
1266 lines
55 KiB

- project: openstack-attic/database-api
- project: openstack-attic/melange
- project: openstack-attic/openstack-chef
- project: openstack-attic/openstack-qa
- project: openstack-attic/python-melangeclient
- project: openstack-dev/bashate
description: A pep8 equivalent for bash scripts
- project: openstack-dev/cookiecutter
description: Cookiecutter Template for new OpenStack projects
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-dev/devstack
- direct-release
- project: openstack-dev/devstack-vagrant
description: Vagrant scripts to build local devstack environments
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-dev/grenade
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack upgrade testing tool
- project: openstack-dev/hacking
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Hacking Style Checks
- project: openstack-dev/heat-cfnclient
description: CloudFormation compatibile Heat client
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-dev/openstack-nose
- project: openstack-dev/oslo-cookiecutter
description: Cookiecutter Template for new Oslo libraries
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-dev/pbr
upstream: git://
description: Python Build Reasonableness
- project: openstack-dev/sandbox
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-dev/specs-cookiecutter
upstream: git://
description: Cookiecutter templates for new specs repos
- project: openstack-infra/activity-board
description: Tech community metrics dash of the OpenStack community based on the Metrics Grimoire toolset
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/askbot-theme
group: openstack-ci
description: Theme for
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/bugdaystats
group: openstack-ci
description: Tool to produce static HTML that shows progress during a Bug Day
upstream: git://
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/config
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/devstack-gate
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/elastic-recheck
group: openstack-ci
upstream: git://
description: Classify tempest-devstack failures using ElasticSearch
- project: openstack-infra/gear
group: openstack-ci
description: Pure-Python asynchronous interface to Gearman
- project: openstack-infra/gearman-plugin
description: The jenkins gearman plugin
- project: openstack-infra/gerrit
group: openstack-ci
description: Fork of Gerrit used by OpenStack
upstream-prefix: upstream
- track-upstream
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/gerrit-powered-agenda
description: Replace meetings wiki with YAML files that use Gerrit and Jenkins to create iCal files
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/gerritbot
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/gerritlib
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/git-review
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/gitdm
group: openstack-ci
description: A fork of Jonathan Corbet's gitdm for OpenStack
upstream: git://
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/groups
description: OpenStack Groups community portal
upstream: git://
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-infra/groups-static-pages
description: Community portal static pages
upstream: git://
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-infra/infra-manual
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/infra-specs
group: openstack-ci
description: OpenStack Infrastructure Blueprint Repository
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-infra/jeepyb
group: openstack-ci
upstream: git://
description: Gerrit Project Builder Tools
- project: openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/lodgeit
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/meetbot
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/nodepool
group: openstack-ci
description: Manage a pool of nodes for a distributed test infrastructure
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-infra/nose-html-output
group: openstack-ci
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/odsreg
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Design Summit session management system
- project: openstack-infra/openstackid
description: Authentication system for the OpenStack Foundation site
group: openstack-org
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/os-loganalyze
group: openstack-ci
description: log analyzer tools for
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/publications
group: openstack-ci
description: OpenStack Infra Team conference presentations and papers
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-apparmor
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard
description: Puppet module to deploy storyboard
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-vcsrepo
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-vinz
description: Puppet module to deploy vinz
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-yum
group: openstack-ci
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-zuul
description: Puppet module to install and configure zuul
group: openstack-ci
- project: openstack-infra/pypi-mirror
group: openstack-ci
upstream: git://
description: PyPI mirror builder
- project: openstack-infra/release-tools
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Release Tools
- project: openstack-infra/releasestatus
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Release Status page generator
- project: openstack-infra/reviewday
group: openstack-ci
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack code review report generator
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/reviewstats
description: Scripts for generating OpenStack development community statistics
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/statusbot
group: openstack-ci
description: Infrastructure status update IRC bot
- direct-release
- project: openstack-infra/storyboard
upstream: git://
use-storyboard: true
description: OpenStack Task Tracking API
- project: openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack-infra/storyboard.config
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Task Tracking Browser Client
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-infra/subunit2sql
description: Tooling for converting subunit streams into a SQL DB
- project: openstack-infra/tripleo-ci
description: CI for the tripleo project
- project: openstack-infra/vinz
use-storyboard: true
description: Standalone UI replacement for Gerrit API
- project: openstack-infra/vinz-webclient
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack-infra/vinz.config
description: Standalone UI replacment for Gerrit
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-infra/zmq-event-publisher
group: openstack-ci
description: Jenkins plugin to publish build events via ZMQ PUB SUB.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/zuul
group: openstack-ci
use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack-infra/zuul-packaging
group: openstack-ci
upstream: git://
description: Zuul packaging
- project: openstack/api-site
group: openstack-api-site
- direct-release
- project: openstack/barbican
description: Barbican is a ReST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning and management of secrets, including in OpenStack environments.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/barbican-specs
description: Blueprints for the barbican project
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/ceilometer
- project: openstack/ceilometer-specs
group: ceilometer
- project: openstack/cinder
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/cinder-specs
group: cinder
- project: openstack/cliff
description: Command Line Interface Formulation Framework
group: python-cliff
- project: openstack/compute-api
group: openstack-api-site
- direct-release
- project: openstack/designate
- project: openstack/designate-specs
- project: openstack/dib-utils
description: Pieces of diskimage-builder that are useful without the full project
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/diskimage-builder
description: Image building tools for OpenStack
- project: openstack/django_openstack_auth
group: django-openstack-auth
description: A Django authentication backend for use with the OpenStack Keystone Identity backend.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/docs-specs
group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/gantt
description: Common scheduler for OpenStack.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/glance
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/glance-specs
- project: openstack/
description: Glance stores library
group: glance
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/python-glanceclient.config
- project: openstack/governance
description: OpenStack Technical Committee Decisions
- project: openstack/heat
- project: openstack/heat-cfntools
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/heat-specs
group: heat
- project: openstack/heat-templates
- project: openstack/horizon
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/identity-api
group: openstack-api-site
- direct-release
- project: openstack/image-api
group: openstack-api-site
- direct-release
- project: openstack/ironic
description: A service for managing and provisioning Bare Metal servers.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/ironic-python-agent
description: A python agent for provisioning and deprovisioning Bare Metal servers.
upstream: git://
group: ironic
- project: openstack/ironic-specs
group: ironic
- project: openstack/keystone
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/keystone-specs
group: keystone
- project: openstack/keystonemiddleware
description: OpenStack Identity (Keystone) Middleware
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/marconi
- project: openstack/marconi-specs
group: marconi
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/netconn-api
group: openstack-api-site
- direct-release
- project: openstack/neutron
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/neutron-specs
group: neutron
- project: openstack/nova
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/nova-specs
group: nova
- project: openstack/object-api
group: openstack-api-site
- direct-release
- project: openstack/openstack
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/openstack-doc-tools
group: openstack-manuals
description: Tools used by OpenStack Documentation
upstream: git://
- direct-release
- project: openstack/openstack-manuals
- direct-release
- project: openstack/openstack-planet
- project: openstack/openstack-security-notes
description: OpenStack Security Notes (OSSN)
- project: openstack/operations-guide
group: openstack-manuals
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Operations Guide
- direct-release
- project: openstack/os-apply-config
description: Apply configuration from cloud metadata.
- project: openstack/os-cloud-config
description: Configure a cloud
- project: openstack/os-collect-config
description: Collect and cache metadata, run hooks on changes.
- project: openstack/os-refresh-config
description: Restart services and coordinate data migration on Heat config changes.
- project: openstack/oslo-incubator
group: oslo
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
description: Part of OpenStack's Oslo project. New Oslo APIs go through an incubation phase in this repository before being released as part of a proper Python library.
- project: openstack/oslo-specs
group: oslo
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/oslo.config
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/oslo.db
description: OpenStack Common DB Code
group: oslo
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/oslo.i18n
description: Internationalization and translation library.
group: oslo
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/oslo.messaging
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/oslo.middleware
description: OpenStack middleware library
group: oslo
- project: openstack/oslo.rootwrap
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/oslo.serialization
group: oslo
- project: openstack/oslo.utils
group: oslo
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/oslo.version
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/oslo.vmware
group: oslo
description: Oslo VMware library for OpenStack projects
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/oslosphinx
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
description: Theme and utilities for Sphinx documentation tool
- project: openstack/oslotest
description: OpenStack test classes
group: oslo
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/pycadf
description: CADF Python module
- project: openstack/python-barbicanclient
description: Client library for Barbican API.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/python-ceilometerclient
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/python-cinderclient
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/python-designateclient
- project: openstack/python-ganttclient
description: Client code for the common scheduler for OpenStack.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/gantt.config
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/python-glanceclient
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/python-heatclient
- project: openstack/python-ironicclient
description: A python client implementing the Ironic API.
- project: openstack/python-keystoneclient
- project: openstack/python-marconiclient
- project: openstack/python-neutronclient
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/python-novaclient
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/python-openstackclient
- project: openstack/python-saharaclient
description: Python bindings and CLI for Sahara.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/sahara.config
- project: openstack/python-swiftclient
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/python-troveclient
- project: openstack/python-tuskarclient
description: Python bindings and CLI to Tuskar.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/qa-specs
group: tempest
- project: openstack/requirements
- project: openstack/sahara
description: Sahara aims to provide users with simple means to provision a Hadoop cluster by specifying several parameters like Hadoop version, cluster topology, nodes hardware details and a few more.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/sahara.config
- project: openstack/sahara-dashboard
group: sahara
description: Sahara Horizon plugin.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/sahara.config
- project: openstack/sahara-extra
group: sahara
description: Repo for sahara-related utils.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/sahara.config
- project: openstack/sahara-image-elements
group: sahara
description: Disk image elements for Sahara
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/sahara.config
- project: openstack/sahara-specs
group: sahara
- project: openstack/security-doc
description: Documentation work from the OpenStack Security Group (OSSG)
group: openstack-manuals
- direct-release
- project: openstack/stevedore
group: python-stevedore
description: Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
- project: openstack/swift
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/swift-bench
description: Benchmarking tool for OpenStack Swift
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/swift-specs
group: swift
- project: openstack/taskflow
description: A library to complete workflows/tasks in HA manner
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/tempest
- direct-release
- project: openstack/training-guides
description: Community created, open source training guides for OpenStack.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/tripleo-heat-templates
group: tripleo
description: Heat templates for deploying OpenStack
- project: openstack/tripleo-image-elements
group: tripleo
description: Disk image elements for deployment images of OpenStack
- project: openstack/tripleo-incubator
group: tripleo
description: The TripleO incubator where unformed things are experimented with.
- direct-release
- project: openstack/tripleo-specs
group: tripleo
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/trove
- project: openstack/trove-integration
- project: openstack/tuskar
description: A service for managing OpenStack deployments
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/tuskar-ui
description: The UI component for Tuskar
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/volume-api
group: openstack-api-site
- direct-release
- project: stackforge-attic/murano-common
- project: stackforge-attic/murano-conductor
- project: stackforge-attic/murano-metadataclient
- project: stackforge-attic/murano-repository
- project: stackforge-attic/murano-tests
- project: stackforge/anvil
description: A set of python scripts and utilities to forge raw openstack into a productive tool!
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/aviator
description: An OpenStack client library for Ruby
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/billingstack
upstream: git://
description: Billing software
- project: stackforge/bindep
description: Binary dependency automation
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/blazar
description: Reservation Service for OpenStack
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/blazar.config
- project: stackforge/blazar-nova
description: Specific Nova part of the Blazar Reservation Service for OpenStack
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/blazar.config
- project: stackforge/bufunfa
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/cachemonkey
description: Image pre-caching controller service
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/cl-openstack-client
description: Common Lisp OpenStack client libraries
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/cloudcafe
description: OpenStack based test automation framework. Based on OpenCAFE engine
- project: stackforge/clouddocs-maven-plugin
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/cloudkitty
description: OpenStack Billing and Usage Reporter
- project: stackforge/cloudroast
description: Automated Test Case Repository for OpenStack. Based on CloudCAFE.
- project: stackforge/compass-adapters
group: compass
description: Compass adapter related code and data (chef, cobbler, etc)
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/compass.config
- project: stackforge/compass-core
group: compass
description: Automating Distributed System Deployment to Baremetal Resources
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/compass.config
- project: stackforge/compass-monit
group: compass
description: Compass related monitoring
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/compass.config
- project: stackforge/compass-web
group: compass
description: A web-based UI consuming the Restful API service provided by Compass
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/compass.config
- project: stackforge/congress
description: Congress
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/congress.config
- project: stackforge/congress-specs
description: Congress Design Specifications
- project: stackforge/cookbook-ceph
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - Ceph
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-monasca-agent
description: Chef Cookbook - Monasca Agent
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-monasca-api
description: Chef Cookbook - Monasca REST API
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-monasca-notification
description: Chef Cookbook - Monasca Notification Engine
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-monasca-persister
description: Chef Cookbook - Monasca Database Persister
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-monasca-thresh
description: Chef Cookbook - Monasca Thresholding Engine
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-block-storage
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Block Storage
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-client
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack client Resources
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - common OpenStack configuration
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Compute
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-dashboard
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Dashboard
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-data-processing
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Data Processing Service
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-database
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Database as a Service
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-identity
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Identity
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-image
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Image
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-integration-test
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Integration Testing
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Network
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-object-storage
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Object Storage
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-ops-database
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - Support Cookbook for Database
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
upstream: git://
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-ops-messaging
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - Support Cookbook for Messaging
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
upstream: git://
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-orchestration
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Orchestration
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-telemetry
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Telemetry
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/doc8
description: Style checker for sphinx (or other) rst documentation.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/driverlog
description: Vendor drivers for OpenStack
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/ec2-api
description: AWS EC2 and VPC API support in standalone service for OpenStack. At first uses nova's EC2 API for non-VPC functionality. Later it'll be transferred here out of nova.
- project: stackforge/entropy
description: A framework for Audit/Repair scripts for openstack
- project: stackforge/freezer
description: OpenStack Swift incremental backup and restore automation tool for file system, MongoDB, MySQL. LVM snapshot and encryption support.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/fuel-astute
group: fuel
description: Fuel orchestrator
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-devops
group: fuel
description: Fuel DevOps tools for managing virtual environments
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-docs
group: fuel
description: Fuel Documentation
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-library
group: fuel
description: Fuel Library
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-main
group: fuel
description: Fuel is the control plane for installing and managing OpenStack. It is capable of doing bare metal provisioning of physical nodes, installing OpenStack on them, and much more.
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-ostf
group: fuel
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-ostf-plugin
group: fuel
description: Obsolete repo, please, take a look at fuel-ostf
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-provision
group: fuel
description: Fuel provisioning system.
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-specs
group: fuel
description: Fuel designs and specs
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/fuel-web
group: fuel
description: Fuel UI
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
- project: stackforge/gce-api
description: Google Compute Engine API support for OpenStack
- project: stackforge/gerrit-dash-creator
description: Client side gerrit dashboard creator from server side definitions
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/gertty
description: Console interface to Gerrit Code Review
use-storyboard: true
- project: stackforge/git-upstream
description: Staying close to latest from OpenStack through git-upstream
- project: stackforge/gnocchi
description: A time series storage and resources index service.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/golang-client
description: OpenStack API client for golang
- project: stackforge/graffiti
description: Cloud Capability Service
- project: stackforge/healthnmon
description: Healthnmon aims to deliver 'Cloud Resource Monitor', an extensible service to OpenStack Cloud Operating system by providing monitoring service for Cloud Resources and Infrastructure with a pluggable framework for 'Inventory Management', 'Alerts and notifications' and 'Utilization Data.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/heat-translator
description: Translate non-heat templates to Heat Orchestration Template.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/inception
description: Inception Cloud Project
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/kickstack
description: Rapid OpenStack deployment with puppet-dashboard, The Foreman, or any other Puppet ENC
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/kite
description: A service for managing and distributing message encryption keys.
- project: stackforge/kwapi
description: Energy Efficiency Monitoring
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/libra
- project: stackforge/logaas
description: "Logging as a Service for OpenStack"
- project: stackforge/magnetodb
description: Key-value database service for OpenStack cloud.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/manila
description: Shared filesystem management project for OpenStack.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/milk
description: ETC cloud API framework project
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/mistral
description: Task orchestration service for OpenStack cloud.
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/mistral.config
- project: stackforge/mistral-dashboard
description: Mistral Horizon plugin.
group: mistral
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/mistral.config
- project: stackforge/mistral-extra
description: Additional tools and examples for Mistral workflow engine.
group: mistral
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/mistral.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-agent
description: Agent for Monasca
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-api
description: Monasca REST API
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-ceilometer
description: Integration between Monasca and Ceilometer
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-common
description: Monasca common classes
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-notification
description: Notification Engine for Monasca
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-persister
description: Monasca Database Persister
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-thresh
description: Monasca Thresholding Engine
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-ui
description: Horizon UI for Monasca
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/monasca-vagrant
description: Vagrant test environment for Monasca
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/MRaaS
- project: stackforge/murano
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/murano-agent
group: murano
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-apps
group: murano
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-dashboard
group: murano
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-deployment
group: murano
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-docs
group: murano
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/nova-docker
description: Docker driver for OpenStack Nova
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/nova-solver-scheduler
description: Nova scheduler driver for constraints-based scheduling
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/novaimagebuilder
description: Image building tool for OpenStack.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/occi-os
description: OCCI-OS provides a python egg which can be easily deployed in OpenStack and will thereby add OCCI support and interface to OpenStack.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/octavia
description: An operator-grade reference implementation for Load Balancing as a Service (LBaaS)
- project: stackforge/opencafe
description: Common Automation Framework Engine. Core driver for CloudCAFE
- project: stackforge/openstack-chef-repo
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Example Chef Repo that sets up an OpenStack Deployment
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/openstack-chef-specs
group: openstack-chef
docimpact-group: openstack-chef
description: Openstack Chef Blueprint specs
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- direct-release
- project: stackforge/openstack-cli-powershell
description: Powershell environment for Openstack
- project: stackforge/openstack-sdk-dotnet
description: OpenStack SDK for .Net
- project: stackforge/openstack-sdk-php
description: OpenStack SDK for PHP
- project: stackforge/openstackdroid
description: Openstackdroid is an Android application to access Openstack clouds
- project: stackforge/openvz-nova-driver
description: OpenVz driver for Nova
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/osprofiler
description: OpenStack cross service/project profiler
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/ospurge
description: Cleanup OpenStack project resources.
- project: stackforge/packstack
description: Install utility to deploy openstack on multiple hosts.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/pecan
description: A WSGI object-dispatching web framework, designed to be lean and fast with few dependencies.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/powervc-driver
description: A set of drivers and utilities to integrate PowerVC into OpenStack.
- project: stackforge/puppet-ceilometer
description: OpenStack Ceilometer Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-ceph
description: Ceph Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-ceph.config
- project: stackforge/puppet-cinder
description: OpenStack Cinder Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-designate
description: StackForge Designate Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-glance
description: OpenStack Glance Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-heat
description: OpenStack Heat Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-horizon
description: OpenStack Horizon Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-ironic
description: OpenStack Ironic Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-keystone
description: OpenStack Keystone Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-neutron
description: OpenStack Neutron Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-nova
description: OpenStack Nova Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-openstack
description: OpenStack Examples Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-openstack-specs
description: Puppet for OpenStack Design Specifications
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-openstacklib
group: puppet-openstack
description: Module for Common Puppet OpenStack Dependencies
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
- project: stackforge/puppet-openstack_dev_env
group: puppet-openstack
description: OpenStack Puppet Dev Environment
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-openstack_extras
group: puppet-openstack
description: Helper classes that utilize the core Puppet Openstack modules
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
- project: stackforge/puppet-sahara
group: sahara
description: Sahara Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/sahara.config
- project: stackforge/puppet-swift
description: OpenStack Swift Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-tempest
description: OpenStack Tempest Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-trove
description: OpenStack Trove Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-vswitch
description: Puppet provider for virtual switches.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet_openstack_builder
upstream: git://
description: Data model for deploying multiple openstack reference architectures
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
- project: stackforge/pyghmi
description: A Pure python IPMI library
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/python-blazarclient
description: Client for OpenStack Blazar
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/blazar.config
- project: stackforge/python-congressclient
description: Client for OpenStack Congress
- project: stackforge/python-jenkins
upstream: git://
description: Python API for managing jobs and nodes in a Jenkins CI instance
- project: stackforge/python-kiteclient
description: Python bindings to Kite.
- project: stackforge/python-libraclient
- project: stackforge/python-magnetodbclient
description: Python client for MagnetoDB, the key-value database service for OpenStack cloud.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/python-manilaclient
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/python-mistralclient
description: Python client for Mistral REST API.
group: mistral
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/mistral.config
- project: stackforge/python-monascaclient
description: Python client for Monasca REST API.
group: monasca
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/monasca.config
- project: stackforge/python-muranoclient
group: murano
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/python-openstacksdk
description: 'Unified SDK for OpenStack. See:'
- project: stackforge/python-opentsdbclient
description: A simple REST client to communicate with OpenTSDB (needed for Gnocchi to use OpenTSDB as a backend)
- project: stackforge/python-rallyclient
group: rally
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/rally.config
- project: stackforge/python-solumclient
description: 'Client library to Solum API. See:'
- project: stackforge/python-surveilclient
- project: stackforge/python-tackerclient
group: tacker
- project: stackforge/rack
description: Provides the ability that can control OpenStack as program resource with an application. It enables you to implement a large scale distributed system in a variety of programming languages on OpenStack.
- project: stackforge/rally
description: Benchmark System for OpenStack
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/refstack
description: Vendor-facing API for registration of interop-compliance
upstream: git://
use-storyboard: true
- project: stackforge/refstack-client
description: Testing and result upload client for refstack
upstream: git://
use-storyboard: true
- project: stackforge/requests-mock
description: Mocked responses for the requests library
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/rubick
description: Rule-based diagnostics of configuration of OpenStack platform
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/sahara-ci-config
description: Sahara-ci 3rd party testing configs (jjb, zuul, etc.)
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/sahara-ci-config.config
- project: stackforge/sahara-guestagent
description: Guest agent for Sahara project
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/sahara-guestagent.config
- project: stackforge/satori
description: Configuration Discovery
- project: stackforge/solum
description: 'An OpenStack related project designed to make cloud services easier to consume and integrate into your application development process. See:'
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/solum-dashboard
description: 'Horizon plugin for Solum. See:'
- project: stackforge/solum-infra-guestagent
description: 'Guest agent for Solum. See:'
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/solum-specs
description: 'Solum Design Specifications'
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi
description: Sphinx extension that generates documentation for api-site from RST files.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/sqlalchemy-migrate
description: Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/staccato
description: VM Image Transfer Service
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/stackalytics
description: OpenStack analytics dashboard
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/stacktach
description: Event-based Debugging, Monitoring and Billing solution for OpenStack.
- project: stackforge/surveil
description: Monitoring as a Service for OpenStack
- project: stackforge/surveil-specs
- project: stackforge/swift-ceph-backend
description: Ceph backend for Swift
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/swift3
description: Swift3 Middleware for OpenStack Swift, allowing access to OpenStack swift via the Amazon S3 API.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/swiftsync
description: "Swift mass syncronizer"
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/swiftsync.config
- project: stackforge/tacker
description: "tacker: specifications a servicevm/device life cycle manager. See"
- project: stackforge/tacker-specs
group: tacker
- project: stackforge/tomograph
description: "Library to help distributed applications send trace information to metrics backends like Zipkin and Statsd."
- project: stackforge/tooz
description: Coordinate distributed systems.
- project: stackforge/turbo-hipster
group: turbo-hipster
docimpact-group: turbo-hipster
description: A generic zuul worker using the gearman protocol.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/warm
description: Provides the ability to deploy OpenStack resources from Yaml templates.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/wsme
description: Web Service Made Easy (WSME) simplify the writing of REST web services by providing simple yet powerful typing which removes the need to directly manipulate the request and the response objects.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/xenapi-os-testing
description: Scripts to enable running of tempest tests in a nested Xen instance
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/xstatic-angular
description: Angular JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-angular-cookies
description: Angular-Cookies JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-angular-mock
description: Angular-Mock JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker
description: Bootstrap-Datepicker JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-bootstrap-scss
description: Bootstrap SCSS library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-d3
description: D3 JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-hogan
description: Hogan JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-jasmine
description: Jasmine JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-jquery-migrate
description: Migrate jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-jquery.bootstrap.wizard
description: Bootstrap.Wizard jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-jquery.quicksearch
description: Quicksearch jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-jquery.tablesorter
description: Tablesorter jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-jsencrypt
description: JSEncrypt JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-qunit
description: QUnit JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-rickshaw
description: Rickshaw JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/xstatic-spin
description: Spin JavaScript library packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config