Yolanda Robla 80bf9229a2 Add configurable graphite url on zuul status
Add the ability to pass the graphite url by parameter
on zuul status page.

Change-Id: I3252ea2b727e3867136bba3256239bcae409e99e
2015-03-13 18:15:58 +01:00

395 lines
11 KiB

<html xmlns=""
<TITLE>Zuul Status</TITLE>
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.container {
width: 1024px;
label {
font-weight: normal;
#pipeline-container {
margin: 0 auto;
.line {
background-image: url('line.png');
background-repeat: repeat-y;
.pipeline {
float: left;
padding: 4px;
.pipeline > .header {
background: #0000cc;
color: white;
.pipeline > .subhead > .count {
float: right;
margin-right: 1em;
color: #535353;
font-size: 11pt;
.pipeline table {
margin: 0 0 2px 0;
.pipeline table td {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 10px 0;
td.tree {
width: 16px;
height: 100%;
vertical-align: top;
.pipeline table td.change-container {
padding-left: 4px;
.change {
border: 1px solid #95c7db;
padding: 2px;
.change > .header {
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padding: 4px;
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.change > .header > .time {
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.change > .hover {
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.jobwrapper {
display: table;
width: 100%;
.job {
display: block;
line-height: 1.5;
.result {
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.result_success {
color: #007f00;
.result_failure {
color: #cf2f19;
.result_unstable {
color: #e39f00;
.queue_good {
color: #888888;
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referenced from
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/** Foreground color */
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<script type="text/javascript">header('Zuul');</script>
<div class="container">
<h1> Zuul Status </h1>
<p> Zuul is a pipeline oriented project gating and automation
system. Each of the sections below is a separate pipeline
configured to automate some portion of the testing or
operation of the OpenStack project. For more information, please see
<a href="">the Zuul reference manual.</a>
Queue lengths: <span id="trigger_event_queue_length"></span> events,
<span id="result_event_queue_length"></span> results.
<label for="filter">Filters:</label>
<span class="filter_container">
<input title="project(s) or review(s) separated by comma" type="text" id="filter" />
An embedded 'approved' image.
From the famfamfam "Silk" icon set, Creative Commons Attribution 2.5.
<img class="filter-saved hidden" src="%2BV7SrIM%2BbSss8ySGdR4abQQv6lrui6VxsRonrGCS9VEjSQ9E7CtiqdOZ4UuTqnBHO1X7YXl6Daa4yGq7vWO1D40wVDtj4kWQbn94myPGkCDPdSesczE2sCZShwl8CzcwZ6NiUs6n2nYX99T1cnKqA2EKui6%2BTwphA5k4yqMayopU5mANV3lNQTBdCMVUA9VQh3GuDMHiVcLCS3J4jSLhCGmKCjBEx0xlshjXYhApfMZRP5CyYD%2BUkG08%2Bxt%2B4wLVQZA1tzxthm2tEfD3JxARH7QkbD1ZuozaggdZbxK5kAIsf5qGaKMTY2lAU/rH5HW3PLsEwUYy%2BYCcERmIjJpDcpzb6l7th9KtQ69fi09ePUej9l7cx2DJbD7UrG3r3afQHOyCo%2BV3QQzE35pvQvnAZukk5zL5qRL59jsKbPzdheXoBZc4saFhBS6AO7V4zqCpiawuptwQG%2BUAa7Ct3UT0hh9p9EnXT5Vh6t4C22QaUDh6HwnECOmcO7K%2B6kW49DKqS2DrEZCtfuI%2B9GrNHg4fMHVSO5kE7nAPVkAxKBxcOzsajpS4Yh4ohUPPWKTUh3PaQEptIOr6BiJjcZXCwktaAGfrRIpwblqOV3YKdhfXOIvBLeREWpnd8ynsaSJoyESFphwTtfjN6X1jRO2%2BFxWtCWksqBApeiFIR9K6fiTpPiigDoadqCEag5YUFKl6Yrciw0VOlhOivv/Ff8wtn0KzlebrUYwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg%3D%3D" />
<a href="#" class="save-filter hidden">Save Filter</a>
<label for="expandByDefault">Expand by default:</label>
<span class="expand_by_default_container">
<input type="checkbox" id="expandByDefault" onchange="toggle_expand_by_default(this)"/>
<div class="container">
<div id="message"/>
<div id="pipeline-container">
<p class="loading_message">Loading...</p>
<div class="container" id="graph-container">
<h2> Job Stats </h2>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.graphite.defaults.url = "<%= @graphite_render_url %>";
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
areaMode: 'stacked',
target: [
"color(alias(sumSeries(, 'Building'), 'ffbf52')",
"color(alias(sumSeries(, 'Available'), '00c868')",
"color(alias(sumSeries(, 'In Use'), '6464ff')",
"color(alias(sumSeries(, 'Deleting'), 'c864ff')",
title: "Test Nodes"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"alias(summarize(sumSeries(stats_counts.zuul.pipeline.*.all_jobs),'1h'),'All Jobs')",
title: "Zuul Jobs Launched (per Hour)"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"alias(summarize(stats_counts.gerrit.event.comment-added, '1h'), 'Comment added')",
"alias(summarize(stats_counts.gerrit.event.patchset-created, '1h'), 'Patchset created')",
"alias(summarize(stats_counts.gerrit.event.change-merged, '1h'), 'Change merged')",
title: "Gerrit Events (per Hour)"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"color(alias(stats.gauges.zuul.geard.queue.running, 'Running'), 'blue')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.zuul.geard.queue.waiting, 'Waiting'), 'red')",
"color(alias(, 'Total Jobs'), '888888')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.zuul.geard.workers, 'Workers'), 'green')",
title: "Zuul Job Queue"
$("#graph-container").append($(new Image()).addClass('graph').graphite({
from: "-24hours",
width: 334,
height: 180,
bgcolor: 'ffffff',
fgcolor: '000000',
target: [
"color(alias(stats.gauges.logstash.geard.queue.running, 'Running'), 'blue')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.logstash.geard.queue.waiting, 'Waiting'), 'red')",
"color(alias(, 'Total Jobs'), '888888')",
"color(alias(stats.gauges.logstash.geard.workers, 'Workers'), 'green')",
title: "Logstash Job Queue"
<div class="container" id="zuul_info_container">
<h2>Zuul info</h2>
Zuul version:
<span id="zuul-version"></span>
Last reconfigured:
<span id="last-reconfigured-span"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">footer();</script>