This upgrades etherpad to 1.8.14 which will pull in a number of fixes as well as dropped support for IE. Change-Id: If9a85d3b606af700da1ab34f1a893d9c3b5f8416
156 lines
5.3 KiB
156 lines
5.3 KiB
This file must be valid JSON. But comments are allowed
Please edit settings.json, not settings.json.template
// Name your instance!
"title": "{{ etherpad_title }}",
//Ip and port which etherpad should bind at
"ip": "",
"port" : 9001,
// favicon default name
"favicon": "favicon.ico",
// Session Key, used for reconnecting user sessions
// Set this to a secure string at least 10 characters long. Do not share this value.
"sessionKey" : "{{ etherpad_session_key }}",
//The Type of the database. You can choose between dirty, sqlite and mysql
//You should use mysql or sqlite for anything else than testing or development
"dbType" : "mysql",
//the database specific settings
"dbSettings" : {
"user" : "{{ etherpad_db_user }}",
"host" : "localhost",
"password": "{{ etherpad_db_password }}",
"charset" : "utf8mb4",
"database": "etherpad-lite"
//force no skin as default has changed to colibris
"skinName": "no-skin",
//the default text of a pad
"defaultPadText" : "Welcome to OpenDev Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nOpenDev: https://opendev.org\nEtherpad on Github: https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite\n",
* Pad behavior.
* alwaysShowChat and lang have been overridden from defaults.
"padOptions": {
"noColors": false,
"showControls": true,
"showChat": true,
"showLineNumbers": true,
"useMonospaceFont": false,
"userName": false,
"userColor": false,
"rtl": false,
"alwaysShowChat": true,
"chatAndUsers": false,
"lang": "en-us"
/* Users must have a session to access pads. This effectively allows only group pads to be accessed. */
"requireSession" : false,
/* Users may edit pads but not create new ones. Pad creation is only via the API. This applies both to group pads and regular pads. */
"editOnly" : false,
/* if true, all css & js will be minified before sending to the client. This will improve the loading performance massivly,
but makes it impossible to debug the javascript/css */
"minify" : true,
/* How long may clients use served javascript code? Without versioning this
is may cause problems during deployment. */
"maxAge" : 21600000, // 6 hours
/* This is the path to the Abiword executable. Setting it to null, disables abiword.
Abiword is needed to enable the import/export of pads*/
"abiword" : null,
/* This setting is used if you require authentication of all users.
Note: /admin always requires authentication. */
"requireAuthentication": false,
/* Require authorization by a module, or a user with is_admin set, see below. */
"requireAuthorization": false,
* When you use NGINX or another proxy/load-balancer set this to true.
* This is especially necessary when the reverse proxy performs SSL
* termination, otherwise the cookies will not have the "secure" flag.
* The other effect will be that the logs will contain the real client's IP,
* instead of the reverse proxy's IP.
"trustProxy": true,
/* Users for basic authentication. is_admin = true gives access to /admin.
If you do not uncomment this, /admin will not be available! */
"users": {
"admin": {
"password": "changeme1",
"is_admin": true
"user": {
"password": "changeme1",
"is_admin": false
// restrict socket.io transport methods
"socketTransportProtocols" : ["websocket", "xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],
/* The log level we are using, can be: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR */
"loglevel": "INFO",
//Logging configuration. See log4js documentation for further information
// https://github.com/nomiddlename/log4js-node
// You can add as many appenders as you want here:
"logconfig" :
{ "appenders": [
{ "type": "console"
//, "category": "access"// only logs pad access
, { "type": "file"
, "filename": "/var/log/eplite/etherpad-lite.log"
, "maxLogSize": 1024
, "backups": 30 // how many log files there're gonna be at max
//, "category": "test" // only log a specific category
, { "type": "logLevelFilter"
, "level": "warn" // filters out all log messages that have a lower level than "error"
, "appender":
{ Use whatever appender you want here }
, { "type": "logLevelFilter"
, "level": "error" // filters out all log messages that have a lower level than "error"
, "appender":
{ "type": "smtp"
, "subject": "An error occured in your EPL instance!"
, "recipients": "bar@blurdybloop.com, baz@blurdybloop.com"
, "sendInterval": 60*5 // in secs -- will buffer log messages; set to 0 to send a mail for every message
, "transport": "SMTP", "SMTP": { // see https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer#possible-transport-methods
"host": "smtp.example.com", "port": 465,
"secureConnection": true,
"auth": {
"user": "foo@example.com",
"pass": "bar_foo"
] }