smarcet 9f01b9e3b3 Booking Rooms Model
* model changes

* Endpoint to get all avaible booking rooms per summit

GET /api/v1/summits/{id}/locations/bookable-rooms

query string params

page ( int ) current page number
per_page ( int) max amount of items per page
filter ( allowed fields: name, description, cost, capacity, availability_day[epoch], attribute[string|number])
order ( allowed fields id,name,capacity)
expand ( allowed relations venue,floor,attribute_type)


* Endpoint to get slot availability  per room

GET /api/v1/summits/{id}/locations/bookable-rooms/{room_id}/availability/{day}

where id is summit id (integer)
room_id ( integer)
and day (epoch timestamp)


* endpoint create reservation

POST /api/v1/summits/{id}/locations/bookable-rooms/{room_id}/reservations


'currency'       => 'required|string|currency_iso',
'amount'         => 'required|integer',
'start_datetime' => 'required|date_format:U',
'end_datetime'   => 'required|date_format:U|after:start_datetime',


* endpoint to get all my reservations

GET /api/v1/summits/{id}/locations/bookable-rooms/all/reservations/me

query string params

expand [owner, room, type]


* endpoint to cancel/ask for refund a reservation

DELETE /api/v1/summits/{id}/locations/bookable-rooms/all/reservations/{reservation_id}


Change-Id: I741878c6ffc833ba23fca40f09f4664b42c8edd4
2019-06-03 19:20:15 -03:00
Main Fixed typos 2018-10-22 16:20:56 -03:00
Marketplace Marketplace API 2017-11-15 06:35:38 -03:00
ResourceServer Booking Rooms Model 2019-06-03 19:20:15 -03:00
Summit Booking Rooms Model 2019-06-03 19:20:15 -03:00
ConfigDoctrineRepository.php Added endpoints for speakers profile edit request 2019-05-06 18:04:11 -03:00
DoctrineRepository.php Added endpoints for speakers profile edit request 2019-05-06 18:04:11 -03:00
RepositoriesProvider.php Booking Rooms Model 2019-06-03 19:20:15 -03:00
SilverStripeDoctrineRepository.php Added endpoints for speakers profile edit request 2019-05-06 18:04:11 -03:00