This started with me wondering why gerritbot was putting all its output into /var/log/syslog -- it turns out Xenial docker is configured to use journalctl (which forwards to syslog) and Bionic onwards uses json-file. Both are sub-optimial; but particularly the json-file because we lose the logs when the container dies. This proposes moving to a more standard model of having the containers log to syslog and redirecting that to files on disk. Install a rsyslog configuration to capture "docker-*" program names and put them into logfiles in /var/log/containers. Also install rotation for these files. In an initial group of docker-compose files, setup logging to syslog which should then be captured into these files. Add some basic testing. If this works OK, I think we can standardise our docker-compose files like this to caputure the logs the same everywhere. Change-Id: I940a5b05057e832e2efad79d9a2ed5325020ed0c
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# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
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# under the License.
testinfra_hosts = ['eavesdrop01.openstack.org']
def test_eavesdrop(host):
rules = host.iptables.rules()
rules = [x.strip() for x in rules]
web = ('-A openstack-INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW'
' -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT')
assert web in rules
def test_gerritbot_logs(host):
log_file = host.file('/var/log/containers/docker-gerritbot.log')
# A simple check that docker-compose and our container did something
# We expect auth to fail so check that it did
assert log_file.contains("Authentication (publickey) failed")
def test_gerritbot_running(host):
# Check that the container hasn't stopped
cmd = host.run("docker ps -a")
assert 'gerritbot-docker_gerritbot_1' in cmd.stdout
assert 'Up ' in cmd.stdout