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**Before** reading this page, **it's recommended** to go through `User Guide`_
first as the content on this site is more advanced and uses knowledge gained
from the `User Guide`_.
.. _User Guide: ../user/usage.html
This page shows examples of usage of ``python-tempestconf`` where **admin
credentials** are **required**. That means, only users with admin credentials
will run :command:`discover-tempest-config` with arguments described on this
page successfully.
Why admin credentials? It's because ``python-tempestconf`` can create resources
**necessary** for tempest execution in order to make user's life easier.
The following resources are created **only when** ``--create`` argument is
* flavors, to see what flavors are created, see User Guide, `Flavors`_
* users, to see what users are created, see User Guide, `Users`_ section
.. _Flavors: ../user/usage.html#flavors
.. _Users: ../user/usage.html#users
In the following example, ``python-tempestconf`` will create all necessary
resources (`Flavors`_ and `Users`_) if they don't exist already:
.. code-block:: shell-session
$ discover-tempest-config \
--os-cloud devstack-admin \
If a user wants to use a custom image (instead of the default cirros one),
a minimum memory and disk size for new flavors can be defined by
``--flavor-min-mem`` and ``--flavor-min-disk`` arguments.
.. code-block:: shell-session
$ discover-tempest-config \
--image <path/url to custom image> \
--flavor-min-mem 1024 \
--flavor-min-disk 10
In the example above ``python-tempestconf`` will create *custom* flavor with
1024 MB of RAM and 10 GB of disk size and *custom_alt** flavor with 1024 + 1 MB
of RAM and 10 GB of disk size.
``python-tempestconf`` can also create a minimal accounts file when
``--create-accounts-file`` is used. It can be useful when a user doesn't have
any ``accounts.yaml`` and wants to create it. It can be done with one call:
.. code-block:: shell-session
$ discover-tempest-config \
--os-cloud devstack-admin \
--create \
--create-accounts-file ~/accounts.yaml
The call above will behave the same as if ``--test-accounts`` argument was
used, `see here`_. The generated accounts file will look similarly to this one:
.. _see here: ../user/usage.html#usage-with-tempest-accounts-file
.. code-block:: ini
$ cat ~/accounts.yaml
# A minimal accounts.yaml file
# Will likely not work with swift, since additional
# roles are required. For more documentation see:
- password: password
project_name: admin
username: admin
.. note::
More about accounts file can be found in our documentation about
`Usage with tempest accounts file`_
.. _Usage with tempest accounts file: ../user/usage.html#usage-with-tempest-accounts-file