OpenStack DefCore 2015.next

Status: Draft
Replaces: 2015.04

This document outlines the mandatory and advisory capabilities
required to exist in a software installation in order to be
eligible to use marks controlled by the OpenStack Foundation.

This document supersedes the companion JSON version.

Releases Covered
Applies to Havana, Icehouse, Juno

Platform Components
Required: Compute and Object

Advisory: None

Deprecated: None

Removed: None

Compute Component Capabilities

========================  ====================
Capability Name            Associated Project
------------------------  --------------------
compute-auth                  Nova
compute-flavors               Nova
compute-images                Nova
compute-instance-actions      Nova
compute-keypairs              Nova
compute-quotas                Nova
compute-servers               Nova
compute-volume                Nova
images-v2                     Glance
========================  ====================

Advisory Capabilities

========================  ====================
Capability Name               Associated Project
------------------------  --------------------
auth-token                Keystone
compute-servers-metadata  Nova
========================  ====================

Deprecated Capabilities

Removed Capabilities


Object Component Capabilities

========================  ====================
Capability Name            Associated Project
------------------------  --------------------
objectstore-object         Swift
========================  ====================

Advisory Capabilities

Deprecated Capabilities

Removed Capabilities

Designated Sections

The following designated sections apply to the same releases as
this specification.

* Nova is by default designated except scheduler, filter, drivers, API
  extensions and networking.
* Glance designated sections are the API implementation code and domain model.
* Swift designated sections are proxy server, object server, container server,
  account server and select middleware (complete list provided by community in
  linked json document).

Advisory Designated Sections


Functional Information
:Format: RestructuredText
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