone $MOD "${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}"
if [ ! -d ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}/.git ]; then
echo "Found directory ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME} that is not a git repo, deleting it and reinstalling from source"
remove_module $MODULE_NAME
git clone $MOD "${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}"
elif [ `${GIT_CMD_BASE} remote show origin | grep 'Fetch URL' | awk -F'URL: ' '{print $2}'` != $MOD ]; then
echo "Found remote in ${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME} that does not match desired remote ${MOD}, deleting dir and re-cloning"
remove_module $MODULE_NAME
git clone $MOD "${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}"
# fetch the latest refs from the repo
$GIT_CMD_BASE remote update
# make sure the correct revision is installed, I have to use rev-list b/c rev-parse does not work with tags
if [ `${GIT_CMD_BASE} rev-list HEAD --max-count=1` != `${GIT_CMD_BASE} rev-list ${SOURCE_MODULES[$MOD]} --max-count=1` ]; then
# checkout correct revision