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# Copyright 2013, 2016, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import urlparse
from base import Service
import boto
import ceilometer
from compute import ComputeService
import config_tempest.constants as C
import horizon
from identity import IdentityService
from image import ImageService
from network import NetworkService
from object_storage import ObjectStorageService
import volume
service_dict = {'compute': ComputeService,
'image': ImageService,
'network': NetworkService,
'object-store': ObjectStorageService,
'volumev3': volume.VolumeService,
'identity': IdentityService}
class Services(object):
def __init__(self, clients, conf, creds):
self._clients = clients
self._conf = conf
self._creds = creds
self._ssl_validation = creds.disable_ssl_certificate_validation
self._region = clients.identity_region
self._services = []
def discover(self):
token, auth_data = self._clients.auth_provider.get_auth()
for entry in auth_data[self.service_catalog]:
name = entry['type']
url = self.parse_endpoints(self.get_endpoints(entry), name)
service_class = self.get_service_class(name)
service = service_class(name, url, token, self._ssl_validation,
# discover extensions of the service
# discover versions of the service
# default tempest options
service_name = 'volume'
versions = C.SERVICE_VERSIONS[service_name]['supported_versions']
self.merge_exts_multiversion_service(service_name, versions)
def merge_exts_multiversion_service(self, name, versions):
"""Merges extensions of a service given by its name
Looking for extensions from all versions of the service
defined by name and merges them to that provided service.
:param name: Name of the service
:type name: string
:param versions: Supported versions
:type versions: list
if not self.is_service(name):
s = self.get_service(name)
services_lst = []
for v in versions:
if self.is_service(name + v):
services_lst.append(self.get_service(name + v))
s.extensions = self.merge_extensions(services_lst)
def get_endpoints(self, entry):
for ep in entry['endpoints']:
if self._creds.api_version == 3:
if (ep['region'] == self._region and
ep['interface'] == 'public'):
return ep
if ep['region'] == self._region:
return ep
return entry['endpoints'][0]
except IndexError:
return []
def set_catalog_and_url(self):
if self._creds.api_version == 3:
self.service_catalog = 'catalog'
self.public_url = 'url'
self.service_catalog = 'serviceCatalog'
self.public_url = 'publicURL'
def parse_endpoints(self, ep, name):
"""Parse an endpoint(s).
:param ep: endpoint(s)
:type ep: dict or list in case of no endpoints
:param name: name of a service
:type name: string
:return: url
:rtype: string
# endpoint list can be empty
if len(ep) == 0:
url = """Service %s has no endpoints", name)
url = ep[self.public_url]
if 'identity' in url:
url = self.edit_identity_url(ep[self.public_url])
return url
def edit_identity_url(self, url):
"""A port and identity version are added to url if contains 'identity'
:param url: url address of an endpoint
:type url: string
:rtype: string
# self._clients.auth_provider.auth_url stores identity.uri(_v3) value
# from TempestConf
port = urlparse.urlparse(self._clients.auth_provider.auth_url).port
if port is None:
port = ""
port = ":" + str(port)
replace_text = port + "/identity/" + self._creds.identity_version
return url.replace("/identity", replace_text)
def get_service_class(self, name):
"""Returns class name by the service name
:param name: Codename of a service
:type name: string
:return: Class name of the service
:rtype: string
return service_dict.get(name, Service)
def get_service(self, name):
"""Finds and returns a service object
:param name: Codename of a service
:type name: string
:return: Service object
for service in self._services:
if == name:
return service
return None
def is_service(self, name):
"""Returns true if a service is available, false otherwise
:param name: Codename of a service
:type name: string
:rtype: boolean
if self.get_service(name) is None:
return False
return True
def set_service_availability(self):
# check if volume service is disabled
if self._conf.has_option('services', 'volume'):
if not self._conf.getboolean('services', 'volume'):
# check availability of volume backup service
boto.configure_boto(self._conf, s3_service=self.get_service("s3"))
for service, codename in C.SERVICE_NAMES.iteritems():
# ceilometer is still transitioning from metering to telemetry
if service == 'telemetry' and self.is_service('metering'):
service = 'metering'
available = str(self.is_service(service))
self._conf.set('service_available', codename, available)
# TODO(arxcruz): Remove this once/if we get the following reviews
# merged in all branches supported by tempestconf, or once/if
# tempestconf do not support anymore the OpenStack release where
# those patches are not available.
if self.is_service('alarming'):
self._conf.set('service_available', 'aodh', 'True')
self._conf.set('service_available', 'aodh_plugin', 'True')
# TODO(arxcruz): This should be set in compute service, not here,
# however, it requires a refactor in the code, which is not our
# goal right now
def set_supported_api_versions(self):
# set supported API versions for services with more of them
for service, service_info in C.SERVICE_VERSIONS.iteritems():
service_object = self.get_service(service_info['catalog'])
if service_object is None:
supported_versions = []
supported_versions = service_object.get_versions()
section = service + '-feature-enabled'
for version in service_info['supported_versions']:
is_supported = any(version in item
for item in supported_versions)
self._conf.set(section, 'api_' + version, str(is_supported))
def merge_extensions(self, service_objects):
"""Merges extensions from all provided service objects
:param service_objects:
:type service_objects: list
:return: Merged extensions
:rtype: list
extensions = []
for o in service_objects:
extensions += o.extensions
return extensions
def set_service_extensions(self):
postfix = "-feature-enabled"
keystone_v3_support = self._conf.get('identity' + postfix, 'api_v3')
if keystone_v3_support:
for service, ext_key in C.SERVICE_EXTENSION_KEY.iteritems():
if not self.is_service(service):
service_object = self.get_service(service)
if service_object is not None:
extensions = ','.join(service_object.get_extensions())
self._conf.set(service + postfix, ext_key, extensions)