The function responsible for determining the file name for the .ics files was not handling paths properly, resulting in a single .ics file being generated. This fixes the issue and also tweaks the INFO output a bit. Change-Id: Ib620cf5d683f74b3d5066e6e6ce75e1b7e36ed1d
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228 lines
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#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import os
import yaml
import const
from meeting import Meeting
"""Utility functions for check and gate jobs."""
def publish(meeting, ical):
"""Publish meeting information and ical file to wiki."""
def load_meetings(yaml_dir, meeting_list=None):
"""Return a list of Meetings initialized from files in yaml_dir."""
meetings_yaml = []
for file_name in os.listdir(yaml_dir):
yaml_file = os.path.join(yaml_dir, file_name)
if not os.path.isfile(yaml_file):
if meeting_list and yaml_file not in meeting_list:
meetings = [Meeting(yaml.load(open(f, 'r')), f)
for f in meetings_yaml]
logging.info('Loaded %d meetings from YAML' % (len(meetings)))
return meetings
def convert_yaml_to_ical(yaml_dir, ical_dir, meeting_list_file=None):
"""Convert meeting YAML files to the iCal format and place
in ical_dir. If meeting_list is specified, only those meetings
in yaml_dir with filenames contained in meeting_list are
converted; otherwise, all meeting in yaml_dir are converted.
meeting_list = None
if meeting_list_file:
meeting_list = open(meeting_list_file).read().splitlines()
meetings = load_meetings(yaml_dir,
# convert meetings to a list of ical
for m in meetings:
# TODO(jotan): verify converted ical is valid
logging.info('Wrote %d meetings to iCal' % (len(meetings)))
def check_uniqueness():
"""Check for uniqueness in meeting room and time combination. During gate
job, we do not care about the meeting name.
# reads the current changes and verifies
change_list = _read_yaml_files(const.DEFAULT_YAML_DIR)
change_dict = _counting_dict_with(_make_schedule_key, change_list)
# fails if duplicates exist
if len(change_dict) == sum(change_dict.values()):
return 0
change_dict = _make_schedule_dict(_make_schedule_key,
for key in change_dict:
if len(change_dict[key]) > 1:
meeting_quote = ['\'' + m + '\'' for m in change_dict[key]]
meeting_str = ', '.join(meeting_quote)
logging.error('Meetings %s are in conflict.' % (meeting_str))
return 1
def check_conflicts():
"""Return whether the meeting would create scheduling conflicts. At this
point, we are comparing the changes against the origin, while the meeting
do matter. If a meeting from the changes and a different meeting from the
origin shares the same time, then we have a conflict.
# reads the current changes and verifies
change_list = _read_yaml_files(const.DEFAULT_YAML_DIR)
change_dict = _make_schedule_dict(_make_schedule_key, change_list, True)
# FIXME(lbragstad): Removed the clonerepo script since Jenkins takes care
# of that. The path resolution needs to be fix here too.
origin_dict = _make_schedule_dict(_make_schedule_key,
# make a set with all the meeting time
meeting_time_set = set(list(change_dict.keys()) +
# compares the two, keep track of a conflict flag
conflict = False # doing this way so we can log all the conflicts
for key in meeting_time_set:
# both the changes and the original have this meeting time
if key in change_dict and key in origin_dict:
# and they are actually different meetings
if change_dict[key] != origin_dict[key]:
logging.error('Meetings \'%s\' and \'%s\' are in conflict.'
% (change_dict[key], origin_dict[key]))
conflict = True
if conflict:
return 1
return 0
def _read_yaml_files(directory):
"""Reads all the yaml in the given directory and returns a list of
schedules times.
:param directory: location of the yaml files
:returns: list of schedules
yaml_files = []
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if os.path.isfile(file) and file.endswith(const.YAML_FILE_EXT):
meetings = []
for file in yaml_files:
meetings.append(Meeting(yaml.load(open(file, 'r')), file))
logging.info('Loaded %d meetings form YAML' % len(meetings))
schedules = []
for meeting in meetings:
for schedule in meeting.get_schedule_tuple():
return schedules
def _counting_dict_with(key_maker, list):
"""Make a counting dictionary. The key is obtained by a function applied to
the element; the value counts the occurrence of the item in the list.
:param key_maker: converts list items to strings
:returns: counting dictionary
item_dict = {}
for item in list:
# just join the elements in the tuple together as key
key = key_maker(item)
if key in item_dict:
item_dict[key] += 1
item_dict[key] = 1
return item_dict
def _make_schedule_dict(key_maker, list, replace_flag):
"""Make a schedule dictionary. The key is the time of the meeting. If
replace_flag is true, then the value is the meeting name; otherwise, if
replace_flag is false, the value is a list of meeting names.
:param key_maker: converts list items to strings
:param list: the list of schedules
:param replace_flag: determines the value of the dictionary
:returns: schedule dictionary
item_dict = {}
for item in list:
key = key_maker(item)
if replace_flag:
item_dict[key] = item[0]
if key in item_dict:
item_dict[key] += [item[0]]
item_dict[key] = [item[0]]
return item_dict
def _make_schedule_key(schedule):
"""A key making function for a schedule item. The first item in the
schedule is meeting name, followed by a tuple of time, day, and room.
:param schedule: a schedule tuple
:returns: string representation of the schedule tuple
schedule_time = schedule[1]
schedules_str = [str(schedule_time[0]), schedule_time[1], schedule_time[2]]
key = ''.join(schedules_str)
return key