Now that we have a shade version of the launch node script adding in support for attaching a cinder volume is simple. Do this so that launching mirrors which rely on cinder volumes is simpler. This updates the mount_volume.sh script to setup the first cinder volume with lvm and mount it under the specified path. It will also install lvm2 pacakges since they may not be present on all base images. This updates the make_swap.sh script to avoid blindly using /dev/vdb as the location for swap as this may be a cinder volume or config drive. We add availability zone, device specification, mount path, and fs label support to shade-launch-node.py as these are all necessary inputs to properly mount a cinder volume in a VM. Change-Id: Ie95fd4bd5fca8df4f8046d43d1333935cad567e3
Create Server ============= Note that these instructions assume you're working from this directory on an updated local clone of the repository on the puppetmaster, and that your account is a member of the admin and puppet groups for access to their respective keys:: sudo adduser $(whoami) admin sudo adduser $(whoami) puppet (Remember to log out and back into your shell if you add yourself to a group.) To launch a node in the OpenStack CI account (production servers):: export OS_CLOUD=openstackci-rax export OS_REGION=DFW export FLAVOR="8 GB Performance" export FQDN=servername.openstack.org cd /opt/system-config/production/launch/ ./launch-node.py $FQDN --flavor "$FLAVOR" \ --cloud=$OS_CLOUD --region=$OS_REGION To launch a node in the OpenStack Jenkins account (slave nodes):: export OS_CLOUD=openstackjenkins-rax export OS_REGION=DFW export FQDN=slavename.slave.openstack.org openstack image list export IMAGE='Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) (PVHVM)' openstack flavor list export FLAVOR="8 GB Performance" ./launch-node.py $FQDN --image "$IMAGE" --flavor "$FLAVOR" \ --cloud=$OS_CLOUD --region=$OS_REGION Manually add the hostname to DNS (the launch script does not do so automatically). Note that this example assumes you've already exported a relevant FQDN and sourced the appropriate API credentials above. In order for Ansible to be able to send out the Puppet updates, you also need the puppetmaster to accept the root SSH key for the new server. So as root on the puppetmaster: ssh root@$FQDN Verify the fingerprint of the new server and type "yes" to accept. Then you can log out. Add DNS Records =============== There are no scripts to automatically handle DNS at the moment due to a lack of library support for the new Rackspace Cloud DNS (with IPv6). However, the launch-node script will print the commands needed to be run to configure DNS for a newly launched server. To see the commands for an existing server, run: ./dns.py $FQDN