The dependent change enables the "detect-ref" option of hound, which looks at the remote origin HEAD and indexes on that. That should allow indexing of our mixed repos that have a mix of "master" and "main". Add cirros to the test, which should exercise this path, and take some screenshosts because this a js/react app and just a "curl" doesn't help. Change-Id: I1850577c63566b594f9730f5b8f0bc10b07ff7e4 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/jeepyb/+/830919
21 lines
551 B
21 lines
551 B
- project: opendev/system-config
use-storyboard: true
- openstack-ci
description: System configuration for OpenStack Infrastructure
- project: openstack/project-config
use-storyboard: true
- openstack-ci
description: Configuration files for project CI systems
- project: zuul/zuul
use-storyboard: true
- zuul
description: The Gatekeeper, or a project gating system
- project: cirros/cirros
use-storyboard: false
- openstack-ci
description: Cirros uses "main" instead of "master"