This adds upgrade testing from our current Gerrit version (3.5) to the likely future version of our next upgrade (3.6). To do so we have to refactor the gerrit testing becase the 3.5 to 3.6 upgrade requires we run a command against 3.5. The previous upgrade system assumed the old version could be left alone and jumped straight into the upgrade finally testing the end state. Now we have split up the gerrit bootstrapping and gerrit testing so that normal gerrit testing and upgrade testing can run these different tasks at different points in the gerrit deployment process. Now the upgrade tests use the bootstrapping playbook to create users, projects, and changes on the old version of gerrit before running the copy-approvals command. Then after the upgrade we run the test assertion portion of the job. Change-Id: Id58b27e6f717f794a8ef7a048eec7fbb3bc52af6
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# Note this playbook is in the zuul/ dir because it is very test specific
# currently. We could potentially rewrite things so that this can be used
# in production but it isn't currently ready for that.
# In particular it bootstraps users and test changes assuming a test env.
- name: Ensure initial gerrit state
import_playbook: ../service-review.yaml
gerrit_container_image: docker.io/opendevorg/gerrit:3.5
- hosts: "review:!disabled"
name: "Wait for gerrit to be up and running"
- name: Pause for a few seconds to give gerrit time to start
timeout: 30
- name: Bootstrap gerrit to be semi useable
# This is necessary to perform actions on the old side pre upgrade
import_playbook: ./bootstrap-test-review.yaml
- hosts: "review:!disabled"
name: "Prepare Gerrit for Upgrade"
- name: Run gerrit sticky approvals migration command
cmd: |
ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_25519 -p 29418 admin@localhost \
gerrit copy-approvals -v
- name: Stop gerrit before we upgrade
cmd: docker-compose down
chdir: /etc/gerrit-compose/
- name: Backup config files
- name: Find .config files
paths: /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc
patterns: '*.config'
register: _config_files
- name: 'Backup config file'
src: '{{ item }}'
dest: '{{ item }}.pre-upgrade'
remote_src: true
loop: "{{ _config_files.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
- name: Perform gerrit upgrade
import_playbook: ../service-review.yaml
gerrit_container_image: docker.io/opendevorg/gerrit:3.6
gerrit_run_init: true
- hosts: "review:!disabled"
name: "Post upgrade config check"
- name: Diff config files
shell: |
diff -u {{ item }}.pre-upgrade {{ item }} | tee {{ item }}.diff
loop: "{{ _config_files.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
register: _diff_output
- name: Check diffs
msg: 'Difference detected in file {{ item.item }} '
when: item.rc != 0
loop: '{{ _diff_output.results }}'