
269 lines
11 KiB

return [
| Entity Mangers
| Configure your Entity Managers here. You can set a different connection
| and driver per manager and configure events and filters. Change the
| paths setting to the appropriate path and replace App namespace
| by your own namespace.
| Available meta drivers: fluent|annotations|yaml|xml|config|static_php|php
| Available connections: mysql|oracle|pgsql|sqlite|sqlsrv
| (Connections can be configured in the database config)
| --> Warning: Proxy auto generation should only be enabled in dev!
'managers' => [
'config' => [
'dev' => env('APP_DEBUG', true),
'meta' => env('DOCTRINE_METADATA', 'annotations'),
'connection' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'config'),
'namespaces' => [
'paths' => [
'repository' => Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::class,
'proxies' => [
'namespace' => false,
'path' => storage_path('proxies'),
'auto_generate' => env('DOCTRINE_PROXY_AUTOGENERATE', false)
| Doctrine events
| The listener array expects the key to be a Doctrine event
| e.g. Doctrine\ORM\Events::onFlush
'events' => [
'listeners' => [],
'subscribers' => []
'filters' => [],
| Doctrine mapping types
| Link a Database Type to a Local Doctrine Type
| Using 'enum' => 'string' is the same of:
| $doctrineManager->extendAll(function (\Doctrine\ORM\Configuration $configuration,
| \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection,
| \Doctrine\Common\EventManager $eventManager) {
| $connection->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
| });
| References:
'mapping_types' => [
'enum' => 'string'
'model' => [
'dev' => env('APP_DEBUG'),
'meta' => env('DOCTRINE_METADATA', 'annotations'),
'connection' => 'model',
'namespaces' => [
'paths' => [
'repository' => Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::class,
'proxies' => [
'namespace' => false,
'path' => storage_path('proxies'),
'auto_generate' => env('DOCTRINE_PROXY_AUTOGENERATE', false)
| Doctrine events
| The listener array expects the key to be a Doctrine event
| e.g. Doctrine\ORM\Events::onFlush
'events' => [
'listeners' => [],
'subscribers' => []
'filters' => [],
| Doctrine mapping types
| Link a Database Type to a Local Doctrine Type
| Using 'enum' => 'string' is the same of:
| $doctrineManager->extendAll(function (\Doctrine\ORM\Configuration $configuration,
| \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection,
| \Doctrine\Common\EventManager $eventManager) {
| $connection->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
| });
| References:
'mapping_types' => [
'enum' => 'string'
| Doctrine Extensions
| Enable/disable Doctrine Extensions by adding or removing them from the list
| If you want to require custom extensions you will have to require
| laravel-doctrine/extensions in your composer.json
'extensions' => [
| Doctrine custom types
| Create a custom or override a Doctrine Type
'custom_types' => [
'json' => LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Types\Json::class
| DQL custom datetime functions
'custom_datetime_functions' => [],
| DQL custom numeric functions
'custom_numeric_functions' => [],
| DQL custom string functions
'custom_string_functions' => [],
| Enable query logging with laravel file logging,
| debugbar, clockwork or an own implementation.
| Setting it to false, will disable logging
| Available:
| - LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Loggers\LaravelDebugbarLogger
| - LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Loggers\ClockworkLogger
| - LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Loggers\FileLogger
'logger' => env('DOCTRINE_LOGGER', 'LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Loggers\FileLogger'),
| Cache
| Configure meta-data, query and result caching here.
| Optionally you can enable second level caching.
| Available: acp|array|file|memcached|redis|void
'cache' => [
'default' => env('DOCTRINE_CACHE', 'redis'),
'namespace' => null,
'second_level' => [
'enabled' => true,
'region_lifetime' => 3600,
'region_lock_lifetime' => 60,
'regions' => [
'summit_event_feedback_region' => [
'lifetime' => 300,
'lock_lifetime' => 60
'current_summit_region' => [
'lifetime' => 600,
'lock_lifetime' => 60
'resource_server_region' => [
'lifetime' => 3600,
'lock_lifetime' => 60
'summit_type_region' => [
'lifetime' => 1800,
'lock_lifetime' => 60
'summit_ticket_type_region' => [
'lifetime' => 1800,
'lock_lifetime' => 60
'summit_event_type_region' => [
'lifetime' => 1800,
'lock_lifetime' => 60
'summit_presentation_category_region' => [
'lifetime' => 1800,
'lock_lifetime' => 60
'log_enabled' => true,
'file_lock_region_directory' => '/tmp'
| Gedmo extensions
| Settings for Gedmo extensions
| If you want to use this you will have to require
| laravel-doctrine/extensions in your composer.json
'gedmo' => [
'all_mappings' => false