Add a mapping of gerrit projects to the right place to create DocImpact bugs. Change-Id: Ic64e911b3e095dcd06b726f584a2b389e30ee24b
25 lines
913 B
25 lines
913 B
# This file is used by the notify_impact jeepyb plugin to control the bugs it
# create.
# Please keep these structures in alphabetical order.
# For automatically created DocImpact bugs, there are two structures here. The
# author_map maps email addresses of authors to "groups". These groups can be
# anything you want, although the most likely example is a dev team at a
# particular company. The second structure is "subscriber_map", which lists
# the people to subscribe to a bug owned by a particular group.
joshua.hesketh@rackspace.com: rcbau
lana.brindley@rackspace.com: rcbau
matt@oliver.net.au: rcbau
matthew.oliver@rackspace.com: rcbau
michael.davies@rackspace.com: rcbau
michael.still@rackspace.com: rcbau
michael@the-davies.net: rcbau
mikal@stillhq.com: rcbau
openstack@lanabrindley.com: rcbau
rcbau: ['loquacity', 'mikalstill']