# Copyright 2013, 2016, 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import importlib import pkgutil import pyclbr from six.moves import urllib from config_tempest import constants as C from config_tempest.services import ceilometer from config_tempest.services import horizon from config_tempest.services import volume from tempest.lib import exceptions import config_tempest.services class Services(object): def __init__(self, clients, conf, creds): self._clients = clients self._conf = conf self._creds = creds self._ssl_validation = creds.disable_ssl_certificate_validation self._region = clients.identity_region self._services = [] self._service_classes = [] self.set_catalog_and_url() self.available_services = self.get_available_services() self.discover() @property def service_classes(self): """Return the list of classes available under config_tempest.services. This return the list of classes that inherit from base.Service """ if not self._service_classes: path = config_tempest.services.__path__ prefix = config_tempest.services.__name__ + '.' for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( path=path, prefix=prefix, onerror=lambda x: None): module_info = pyclbr.readmodule(modname) for item in module_info.values(): m = importlib.import_module(modname) c = getattr(m, item.name) if issubclass(c, config_tempest.services.base.Service): self._service_classes.append(c) return self._service_classes def get_available_services(self): try: services = self._clients.service_client.list_services()['services'] return {s['name']: s['type'] for s in services} except exceptions.Forbidden: C.LOG.warning("User has no permissions to list services, using " "catalog. Services without endpoint will not be " "discovered.") token, auth_data = self._clients.auth_provider.get_auth() return {s['name']: s['type'] for s in auth_data[self.service_catalog]} def discover(self): token, auth_data = self._clients.auth_provider.get_auth() auth_entries = {e['type']: e for e in auth_data[self.service_catalog]} # We loop through the classes we have for each service, and if we find # a class that match a service enabled, we add it in our services list. # some services doesn't have endpoints, so we need to check first for s_class in self.service_classes: s_names = s_class.get_service_name() for s_name in s_names: s_type = self.available_services.get(s_name, None) if s_type: endpoint_data = auth_entries.get(s_type, None) url = None if not endpoint_data: C.LOG.Warning('No endpoint data found for {}'.format( s_name)) else: url = self.parse_endpoints(self.get_endpoints( endpoint_data), s_type) # Create the service class and add it to services list service = s_class(s_type, url, token, self._ssl_validation, self._clients.get_service_client( s_type)) # discover extensions of the service service.set_extensions() # discover versions of the service service.set_versions() self.merge_exts_multiversion_service(service) # default tempest options service.set_default_tempest_options(self._conf) service.set_availability(self._conf, True) self._services.append(service) else: # service is not available # quickly instantiate a class in order to set # availability of the service s = s_class(None, None, None, None) s.set_availability(self._conf, False) def merge_exts_multiversion_service(self, service): """Merges extensions of a service given by its name Looking for extensions from all versions of the service defined by name and merges them to that provided service. :param service: Service object """ versions = service.get_supported_versions() service_name = service.get_unversioned_service_name() services_lst = [] for v in versions: if self.is_service(service_name + v): services_lst.append(self.get_service(service_name + v)) services_lst.append(service) service.extensions = self.merge_extensions(services_lst) def get_endpoints(self, entry): for ep in entry['endpoints']: if self._creds.api_version == 3: if (ep['region'] == self._region and ep['interface'] == 'public'): return ep else: if ep['region'] == self._region: return ep try: return entry['endpoints'][0] except IndexError: return [] def set_catalog_and_url(self): if self._creds.api_version == 3: self.service_catalog = 'catalog' self.public_url = 'url' else: self.service_catalog = 'serviceCatalog' self.public_url = 'publicURL' def parse_endpoints(self, ep, name): """Parse an endpoint(s). :param ep: endpoint(s) :type ep: dict or list in case of no endpoints :param name: name of a service :type name: string :return: url :rtype: string """ # endpoint list can be empty if len(ep) == 0: url = "" C.LOG.info("Service %s has no endpoints", name) else: url = ep[self.public_url] if 'identity' in urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path: url = self.edit_identity_url(ep[self.public_url]) return url def edit_identity_url(self, url): """A port and identity version are added to url if contains 'identity' :param url: url address of an endpoint :type url: string :rtype: string """ # self._clients.auth_provider.auth_url stores identity.uri(_v3) value # from TempestConf port = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._clients.auth_provider.auth_url).port if port is None: port = "" else: port = ":" + str(port) replace_text = port + "/identity/" + self._creds.identity_version return url.replace("/identity", replace_text) def get_service(self, name): """Finds and returns a service object :param name: Codename of a service :type name: string :return: Service object """ for service in self._services: if service.name == name: return service return None def is_service(self, name): """Returns true if a service is available, false otherwise :param name: Codename of a service :type name: string :rtype: boolean """ if name not in self.available_services.values(): return False return True def set_service_availability(self): # check availability of volume backup service volume.check_volume_backup_service(self._conf, self._clients.volume_client, self.is_service("volumev3")) ceilometer.check_ceilometer_service(self._conf, self._clients.service_client) horizon.configure_horizon(self._conf) # TODO(arxcruz): This should be set in compute service, not here, # however, it requires a refactor in the code, which is not our # goal right now self._conf.set('compute-feature-enabled', 'attach_encrypted_volume', str(self.is_service('key-manager'))) def set_supported_api_versions(self): # set supported API versions for services with more of them for service in self._services: versions = service.get_versions() supported_versions = service.get_supported_versions() if versions: section = service.get_feature_name() + '-feature-enabled' for s_version in supported_versions: is_supported = any(s_version in item for item in versions) self._conf.set( section, 'api_' + s_version, str(is_supported)) def merge_extensions(self, service_objects): """Merges extensions from all provided service objects :param service_objects: :type service_objects: list :return: Merged extensions :rtype: list """ extensions = [] for o in service_objects: if o: extensions += o.extensions return extensions def set_service_extensions(self): postfix = "-feature-enabled" try: keystone_v3_support = self._conf.getboolean('identity' + postfix, 'api_v3') except ValueError: keystone_v3_support = False if keystone_v3_support: self.get_service('identity').set_identity_v3_extensions() for service in self._services: ext_key = service.get_service_extension_key() if ext_key: extensions = ','.join(service.get_extensions()) service_name = service.get_feature_name() self._conf.set(service_name + postfix, ext_key, extensions)