We may see an archive with ".checkpoint" on the end, as described in [1]; the short version is this that borg stamps this every 30 minutes and may appear if a long backup is interrupted. Skip this when making the list of archives to prune. We noticed this on wiki-test; for clarity the list of archives looks like ... wiki-upgrade-test-filesystem-2021-02-16T02:56:09.checkpoint Tue, 2021-02-16 02:56:11 [c444a0765e5791f3f68f08624d1efd80bf8a3ebc96bb225f08e4013befa2b460] wiki-upgrade-test-filesystem-2021-02-16T17:45:04 Tue, 2021-02-16 17:45:06 [b901b55ac3bf9abecba024caebad5ba7cd1a966e3f00b366f6cff45feba7bdff] wiki-upgrade-test-mysql-2021-02-16T18:35:09 Tue, 2021-02-16 18:35:11 [1d38cd3b4b1b3927b543e4ccc6c794cd3a513a70979ff025bbf303e1fe5e490f] wiki-upgrade-test-filesystem-2021-02-17T17:45:05 Wed, 2021-02-17 17:45:07 [f665e275c0014a21b82efaece5d36525a4ce6cb423253d5bd0b1323b230fa53a] ... [1] https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq.html#if-a-backup-stops-mid-way-does-the-already-backed-up-data-stay-there Change-Id: Ia33f46305ef8f541efb7c7150d4bb2e977b01d46
Setup backup server
This role configures backup server(s) in the
group to accept backups from remote
Note that the borg-backup
role must have run on each
host in the borg-backup
group before this role. That role
will create a borg_user
tuple in the hostvars for for each
host consisting of the required username and public key.
Each required user gets a separate home directory in
. Their authorized_keys
file is
configured with the public key to allow the remote host to log in and
only run borg
in server mode.
Role Variables