Gerrit-Powered-Agenda ===================== This project aims to provide an easier way to manage OpenStack team meetings. Currently, each team's meeting time and agenda are listed at: This project replaces each meeting with well-defined YAML files. Getting Started =============== Running Locally from Command Line --------------------------------- To test this project locally, you must have the following requirements installed: * Python 3.3+ * `iCalendar` python library * `PyYaml` python library Before running this tool, first edit some meeting YAML files in the meetings directory. This directory already contains YAML files for the meetings found on the `Meetings `_ wiki page. To create a new meeting YAML file, read the `YAML Meeting File` section below. :: $ python -h usage: [-h] -y YAML_DIR -i ICAL_DIR [-f] A tool that automates the process for testing, integrating, and publishing changes to OpenStack meetings using the existing OpenStack project infrastructure. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -y YAML_DIR, --yamldir YAML_DIR directory containing YAML to process -i ICAL_DIR, --icaldir ICAL_DIR directory to store converted iCal -f, --force forcefully remove old .ics files from iCal directory :: $ git clone $ cd /opt/stack/gerrit-powered-agenda/arbiter/ The following are a few scenarios: Generate .ics files locally from existing yaml meeting files: :: $ python -y /opt/stack/gerrit-powered-agenda/meetings/ \ -i /opt/stack/gerrit-powered-agenda/icals/ The generated .ics files are not tracked in this git repository, but they are available locally to import into your calendar. Note, to remove stale .ics files, use the ``--force`` argument: :: gerrit-powered-agenda/icals$ ls Barbican Meeting-b58d78a4.ics Ceilometer Team Meeting-9ed7b5b4.ics Chef Cookbook Meeting-2418b331.ics With each .ics file looking something similar to: :: gerrit-powered-agenda/icals$ cat Barbican\ Meeting-b58d78a4.ics BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//OpenStack//Gerrit-Powered Meeting Agendas//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Barbican Meeting (openstack-meeting-alt) DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20141006T200000Z DURATION:PT1H DESCRIPTION:Project: Barbican Meeting\nChair: jraim\nIRC: openstack-meet ing-alt\nAgenda:'* malini - update on Security Guide documentation\n\n * alee_/atiwari - Crypto plugin changes\n\n * arunkant - Target support in barbican policy enforcement\n\n * jaraim - Support for debug mode start i n barbican\, can be merged?\n\n '\n\nDescription: The Barbican project t eam holds a weekly team meeting in\n#openstack-meeting-alt:\n* Weekly on M ondays at 2000 UTC\n* The blueprints that are used as a basis for the Barb ican project can be\n found at\ n* Notes for previous meetings can be found here.\n* Chair (to contact for more information): jraim (#openstack-barbican @\n Freenode)\n RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR YAML Meeting File ================= Refer to the meetings page on the OpenStack Wiki for a list of meetings: For a list of yaml meeting files, visit Each meeting consists of: * ``project``: the name of the project * ``schedule``: a list of schedule each consisting of * ``time``: time string in UTC * ``day``: the day of week the meeting takes place * ``irc``: the irc room in which the meeting is held * ``frequency``: frequent occurrence of the meeting * ``chair``: name of the meeting's chair * ``description``: a paragraph description about the meeting The file name should be a lower-cased, hyphenated version of the meeting name, ending with ``.yaml`` . For example, ``Keystone team meeting`` should be saved under ``keystone-team-meeting.yaml``. Example ------- This is an example for the yaml meeting for Nova team meeting. The whole file will be import into Python as a dictionary. * The project name is shown below. :: project: Nova Team Meeting * The schedule is a list of dictionaries each consisting of `time` in UTC, `day` of the week, the `irc` meeting room, and the `frequency` of the meeting. Options for the `frequency` are `weekly`, `biweekly-even`, and `biweekly-odd` at the moment. :: schedule: - time: '1400' day: Thursday irc: openstack-meeting-alt frequency: biweekly-even - time: '2100' day: Thursday irc: openstack-meeting frequency: biweekly-odd * The chair is just a one liner. The might be left empty if there is not a chair. :: chair: Russell Bryant * The project description is as follows. Use `>` for paragraphs where new lines are folded, or `|` for paragraphs where new lines are preserved. :: description: > This meeting is a weekly gathering of developers working on OpenStack. Compute (Nova). We cover topics such as release planning and status, bugs, reviews, and other current topics worthy of real-time discussion.