$SetCurrentTab(2) <% require themedCSS(profile-section) %>


<% if CurrentMember.isFoundationMember %> <% include ProfileNav %> <% if CurrentElection %> <% with CurrentElection %>
The current election is the $Title.   Election Details

Your Status As A Candidate

<% if NominationsForCurrentMember %> <% if CurrentMemberHasAcceoted %>

You have been nominated $NominationsForCurrentMember.TotalItems <% if PluralNominations %>times<% else %>time<% end_if %>, and agreed to accept the nomination. You will be listed as a candidate on the ballot when you receive 10 nominations.

Edit Candidate Application

<% else %>

You have been nominated $NominationsForCurrentMember.TotalItems <% if PluralNominations %>times<% else %>time<% end_if %>, but you have not accepted the nomination. You must accept the nomination and complete a Candidate Profile to be officially listed as a candidate for this election.

Accept Nomination

<% end_if %> <% else %> <% if CurrentMemberHasAcceoted %>

You You have completed your Candidate Application, but have not been nominated yet. You will be listed as a candidate on the ballot when you receive 10 nominations.

Edit Candidate Application

<% else %>

You don't have any nominations for this election. To get started, complete your Candidate Application and encourage people to nominate you. Once you have completed the application and have at least 10 nominations, you will be listed on the election ballot.

Fill Out Application

<% end_if %> <% end_if %> <% include CandidateNominations %>

See The Current Nominations   Nominate A Member

<% end_with %> <% else %>

There is no current Election. When an eleciton is active, this page allows you to nominate candidates and edit your own candidate information.

<% end_if %> <% else %>

In order to edit your community profile, you will first need to login as a member. Don't have an account? Join The Foundation

Login Join The Foundation

<% end_if %>