Martin Kopec 33f0d1e9db Fix the python 3 support and drop python 2 and 3.5
OpenStack is dropping the py2.7 and py3.5 support in ussuri cycle.

python-tempestconf is python 3 ready and ok to drop the python 2.7
and python 3.5 support. Last python-tempestconf version officially supporting
python 2.7 and python 3.5 is 2.5.0

From now on, python-tempestconf will test all stable branches with py3
Complete discussion & schedule can be found in

Ussuri Communtiy-wide goal:

The patch disables swift service for queens job only due to swift issues
on py3 in queens.

Story: 2007107
Task: 38163
Task: 38164

Change-Id: I0d38195f0cfbdf52a0a7e7ec721cfa9a3e2c6ea8
2020-03-02 20:51:47 +00:00
.placeholder Initial Cookiecutter Commit. 2016-08-24 17:21:57 +02:00
Add-argument-for-converting-images-b3ea78ce1faf9df6.yaml Add option for converting images 2019-04-17 15:43:40 +00:00
Add-argument-which-allows-users-to-add-extensions-f7b82af27d603c18.yaml Add argument which allows users to add extensions 2018-12-17 16:43:05 +00:00
Add-heat-plugin-support-539c28e2b4376224.yaml Add heat_plugin support 2019-04-15 09:42:20 +00:00
Add-profile-argument-70bfa9606826ff81.yaml Add profile argument 2018-12-17 16:52:39 +00:00
Add-retry-when-downloading-file-1ba9f2b03b6ef258.yaml Add a retry when downloading a file 2019-07-29 14:33:54 +00:00
Do-not-expose-user-credentials-1ffba4d72798b5c9.yaml Don't expose user credentials 2018-06-01 12:17:42 +00:00
Generate-accounts.yaml-6d929b3e78298579.yaml Generate accounts.yaml 2018-06-14 12:54:01 +00:00
Load-deployer-input-file-automatically-1dd7c816854a18a7.yaml Load deployer input file automatically 2018-06-01 10:21:13 +00:00
Remove-default-overrides.conf-9ad55f5ef953ab06.yaml Remove the content of default-overrides.conf 2018-06-26 08:46:30 +00:00
Remove-options-prefixed-by-admin_-from-tempest.conf-f038f679b40daaea.yaml Remove admin_* from identity section 2018-06-11 14:46:56 +00:00
Rename-the-section-for--boto-options-f3552516219d70fa.yaml Fix section of s3_url and ec2_url 2019-11-20 09:35:56 +00:00
Replace-os_client_config-module-by-openstacksdk-4a52d8c953d92a41.yaml Replace os-client-config module by openstacksdk 2019-08-09 07:30:19 +00:00
add-os_client_config_support-dd093b137edd8c91.yaml Add os-client-config support 2017-04-12 09:43:28 +02:00
add-support-for-admin-parameter-moving-to-auth-a0873bb19ea8428b.yaml Add support for admin parameters moving to auth 2017-05-05 06:59:48 -04:00
add-volume-api-microversion-e467aa570acf79d2.yaml Add support for volume api microversion 2018-08-13 16:42:07 +03:00
add_octavia-2ffffc95bca6176b.yaml Configure tempest for Octavia tests 2018-06-24 23:25:18 +03:00
add_unit_tests-0b6f43f7c7662703.yaml Add unit tests 2017-02-07 11:20:40 +00:00
allow-non-admin-user-upload-image-f2274cdec154a76b.yaml Allow non admin users to upload image to glance 2018-06-12 15:44:06 +00:00
basic-default-config-06cf8e66e23d694f.yaml Load basic default config 2018-05-15 11:51:42 +02:00
default_endpoint_type-792092b7027768ae.yaml Switch endpoint_type to publicURL 2017-11-23 23:25:05 +00:00
deprecate-compute-feature-enabled-api_extensions-df602e3835a47816.yaml Deprecate api_extensions of compute service 2019-06-10 08:55:44 +00:00
discover-designate-service-238e4191c7251cd7.yaml Discover Designate service 2019-10-30 08:39:37 +09:00
drop-py2-7-5f618ce22079b071.yaml Fix the python 3 support and drop python 2 and 3.5 2020-03-02 20:51:47 +00:00
enable-manila-in-config-script-16fa079d3d70e922.yaml Enable configuration of manila service 2017-01-20 12:41:58 -05:00
image_ssh_user-option-in-validation-section-7cd0a6f44a8fdc1f.yaml Replace URLs with URLs 2019-04-23 13:15:29 +02:00
nova-improvements-5a0600f022ab797c.yaml Enhancements in nova support 2018-05-28 11:06:12 +02:00
remove-configuration-values-from-cli-c5c8eb496e1ed3d7.yaml Add ability to remove any option from tempest.conf 2017-04-11 15:53:32 +00:00
remove-network-extension-2baca1416c8103a7.yaml Added network.remove-extension option 2017-03-07 14:33:46 +00:00
replace-tenant-by-project,-part-1-638068c6c5c5ef9c.yaml Replace tenant by project, part 2 2018-06-22 10:42:06 +00:00
replace-tenant-isolation-with-dynamic-creds-e79e46c03851ff1c.yaml Add new parameter in place of deprecated one 2017-05-15 03:44:26 -04:00
start-using-reno-68d4822192825827.yaml Start using reno for release notes 2017-01-20 14:28:26 +01:00
use-healthcheck-api-for-swift-e84cbb999be4ec3d.yaml Use healthcheck api to determine swift service 2018-06-21 11:32:35 +02:00