
77 lines
2.0 KiB

.. -*- mode: rst -*-
:Status: {{data['status'].title()}}
:Replaces: :doc:`{{data['replaces']}}`
Releases Covered
{% for release in data['releases'] %}
- {{release.title()}}
{% endfor %}
Platform Components
{% for category in ['required', 'advisory', 'deprecated', 'removed'] %}
:{{category}}: {% for r in data['platform'][category] %}{{r.title()}}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% else %}None{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}{# category #}
{% for component_name, component in data['components'].items()|sort %}
{{component_name.title()}} Component Capabilities
{% for _ in component_name %}={% endfor %}========================
{% for category in ['required', 'advisory', 'deprecated', 'removed'] %}
{{category.title()}} Capabilities
{% for _ in category %}-{% endfor %}-------------
{% for capability in component[category.lower()] %}
- {{ capability }} ({{data['capabilities'][capability]['project'].title()}})
{% else %}
{% endfor %}{# capabilities #}
{% endfor %}{# category1 #}
{% endfor %}{# component2 #}
Designated Sections
The following designated sections apply to the same releases as this
{% for category in ['required', 'advisory', 'deprecated', 'removed'] %}
{{category.title()}} Designated Sections
{% for _ in category %}-{% endfor %}--------------------
{% for component_name, component in data['designated-sections'][category].items()|sort %}
{% for _ in category %}~{% endfor %}
:Guidance: {{component['guidance']}}
:Comment: {{component['comment']}}
.. list-table:: Sections
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 40 10 30
- * Section
* Description
* Designated
* Comments
{% for section_name, section in component['sections'].items()|sort %}
- * {{section_name.title()}}
* {{section['description']}}
* {% if section['designated'] %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}
* {{section['comment']}}
{% else %}
{%- endfor %}{# section #}
{% else %}
{% endfor %}{# component2 #}
{% endfor %}{# category2 #}