smarcet 3e2c7382d9 Laravel Upgrade
* from 5.6.x to 5.7.x
* from 5.7.x to 5.8.x
* from 5.8.x to 6.x
* from 6.x to 7.x
* from 7.x to 8.x
* updated to work with php7.4 and mysql 8.x

Change-Id: I5fa8af21e13ce383d6648a660b1aac7e5ce55fa5
Signed-off-by: smarcet <>
2021-06-16 19:04:04 -03:00

695 lines
22 KiB

<?php namespace Database\Migrations;
* Copyright 2017 OpenStack Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema as Schema;
use LaravelDoctrine\Migrations\Schema\Table;
use LaravelDoctrine\Migrations\Schema\Builder;
* Class Version20190604015804
* @package Database\Migrations
final class Version20190604015804 extends AbstractMigration
* @param Schema $schema
public function up(Schema $schema):void
$initial_state = <<<SQL
create table if not exists oauth2_api_scope_group
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
name varchar(512) not null,
description text not null,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null
create table if not exists oauth2_resource_server
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
friendly_name varchar(255) not null,
host varchar(512) not null,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
ips text not null,
constraint oauth2_resource_server_friendly_name_unique
unique (friendly_name)
create table if not exists oauth2_api
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
logo varchar(255) null,
description text null,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
resource_server_id bigint unsigned not null,
constraint oauth2_api_name_resource_server_id_unique
unique (name, resource_server_id),
constraint oauth2_api_resource_server_id_foreign
foreign key (resource_server_id) references oauth2_resource_server (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_api_resource_server_id_index
on oauth2_api (resource_server_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_api_endpoint
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
description text null,
name varchar(255) not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
route text not null,
http_method enum('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'TRACE', 'CONNECT', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH') not null,
api_id bigint unsigned not null,
allow_cors tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
rate_limit bigint unsigned null,
constraint oauth2_api_endpoint_name_http_method_api_id_unique
unique (name, http_method, api_id),
constraint oauth2_api_endpoint_api_id_foreign
foreign key (api_id) references oauth2_api (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_api_endpoint_api_id_index
on oauth2_api_endpoint (api_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_api_scope
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
name varchar(512) not null,
short_description varchar(512) not null,
description text not null,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
`default` tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
`is_system` tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
api_id bigint unsigned null,
assigned_by_groups tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
constraint oauth2_api_scope_api_id_foreign
foreign key (api_id) references oauth2_api (id)
on delete cascade
create table if not exists oauth2_api_endpoint_api_scope
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
api_endpoint_id bigint unsigned not null,
scope_id bigint unsigned not null,
constraint oauth2_api_endpoint_api_scope_api_endpoint_id_foreign
foreign key (api_endpoint_id) references oauth2_api_endpoint (id)
on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_api_endpoint_api_scope_scope_id_foreign
foreign key (scope_id) references oauth2_api_scope (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_api_endpoint_api_scope_api_endpoint_id_index
on oauth2_api_endpoint_api_scope (api_endpoint_id)
create index oauth2_api_endpoint_api_scope_scope_id_index
on oauth2_api_endpoint_api_scope (scope_id)
create index oauth2_api_scope_api_id_index
on oauth2_api_scope (api_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_api_scope_group_scope
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
group_id bigint unsigned not null,
scope_id bigint unsigned not null,
constraint oauth2_api_scope_group_scope_group_id_foreign
foreign key (group_id) references oauth2_api_scope_group (id)
on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_api_scope_group_scope_scope_id_foreign
foreign key (scope_id) references oauth2_api_scope (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_api_scope_group_scope_group_id_index
on oauth2_api_scope_group_scope (group_id)
create index oauth2_api_scope_group_scope_scope_id_index
on oauth2_api_scope_group_scope (scope_id)
create table if not exists openid_associations
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
identifier varchar(255) not null,
mac_function varchar(255) not null,
secret blob not null,
realm varchar(1024) null,
type smallint(6) not null,
lifetime int unsigned not null,
issued datetime not null
create table if not exists openid_users
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
identifier varchar(255) not null,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
`lock` tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
public_profile_show_photo tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
public_profile_show_fullname tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
public_profile_show_email tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
last_login_date datetime not null,
login_failed_attempt int default '0' not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
remember_token varchar(100) null,
external_identifier bigint unsigned null,
constraint openid_users_external_identifier_unique
unique (external_identifier),
constraint openid_users_identifier_unique
unique (identifier)
create table if not exists banned_ips
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
ip varchar(1024) not null,
hits bigint unsigned default '1' not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
exception_type varchar(1024) not null,
user_id bigint unsigned null,
constraint banned_ips_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
on delete cascade
create index banned_ips_user_id_index
on banned_ips (user_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_api_scope_group_users
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
group_id bigint unsigned not null,
user_id bigint unsigned not null,
constraint oauth2_api_scope_group_users_group_id_foreign
foreign key (group_id) references oauth2_api_scope_group (id)
on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_api_scope_group_users_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_api_scope_group_users_group_id_index
on oauth2_api_scope_group_users (group_id)
create index oauth2_api_scope_group_users_user_id_index
on oauth2_api_scope_group_users (user_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_client
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
app_name varchar(255) not null,
app_description text not null,
app_logo varchar(255) null,
client_id varchar(255) not null,
client_secret varchar(255) null,
client_type enum('PUBLIC', 'CONFIDENTIAL') default 'CONFIDENTIAL' null,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
locked tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
user_id bigint unsigned null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
max_auth_codes_issuance_qty int default '0' not null,
max_auth_codes_issuance_basis smallint(6) not null,
max_access_token_issuance_qty int default '0' not null,
max_access_token_issuance_basis smallint(6) not null,
max_refresh_token_issuance_qty int default '0' not null,
max_refresh_token_issuance_basis smallint(6) not null,
use_refresh_token tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
rotate_refresh_token tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
pkce_enabled tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
resource_server_id bigint unsigned null,
website text null,
application_type enum('WEB_APPLICATION', 'JS_CLIENT', 'SERVICE', 'NATIVE') default 'WEB_APPLICATION' null,
client_secret_expires_at datetime null,
contacts text null,
allowed_origins text null,
redirect_uris text null,
logo_uri varchar(255) null,
tos_uri varchar(255) null,
post_logout_redirect_uris text null,
logout_uri text null,
logout_session_required tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
logout_use_iframe tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
policy_uri varchar(255) null,
jwks_uri varchar(255) null,
default_max_age int default '-1' not null,
require_auth_time tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
token_endpoint_auth_method enum('client_secret_basic', 'client_secret_post', 'client_secret_jwt', 'private_key_jwt', 'none') default 'none' not null,
token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg enum('HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512', 'none') default 'none' not null,
subject_type enum('public', 'pairwise') default 'public' not null,
userinfo_signed_response_alg enum('HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512', 'none') default 'none' not null,
userinfo_encrypted_response_alg enum('RSA1_5', 'RSA-OAEP', 'RSA-OAEP-256', 'dir', 'none') default 'none' not null,
userinfo_encrypted_response_enc enum('A128CBC-HS256', 'A192CBC-HS384', 'A256CBC-HS512', 'none') default 'none' not null,
id_token_signed_response_alg enum('HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512', 'none') default 'none' not null,
id_token_encrypted_response_alg enum('RSA1_5', 'RSA-OAEP', 'RSA-OAEP-256', 'dir', 'none') default 'none' not null,
id_token_encrypted_response_enc enum('A128CBC-HS256', 'A192CBC-HS384', 'A256CBC-HS512', 'none') default 'none' not null,
edited_by_id bigint unsigned null,
constraint oauth2_client_client_id_unique
unique (client_id),
constraint oauth2_client_edited_by_id_foreign
foreign key (edited_by_id) references openid_users (id),
constraint oauth2_client_resource_server_id_foreign
foreign key (resource_server_id) references oauth2_resource_server (id),
constraint oauth2_client_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
create table if not exists oauth2_asymmetric_keys
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
pem_content text not null,
kid varchar(255) not null,
active tinyint(1) default '1' not null,
`usage` enum('sig', 'enc') default 'sig' not null,
class_name enum('ClientPublicKey', 'ServerPrivateKey') default 'ClientPublicKey' not null,
type enum('RSA', 'EC') default 'RSA' not null,
last_use datetime null,
password text null,
valid_from datetime not null,
valid_to datetime not null,
alg enum('RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512', 'RSA1_5', 'RSA-OAEP', 'RSA-OAEP-256', 'dir', 'none') default 'none' not null,
oauth2_client_id bigint unsigned null,
constraint oauth2_assymetric_keys_oauth2_client_id_foreign
foreign key (oauth2_client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_assymetric_keys_oauth2_client_id_index
on oauth2_asymmetric_keys (oauth2_client_id)
create index oauth2_client_edited_by_id_index
on oauth2_client (edited_by_id)
create index oauth2_client_resource_server_id_index
on oauth2_client (resource_server_id)
create index oauth2_client_user_id_index
on oauth2_client (user_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_client_admin_users
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
oauth2_client_id bigint unsigned not null,
user_id bigint unsigned not null,
constraint oauth2_client_admin_users_oauth2_client_id_foreign
foreign key (oauth2_client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_client_admin_users_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_client_admin_users_oauth2_client_id_index
on oauth2_client_admin_users (oauth2_client_id)
create index oauth2_client_admin_users_user_id_index
on oauth2_client_admin_users (user_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_client_allowed_origin
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
allowed_origin text not null,
client_id bigint unsigned not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
constraint oauth2_client_allowed_origin_client_id_foreign
foreign key (client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_client_allowed_origin_client_id_index
on oauth2_client_allowed_origin (client_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_client_api_scope
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
client_id bigint unsigned not null,
scope_id bigint unsigned not null,
constraint oauth2_client_api_scope_client_id_foreign
foreign key (client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_client_api_scope_scope_id_foreign
foreign key (scope_id) references oauth2_api_scope (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_client_api_scope_client_id_index
on oauth2_client_api_scope (client_id)
create index oauth2_client_api_scope_scope_id_index
on oauth2_client_api_scope (scope_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_client_authorized_uri
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
uri varchar(255) not null,
client_id bigint unsigned not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
constraint oauth2_client_authorized_uri_client_id_foreign
foreign key (client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_client_authorized_uri_client_id_index
on oauth2_client_authorized_uri (client_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_exception_trail
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
from_ip varchar(254) not null,
exception_type varchar(1024) not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
client_id bigint unsigned null,
constraint oauth2_exception_trail_client_id_foreign
foreign key (client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_exception_trail_client_id_index
on oauth2_exception_trail (client_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_refresh_token
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
value varchar(255) not null,
from_ip varchar(255) not null,
lifetime int not null,
scope text not null,
audience text not null,
void tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
client_id bigint unsigned not null,
user_id bigint unsigned null,
constraint oauth2_refresh_token_value_unique
unique (value),
constraint oauth2_refresh_token_client_id_foreign
foreign key (client_id) references oauth2_client (id),
constraint oauth2_refresh_token_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
on delete cascade
create table if not exists oauth2_access_token
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
value varchar(255) not null,
from_ip varchar(255) not null,
associated_authorization_code varchar(255) null,
lifetime int not null,
scope text not null,
audience text not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
client_id bigint unsigned not null,
refresh_token_id bigint unsigned null,
user_id bigint unsigned null,
constraint oauth2_access_token_value_unique
unique (value),
constraint oauth2_access_token_client_id_foreign
foreign key (client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_access_token_refresh_token_id_foreign
foreign key (refresh_token_id) references oauth2_refresh_token (id)
on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_access_token_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_access_token_client_id_index
on oauth2_access_token (client_id)
create index oauth2_access_token_refresh_token_id_index
on oauth2_access_token (refresh_token_id)
create index oauth2_access_token_user_id_index
on oauth2_access_token (user_id)
create index oauth2_refresh_token_client_id_index
on oauth2_refresh_token (client_id)
create index oauth2_refresh_token_user_id_index
on oauth2_refresh_token (user_id)
create table if not exists oauth2_user_consents
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
scopes text not null,
client_id bigint unsigned not null,
user_id bigint unsigned not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
constraint oauth2_user_consents_client_id_foreign
foreign key (client_id) references oauth2_client (id)
on delete cascade,
constraint oauth2_user_consents_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
on delete cascade
create index oauth2_user_consents_client_id_index
on oauth2_user_consents (client_id)
create index oauth2_user_consents_user_id_index
on oauth2_user_consents (user_id)
create table if not exists openid_trusted_sites
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
realm varchar(1024) not null,
data text null,
policy varchar(255) not null,
user_id bigint unsigned not null,
constraint openid_trusted_sites_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
create index openid_trusted_sites_user_id_index
on openid_trusted_sites (user_id)
create table if not exists server_configuration
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
`key` varchar(254) not null,
value varchar(1024) not null
create table if not exists server_extensions
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
name varchar(100) not null,
namespace varchar(255) not null,
active tinyint(1) default '0' not null,
extension_class varchar(255) not null,
description varchar(255) null,
view_name varchar(255) not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null
create table if not exists user_actions
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
from_ip varchar(254) not null,
realm varchar(1024) null,
user_action varchar(512) not null,
user_id bigint unsigned not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
constraint user_actions_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
create index user_actions_user_id_index
on user_actions (user_id)
create table if not exists user_exceptions_trail
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
from_ip varchar(254) not null,
exception_type varchar(1024) not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
user_id bigint unsigned null,
stack_trace longtext null,
constraint user_exceptions_trail_user_id_foreign
foreign key (user_id) references openid_users (id)
on delete cascade
create index user_exceptions_trail_user_id_index
on user_exceptions_trail (user_id)
create table if not exists white_listed_ips
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
ip text not null,
created_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null
if(!$schema->hasTable("openid_users")) {
foreach (explode(";", $initial_state) as $sql_statement) {
$sql_statement = trim($sql_statement);
if (empty($sql_statement)) continue;
* @param Schema $schema
public function down(Schema $schema):void
(new Builder($schema))->drop('initial');