- block: - debug: var: source_credentials_commands - name: Create python-tempestconf venv with latest pip, setuptools and pbr pip: virtualenv: "{{ virtualenvs.tempestconf }}" name: "{{ item }}" state: latest with_items: - pip - setuptools - pbr - name: Debug, list tempestconf dir shell: | set -ex ls -all . pwd args: chdir: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}" - name: Install python-tempestconf pip: name: "." virtualenv: "{{ virtualenvs.tempestconf }}" chdir: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}" - name: "Cat keystonerc_ file (only in packstack case)" shell: | set -ex cat {{ ansible_user_dir }}/keystonerc_{{ user }} ignore_errors: True args: executable: /bin/bash - name: Generate tempest configuration script template: src: generate-tempestconf.sh.j2 dest: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/generate-tempestconf.sh" mode: 0744 - include: test-demo-user.yaml when: test_demo_user - name: Generate tempest configuration file shell: | ./generate-tempestconf.sh args: chdir: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}" executable: /bin/bash - name: Print generated tempest.conf shell: | set -x ls /opt/stack/tempest/etc cat {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/tempest.conf # tempest role which will run tests has tempest in {{ devstack_base_dir }} # location, therefore the file is copied there - name: Copy tempest.conf to the tempest directory shell: | set -x cp {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/tempest.conf {{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/etc/tempest.conf when: output_path is not defined - name: Copy tempest.conf to the specified location become: yes shell: | set -x cp {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/tempest.conf {{ output_path }} when: output_path is defined vars: tempestconf_src_relative_path: "{{ zuul.projects['git.openstack.org/openstack/python-tempestconf'].src_dir }}"