Not updating the gerrit git links thing, because that needs to be a wider patch that updates the link syntax too. Change-Id: I98013ba79e707540879e0cf2849a35c52f3371e8
520 lines
15 KiB
520 lines
15 KiB
# == Class: openstack_project::static
class openstack_project::static (
$swift_authurl = '',
$swift_user = '',
$swift_key = '',
$swift_tenant_name = '',
$swift_region_name = '',
$swift_default_container = '',
$project_config_repo = '',
$ssl_cert_file = '',
$ssl_cert_file_contents = '',
$ssl_key_file = '',
$ssl_key_file_contents = '',
$ssl_chain_file = '',
$ssl_chain_file_contents = '',
$jenkins_gitfullname = 'OpenStack Jenkins',
$jenkins_gitemail = 'jenkins@openstack.org',
) {
class { 'project_config':
url => $project_config_repo,
include openstack_project
class { 'jenkins::jenkinsuser':
ssh_key => $openstack_project::jenkins_ssh_key,
gitfullname => $jenkins_gitfullname,
gitemail => $jenkins_gitemail,
# This will try to index our millions of logs and docs by default
# and cause all sorts of IO and disk-usage issues.
package { 'mlocate':
ensure => absent,
include ::httpd
include ::httpd::mod::wsgi
if ! defined(Httpd::Mod['rewrite']) {
httpd::mod { 'rewrite':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(Httpd::Mod['proxy']) {
httpd::mod { 'proxy':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(Httpd::Mod['proxy_http']) {
httpd::mod { 'proxy_http':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(Httpd::Mod['alias']) {
httpd::mod { 'alias': ensure => present }
if ! defined(Httpd::Mod['headers']) {
httpd::mod { 'headers': ensure => present }
if ! defined(File['/srv/static']) {
file { '/srv/static':
ensure => directory,
file { '/etc/ssl/certs':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
file { '/etc/ssl/private':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
# To use the standard ssl-certs package snakeoil certificate, leave both
# $ssl_cert_file and $ssl_cert_file_contents empty. To use an existing
# certificate, specify its path for $ssl_cert_file and leave
# $ssl_cert_file_contents empty. To manage the certificate with puppet,
# provide $ssl_cert_file_contents and optionally specify the path to use for
# it in $ssl_cert_file.
if ($ssl_cert_file == '') and ($ssl_cert_file_contents == '') {
$cert_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem'
} else {
if $ssl_cert_file == '' {
$cert_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/${::fqdn}.pem"
} else {
$cert_file = $ssl_cert_file
if $ssl_cert_file_contents != '' {
file { $cert_file:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => $ssl_cert_file_contents,
require => File['/etc/ssl/certs'],
# To use the standard ssl-certs package snakeoil key, leave both
# $ssl_key_file and $ssl_key_file_contents empty. To use an existing key,
# specify its path for $ssl_key_file and leave $ssl_key_file_contents empty.
# To manage the key with puppet, provide $ssl_key_file_contents and
# optionally specify the path to use for it in $ssl_key_file.
if ($ssl_key_file == '') and ($ssl_key_file_contents == '') {
$key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key'
} else {
if $ssl_key_file == '' {
$key_file = "/etc/ssl/private/${::fqdn}.key"
} else {
$key_file = $ssl_key_file
if $ssl_key_file_contents != '' {
file { $key_file:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0600',
content => $ssl_key_file_contents,
require => File['/etc/ssl/private'],
# To avoid using an intermediate certificate chain, leave both
# $ssl_chain_file and $ssl_chain_file_contents empty. To use an existing
# chain, specify its path for $ssl_chain_file and leave
# $ssl_chain_file_contents empty. To manage the chain with puppet, provide
# $ssl_chain_file_contents and optionally specify the path to use for it in
# $ssl_chain_file.
if ($ssl_chain_file == '') and ($ssl_chain_file_contents == '') {
$chain_file = ''
} else {
if $ssl_chain_file == '' {
$chain_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/${::fqdn}_intermediate.pem"
} else {
$chain_file = $ssl_chain_file
if $ssl_chain_file_contents != '' {
file { $chain_file:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => $ssl_chain_file_contents,
require => File['/etc/ssl/certs'],
before => File[$cert_file],
# Tarballs
::httpd::vhost { 'tarballs.openstack.org':
port => 443, # Is required despite not being used.
docroot => '/srv/static/tarballs',
priority => '50',
ssl => true,
template => 'openstack_project/static-http-and-https.vhost.erb',
vhost_name => 'tarballs.openstack.org',
require => [
file { '/srv/static/tarballs':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => User['jenkins'],
# legacy ci.openstack.org site redirect
::httpd::vhost { 'ci.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/ci.vhost.erb',
# Logs
class { 'openstackci::logserver':
jenkins_ssh_key => $openstack_project::jenkins_ssh_key,
domain => 'openstack.org',
ara_middleware => true,
wsgi_processes => 16,
swift_authurl => $swift_authurl,
swift_user => $swift_user,
swift_key => $swift_key,
swift_tenant_name => $swift_tenant_name,
swift_region_name => $swift_region_name,
swift_default_container => $swift_default_container,
readmes => {
'/*/*/*/*/*-tempest-dsvm*/*' => '/help/tempest-overview.html',
'/periodic*/*/*-tempest-dsvm*/*' => '/help/tempest-overview.html',
'/*/*/*/*/*-tempest-dsvm*/*/logs/' => '/help/tempest-logs.html',
'/periodic*/*/*-tempest-dsvm*/*/logs/' => '/help/tempest-logs.html',
'/*/*/*/*/*tripleo-ci-*/*/logs/' => '/help/tripleo-quickstart-logs.html'
vcsrepo { '/opt/devstack-gate':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => 'https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack-gate',
file { '/srv/static/logs/help':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => File['/srv/static/logs'],
file { '/srv/static/logs/help/tempest-logs.html':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'file:///opt/devstack-gate/help/tempest-logs.html',
require => [File['/srv/static/logs/help'], Vcsrepo['/opt/devstack-gate']],
file { '/srv/static/logs/help/tempest-overview.html':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'file:///opt/devstack-gate/help/tempest-overview.html',
require => [File['/srv/static/logs/help'], Vcsrepo['/opt/devstack-gate']],
vcsrepo { '/opt/tripleo-ci':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => 'https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci',
file { '/srv/static/logs/help/tripleo-quickstart-logs.html':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'file:///opt/tripleo-ci/docs/tripleo-quickstart-logs.html',
require => [File['/srv/static/logs/help'], Vcsrepo['/opt/tripleo-ci']],
# Security
::httpd::vhost { 'security.openstack.org':
port => 443, # Is required despite not being used.
docroot => '/srv/static/security',
priority => '50',
ssl => true,
template => 'openstack_project/static-https-redirect.vhost.erb',
vhost_name => 'security.openstack.org',
require => [
file { '/srv/static/security':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => User['jenkins'],
# Governance (TC and UC) & Election
# Extra aliases and directories needed for vhost template:
$governance_aliases = {
'/election/' => '/srv/static/election/',
'/sigs/' => '/srv/static/sigs/',
'/tc/' => '/srv/static/tc/',
'/uc/' => '/srv/static/uc/',
# Extra redirects needed for vhost template:
$governance_redirects = {
'/badges/' => '/tc/badges/',
'/goals/' => '/tc/goals/',
'/reference/' => '/tc/reference/',
'/resolutions/' => '/tc/resolutions/',
# One of these must also be the docroot
$governance_directories = [
::httpd::vhost { 'governance.openstack.org':
port => 443, # Is required despite not being used.
docroot => '/srv/static/governance',
priority => '50',
ssl => true,
template => 'openstack_project/static-governance.vhost.erb',
vhost_name => 'governance.openstack.org',
require => [
file { $governance_directories:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => User['jenkins'],
# Specs
::httpd::vhost { 'specs.openstack.org':
port => 443, # Is required despite not being used.
docroot => '/srv/static/specs',
priority => '50',
ssl => true,
template => 'openstack_project/static-http-and-https.vhost.erb',
vhost_name => 'specs.openstack.org',
require => [
file { '/srv/static/specs':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => User['jenkins'],
# legacy summit.openstack.org site redirect
::httpd::vhost { 'summit.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/summit.vhost.erb',
# legacy site redirects
::httpd::vhost { 'devstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
serveraliases => ['*.devstack.org'],
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
::httpd::vhost { 'cinder.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
::httpd::vhost { 'glance.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
::httpd::vhost { 'horizon.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
::httpd::vhost { 'keystone.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
::httpd::vhost { 'nova.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
::httpd::vhost { 'qa.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
::httpd::vhost { 'swift.openstack.org':
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/legacy.vhost.erb',
# Trystack
::httpd::vhost { 'trystack.openstack.org':
port => 443, # Is required despite not being used.
docroot => '/opt/trystack',
priority => '50',
ssl => true,
template => 'openstack_project/static-http-and-https.vhost.erb',
vhost_name => 'trystack.openstack.org',
serveraliases => ['trystack.org', 'www.trystack.org'],
require => [
vcsrepo { '/opt/trystack':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => 'https://opendev.org/x/trystack-site',
# Releases
::httpd::vhost { 'releases.openstack.org':
port => 443, # Is required despite not being used.
docroot => '/srv/static/releases',
priority => '50',
ssl => true,
template => 'openstack_project/static-https-redirect.vhost.erb',
vhost_name => 'releases.openstack.org',
require => [
file { '/srv/static/releases':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => User['jenkins'],
# service-types.openstack.org
::httpd::vhost { 'service-types.openstack.org':
port => 443, # Is required despite not being used.
docroot => '/srv/static/service-types',
priority => '50',
ssl => true,
template => 'openstack_project/static-https-redirect.vhost.erb',
vhost_name => 'service-types.openstack.org',
require => [
file { '/srv/static/service-types':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => User['jenkins'],
# Until Apache 2.4.24 the event MPM has some issues scalability
# bottlenecks that were seen to drop connections, especially on
# larger files; see
# https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/event.html
# The main advantage of event MPM is for keep-alive requests which
# are not really a big issue on this static file server. Therefore
# we switch to the threaded worker MPM as a workaround. This can be
# reconsidered when the apache version running is sufficient to
# avoid these problems.
httpd::mod { 'mpm_event': ensure => 'absent' }
httpd::mod { 'mpm_worker': ensure => 'present' }