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| Application & Route Filters
| Below you will find the "before" and "after" events for the application
| which may be used to do any work before or after a request into your
| application. Here you may also register your custom route filters.
App::after(function($request, $response)
| Authentication Filters
| The following filters are used to verify that the user of the current
| session is logged into this application. The "basic" filter easily
| integrates HTTP Basic authentication for quick, simple checking.
Route::filter('auth', function()
if (Auth::guest()) return Redirect::action('HomeController@index');
Route::filter('auth.basic', function()
return Auth::basic();
| Guest Filter
| The "guest" filter is the counterpart of the authentication filters as
| it simply checks that the current user is not logged in. A redirect
| response will be issued if they are, which you may freely change.
Route::filter('guest', function()
if (Auth::check()) return Redirect::to('/');
| CSRF Protection Filter
| The CSRF filter is responsible for protecting your application against
| cross-site request forgery attacks. If this special token in a user
| session does not match the one given in this request, we'll bail.
Route::filter('csrf', function()
if (Session::token() != Input::get('_token'))
throw new Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException;
use openid\services\IMementoOpenIdRequestService;
use openid\OpenIdMessage;
use openid\requests\OpenIdAuthenticationRequest;
use openid\exceptions\InvalidOpenIdMessageException;
$memento_service = App::make("openid\\services\\IMementoOpenIdRequestService");
$openid_message = $memento_service->getCurrentRequest();
if($openid_message==null || !$openid_message->IsValid())
throw new InvalidOpenIdMessageException();
$auth_request = new OpenIdAuthenticationRequest($openid_message);
throw new InvalidOpenIdMessageException();
$memento_service = App::make("openid\\services\\IMementoOpenIdRequestService");
use openid\services\Registry;
if (!Request::secure()){
$memento_service = Registry::getInstance()->get("openid\\services\\IMementoOpenIdRequestService");
return Redirect::secure(Request::getRequestUri());