[WIP] - Documentation fix

Change-Id: I4ae3a0274b1f3201a44bbac516c00f16dec5ce55
This commit is contained in:
lpiwowar 2021-10-05 16:33:03 +02:00
parent e4494b52fa
commit 50dea7ba3d
27 changed files with 463 additions and 453 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ import os
# ones.
extensions = ['openstackdocstheme']
# openstackdocstheme options
openstackdocs_repo_name = 'osf/refstack'
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
#templates_path = ['_templates']
@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'openstackdocs'
html_theme = 'alabaster'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
How to upload test results to RefStack

View File

@ -7,38 +7,17 @@
Welcome to RefStack's documentation!
About RefStack
.. include:: README.rst
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Installing RefStack Server
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Using RefStack
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Indices and tables
* :ref:`search`

View File

@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
RefStack Quickstart
You can use docker for `one-click setup <run_in_docker.html>`__ or follow
step-by-step instructions below. These instructions have been tested on
Ubuntu 14 and 16 LTS.
Install API dependencies
``sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-virtualenv libssl-dev build-essential libffi-dev``
``sudo apt-get install mysql-server python-mysqldb``
Install RefStack UI dependencies
``curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -``
``curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -``
``echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list``
``sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nodejs yarn``
Setup the RefStack database
**Log into MySQL:**
``mysql -u root -p``
**After authentication, create the database:**
``CREATE DATABASE refstack;``
**Create a refstack user:**
``CREATE USER 'refstack'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<your password>';``
or using hash value for your password
``CREATE USER 'refstack'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '<hash value of your password';``
**Grant privileges:**
``GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON refstack . * TO 'refstack'@'localhost';``
**Reload privileges:**
**Exit MySQL:**
Clone the repository
``git clone https://opendev.org/osf/refstack``
``cd refstack``
**Create virtual environment:**
``virtualenv .venv --system-site-package``
**Source to virtual environment:**
``source .venv/bin/activate``
**Update pip**
``pip install -U pip``
**Install environment pre-requirements**
# App server
``pip install gunicorn==18``
# python mysql connector
``pip install PyMySQL>=0.6.2,!=0.6.4``
Install RefStack application
``pip install .``
Install needed RefStack UI library dependencies
API configuration file preparation
Make a copy of the sample config file (etc/refstack.conf.sample) and
update it with the correct information of your environment. Examples
of the config parameters with default values are included in the
sample config file.
You should ensure that the following values in the config file are
noted and properly set:
``connection`` field in the ``[database]``\ section.
For example, if the backend database is MySQL then update:
``#connection = <None>`` to
``connection = mysql+pymysql://refstack:<your password>@x.x.x.x/refstack``
``ui_url`` field in the ``[DEFAULT]`` section.
This should be the URL that the UI can be accessed from. This will
likely be in the form ``http://<your server IP>:8000`` (8000 being
the default port RefStack is hosted on). For example:
``api_url`` field in the ``[api]`` section.
This should be the URL that the API can be accessed from. This, in
most cases, will be the same as the value for ``ui_url`` above.
``app_dev_mode`` field in the ``[api]`` section.
Set this field to true if you aren't creating a production-level
RefStack deployment and are just trying things out or developing.
Setting this field to true will allow you to quickly bring up both
the API and UI together, with the UI files being served by a simple
file server that comes with Pecan.
Create UI config file
From the RefStack project root directory, create a config.json file and
specify your API endpoint inside this file. This will be something like
{"refstackApiUrl": ""}:
``cp refstack-ui/app/config.json.sample refstack-ui/app/config.json``
Openstack OpenID endpoint configuration (optional)
If you are only interested in the uploading and viewing of result sets,
then this section can be ignored. However, in order for user accounts
and authentication to work, you need to make sure you are properly
configured with an OpenStack OpenID endpoint. There are two options:
- Use the official endpoint
`openstackid.org <https://openstackid.org>`__
- Host your own openstackid endpoint
Since openstackid checks for valid top-level domains, in both options
you will likely have to edit the hosts file of the system where your
web-browser for viewing the RefStack site resides. On Linux systems, you
would modify ``/etc/hosts``, adding a line like the following:
``<RefStack server IP> <some valid domain name>``
`` myrefstack.com``
On Windows, you would do the same in
``%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts``. Alternatively, you can add
a custom DNS record with the domain name mapping if possible.
Note that doing this requires you to modify the config.json file and the
``api_url`` and ``ui_url`` fields in refstack.conf to use this domain
name instead of the IP.
**Option 1 - Use Official Endpoint**
Using the official site is probably the easiest option as no additional
configuration is needed besides the hosts file modifications as noted
above. RefStack, by default, points to this endpoint.
**Option 2 - Use Local Endpoint**
Instructions for setting this up are outside of the scope of this doc,
but you can get started at
`Openstackid project <https://opendev.org/osf/openstackid>`__ .
You would then need to modify the ``openstack_openid_endpoint`` field in
the ``[osid]`` section in refstack.conf to match the local endpoint.
Database sync
**Check current revision:**
``refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf version``
The response will show the current database revision. If the revision is
``None`` (indicating a clear database), the following command should be
performed to upgrade the database to the latest revision:
**Upgrade database to latest revision:**
``refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf upgrade --revision head``
**Check current revision:**
``refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf version``
Now it should be some revision number other than `None`.
(Optional) Generate About Page Content
The RefStack About page is populated with HTML templates generated from
our RST documentation files. If you want this information displayed, then
run the following command from the root of the project.
``./tools/convert-docs.py -o ./refstack-ui/app/components/about/templates ./doc/source/*.rst``
Ignore any unknown directive errors.
Start RefStack
A simple way to start refstack is to just kick off gunicorn using the
``refstack-api`` executable:
``refstack-api --env REFSTACK_OSLO_CONFIG=/path/to/refstack.conf``
If ``app_dev_mode`` is set to true, this will launch both the UI and
Now available:
- ``http://<your server IP>:8000/v1/results`` with response JSON
including records consisting of ``<test run id>`` and
``<upload date>`` of the test runs. The default response is limited
to one page of the most recent uploaded test run records. The number
of records per page is configurable via the RefStack configuration
file. Filtering parameters such as page, start\_date, and end\_date
can also be used to specify the desired records. For example: GET
``http://<your server IP>:8000/v1/results?page=n`` will return page
*n* of the data.
- ``http://<your server IP>:8000/v1/results/<test run id>`` with
response JSON including the detail test results of the specified
``<test run id>``
(Optional) Configure Foundation organization and group
Overall RefStack admin access is given to users belonging to a
"Foundation" organization. To become a Foundation admin, first a
"Foundation" organization must be created. Note that you must have
logged into RefStack at least once so that a user record for your
account is created.
**Log into MySQL:**
``mysql -u root -p``
**Create a group for the "Foundation" organization:**
``INSERT INTO refstack.group (id, name, created_at) VALUES (UUID(), 'Foundation Group', NOW());``
**Get the group ID for the group you just created:**
``SELECT id from refstack.group WHERE name = 'Foundation Group';``
**Get your OpenID:**
``SELECT openid from refstack.user WHERE email = '<your email>';``
**Add your user account to the previously created "Foundation" group.**
Replace ``<Group ID>`` and ``<Your OpenID>`` with the values
retrieved in the two previous steps:
``INSERT INTO refstack.user_to_group (created_by_user, user_openid, group_id, created_at) VALUES ('<Your OpenID>', '<Your OpenID>', '<Group ID>', NOW());``
**Create the actual "Foundation" organization using this group:**
``INSERT INTO refstack.organization (id, type, name, group_id, created_by_user, created_at) VALUES (UUID(), 0, 'Foundation', '<Group ID>', '<Your OpenID>', NOW());``
(Optional) Build documentation
The RefStack documentation can be build using following commands:
``cd ~/refstack; source .venv/bin/activate``
``sudo apt-get install python3-dev python-tox``
``tox -e docs``
The documentation files will be build under ``~/refstack/build/sphinx``.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
API configuration file preparation
Make a copy of the sample config file (etc/refstack.conf.sample) and
update it with the correct information of your environment. Examples
of the config parameters with default values are included in the
sample config file.
You should ensure that the following values in the config file are
noted and properly set:
``connection`` field in the ``[database]``\ section.
For example, if the backend database is MySQL then update:
``#connection = <None>`` to
``connection = mysql+pymysql://refstack:<your password>@x.x.x.x/refstack``
``ui_url`` field in the ``[DEFAULT]`` section.
This should be the URL that the UI can be accessed from. This will
likely be in the form ``http://<your server IP>:8000`` (8000 being
the default port RefStack is hosted on). For example:
``api_url`` field in the ``[api]`` section.
This should be the URL that the API can be accessed from. This, in
most cases, will be the same as the value for ``ui_url`` above.
``app_dev_mode`` field in the ``[api]`` section.
Set this field to true if you aren't creating a production-level
RefStack deployment and are just trying things out or developing.
Setting this field to true will allow you to quickly bring up both
the API and UI together, with the UI files being served by a simple
file server that comes with Pecan.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(Optional) Build documentation
The RefStack documentation can be build using following commands:
``cd ~/refstack; source .venv/bin/activate``
``sudo apt-get install python3-dev python-tox``
``tox -e docs``
The documentation files will be build under ``~/refstack/build/sphinx``.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Clone the repository
``git clone https://opendev.org/osf/refstack``
``cd refstack``
**Create virtual environment:**
``virtualenv .venv --system-site-package``
**Source to virtual environment:**
``source .venv/bin/activate``
**Update pip**
``pip install -U pip``
**Install environment pre-requirements**
# App server
``pip install gunicorn==18``
# python mysql connector
``pip install PyMySQL>=0.6.2,!=0.6.4``

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
(Optional) Configure Foundation organization and group
Overall RefStack admin access is given to users belonging to a
"Foundation" organization. To become a Foundation admin, first a
"Foundation" organization must be created. Note that you must have
logged into RefStack at least once so that a user record for your
account is created.
**Log into MySQL:**
``mysql -u root -p``
**Create a group for the "Foundation" organization:**
``INSERT INTO refstack.group (id, name, created_at) VALUES (UUID(), 'Foundation Group', NOW());``
**Get the group ID for the group you just created:**
``SELECT id from refstack.group WHERE name = 'Foundation Group';``
**Get your OpenID:**
``SELECT openid from refstack.user WHERE email = '<your email>';``
**Add your user account to the previously created "Foundation" group.**
Replace ``<Group ID>`` and ``<Your OpenID>`` with the values
retrieved in the two previous steps:
``INSERT INTO refstack.user_to_group (created_by_user, user_openid, group_id, created_at) VALUES ('<Your OpenID>', '<Your OpenID>', '<Group ID>', NOW());``
**Create the actual "Foundation" organization using this group:**
``INSERT INTO refstack.organization (id, type, name, group_id, created_by_user, created_at) VALUES (UUID(), 0, 'Foundation', '<Group ID>', '<Your OpenID>', NOW());``

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Create UI config file
From the RefStack project root directory, create a config.json file and
specify your API endpoint inside this file. This will be something like
{"refstackApiUrl": ""}:
``cp refstack-ui/app/config.json.sample refstack-ui/app/config.json``

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Database sync
**Check current revision:**
``refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf version``
The response will show the current database revision. If the revision is
``None`` (indicating a clear database), the following command should be
performed to upgrade the database to the latest revision:
**Upgrade database to latest revision:**
``refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf upgrade --revision head``
**Check current revision:**
``refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf version``
Now it should be some revision number other than `None`.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(Optional) Generate About Page Content
The RefStack About page is populated with HTML templates generated from
our RST documentation files. If you want this information displayed, then
run the following command from the root of the project.
``./tools/convert-docs.py -o ./refstack-ui/app/components/about/templates ./doc/source/*.rst``
Ignore any unknown directive errors.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Install API dependencies
``sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-virtualenv libssl-dev build-essential libffi-dev``
``sudo apt-get install mysql-server python-mysqldb``

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Install RefStack application
``pip install .``

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Install needed RefStack UI library dependencies

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Install RefStack UI dependencies
``curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -``
``curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -``
``echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list``
``sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nodejs yarn``

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Openstack OpenID endpoint configuration (optional)
If you are only interested in the uploading and viewing of result sets,
then this section can be ignored. However, in order for user accounts
and authentication to work, you need to make sure you are properly
configured with an OpenStack OpenID endpoint. There are two options:
- Use the official endpoint
`openstackid.org <https://openstackid.org>`__
- Host your own openstackid endpoint
Since openstackid checks for valid top-level domains, in both options
you will likely have to edit the hosts file of the system where your
web-browser for viewing the RefStack site resides. On Linux systems, you
would modify ``/etc/hosts``, adding a line like the following:
``<RefStack server IP> <some valid domain name>``
`` myrefstack.com``
On Windows, you would do the same in
``%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts``. Alternatively, you can add
a custom DNS record with the domain name mapping if possible.
Note that doing this requires you to modify the config.json file and the
``api_url`` and ``ui_url`` fields in refstack.conf to use this domain
name instead of the IP.
**Option 1 - Use Official Endpoint**
Using the official site is probably the easiest option as no additional
configuration is needed besides the hosts file modifications as noted
above. RefStack, by default, points to this endpoint.
**Option 2 - Use Local Endpoint**
Instructions for setting this up are outside of the scope of this doc,
but you can get started at
`Openstackid project <https://opendev.org/osf/openstackid>`__ .
You would then need to modify the ``openstack_openid_endpoint`` field in
the ``[osid]`` section in refstack.conf to match the local endpoint.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Setup the RefStack database
**Log into MySQL:**
``mysql -u root -p``
**After authentication, create the database:**
``CREATE DATABASE refstack;``
**Create a refstack user:**
``CREATE USER 'refstack'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<your password>';``
or using hash value for your password
``CREATE USER 'refstack'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '<hash value of your password';``
**Grant privileges:**
``GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON refstack . * TO 'refstack'@'localhost';``
**Reload privileges:**
**Exit MySQL:**

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Start RefStack
A simple way to start refstack is to just kick off gunicorn using the
``refstack-api`` executable:
``refstack-api --env REFSTACK_OSLO_CONFIG=/path/to/refstack.conf``
If ``app_dev_mode`` is set to true, this will launch both the UI and
Now available:
- ``http://<your server IP>:8000/v1/results`` with response JSON
including records consisting of ``<test run id>`` and
``<upload date>`` of the test runs. The default response is limited
to one page of the most recent uploaded test run records. The number
of records per page is configurable via the RefStack configuration
file. Filtering parameters such as page, start\_date, and end\_date
can also be used to specify the desired records. For example: GET
``http://<your server IP>:8000/v1/results?page=n`` will return page
*n* of the data.
- ``http://<your server IP>:8000/v1/results/<test run id>`` with
response JSON including the detail test results of the specified
``<test run id>``

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
RefStack Quickstart
You can use docker for `one-click setup <run_in_docker.html>`__ or follow
step-by-step instructions below. These instructions have been tested on
Ubuntu 14 and 16 LTS.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
Run-in-docker manual
Option 1 - Using an ansible playbook
These steps are meant for RefStack developers to help them with setting up
@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ and then restart the apache service so that it loads the new configuration::
$ systemctl restart apache2
How to edit refstack files within the container
@ -100,78 +96,3 @@ To see the server's logs use the following command::
$ docker container logs -f <container name>
Option 2 - Using a script
NOTE: This is currently outdated, follow the Option 1 for now.
The main purpose of the ``run-in-docker`` script is to provide a
convenient way to create a local setup of RefStack inside a Docker
container. It should be helpful for new developers and also for testing
new features.
- ``Docker >= 1.6`` (How to update on
`Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/docker>`__)
How to use:
Just run the ``run-in-docker`` script, but is important to first set
env[REFSTACK\_HOST] with the public host/IP for your local API. If you
want to test RefStack with OpenStackid you should point a valid local
alias here. For example:
``export REFSTACK_HOST=myrefstack.com``
By default is used.
After it completes, check that the site is running on
The script will build a RefStack docker image with all dependencies, and
will run a container from this image. By default, RefStack will run
inside this container. You also can run ``run-in-docker bash`` to get
access into the container. If you stop the RefStack server by pressing
'Ctrl-C', the container is kept alive and will be re-used next time.
You can customize the RefStack API config by editing
``docker/templates/refstack.conf.tmpl``. It is a bash template, so you
can use ${SOME\_ENV\_VARIABLE} in it.
This script can make the reviewing process much easier because it
creates separate containers for each review. Containers get names in the
form refstack\_{REVIEW-TOPIC}. Database schema changes are automatically
handled, too, where the script creates a data container for each
database revision (refstack\_data\_{DATA-BASE-REVISON}) and reuses it
where possible. For example, if a new review uses an existing database
revision, that database container will be used.
Available script options:
- ``-r`` Force delete the RefStack container and run it again. This
will update the RefStack config from template noted above.
- ``-i`` Run a container with isolated MySQL data. By default MySQL
data is stored in a refstack\_data\_{DATA-BASE-REVISON} container. It
reuses this container if such one exists. If you want to drop the DB
data, just execute
``sudo docker rm refstack_data_{DATA-BASE-REVISON}``.
- ``-b`` Force delete RefStack image and build it again. This rebuilds
the Python and JS environment for RefStack.
- ``-d`` Turn on debug information.
- ``-h`` Print usage message.
Useful in-container commands/aliases:
- ``api-up`` - sync project and run the RefStack API
- ``api-init-db`` - initialize the RefStack database
- ``api-db-version`` - get current migration version of the RefStack
- ``api-sync`` - sync project files in the container with the project
files on the host
- ``activate`` - activate the python virtual env
- ``mysql`` - open the MySQL console

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
Option 2 - Using a script
NOTE: This is currently outdated, follow the Option 1 for now.
The main purpose of the ``run-in-docker`` script is to provide a
convenient way to create a local setup of RefStack inside a Docker
container. It should be helpful for new developers and also for testing
new features.
- ``Docker >= 1.6`` (How to update on
`Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/docker>`__)
How to use:
Just run the ``run-in-docker`` script, but is important to first set
env[REFSTACK\_HOST] with the public host/IP for your local API. If you
want to test RefStack with OpenStackid you should point a valid local
alias here. For example:
``export REFSTACK_HOST=myrefstack.com``
By default is used.
After it completes, check that the site is running on
The script will build a RefStack docker image with all dependencies, and
will run a container from this image. By default, RefStack will run
inside this container. You also can run ``run-in-docker bash`` to get
access into the container. If you stop the RefStack server by pressing
'Ctrl-C', the container is kept alive and will be re-used next time.
You can customize the RefStack API config by editing
``docker/templates/refstack.conf.tmpl``. It is a bash template, so you
can use ${SOME\_ENV\_VARIABLE} in it.
This script can make the reviewing process much easier because it
creates separate containers for each review. Containers get names in the
form refstack\_{REVIEW-TOPIC}. Database schema changes are automatically
handled, too, where the script creates a data container for each
database revision (refstack\_data\_{DATA-BASE-REVISON}) and reuses it
where possible. For example, if a new review uses an existing database
revision, that database container will be used.
Available script options:
- ``-r`` Force delete the RefStack container and run it again. This
will update the RefStack config from template noted above.
- ``-i`` Run a container with isolated MySQL data. By default MySQL
data is stored in a refstack\_data\_{DATA-BASE-REVISON} container. It
reuses this container if such one exists. If you want to drop the DB
data, just execute
``sudo docker rm refstack_data_{DATA-BASE-REVISON}``.
- ``-b`` Force delete RefStack image and build it again. This rebuilds
the Python and JS environment for RefStack.
- ``-d`` Turn on debug information.
- ``-h`` Print usage message.
Useful in-container commands/aliases:
- ``api-up`` - sync project and run the RefStack API
- ``api-init-db`` - initialize the RefStack database
- ``api-db-version`` - get current migration version of the RefStack
- ``api-sync`` - sync project files in the container with the project
files on the host
- ``activate`` - activate the python virtual env
- ``mysql`` - open the MySQL console

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Run-in-docker manual
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
Test result management
Test result to product version association
Test results uploaded by users can be associated to a version of a product. To
perform this association, the user must be both the one who uploaded the result
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ associated to a product, all admins of the vendor which owns the product can
manage the test result.
Mark or unmark a test results as verified
Only Foundation admins can mark and un-mark a test as verified. A verified
test result can not be updated or deleted.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Product entity
Any user who has successfully authenticated to the RefStack server can create
product entities. The minimum information needed to create a product entity is
as follows:
- Name
This is the name of the product entity being created.
- Product type:
Product types are defined by OpenStack as shown on the OpenStack Marketplace
( https://www.openstack.org/marketplace/ ). Currently, there are three types
of products, namely: Distro & Appliances, Hosted Private Clouds and Public
- Vendor
This is the vendor which owns the product. A default vendor will be created
for the user if no vendor entity exists for this user.
Whenever a product is created, by default, it is a private product and is only
visible to its vendor users. Vendor users can make a product publicly visible
as needed later. However, only products that are owned by official vendors can
be made publicly visible.
Product version
A default version is created whenever a product is created. The name of the
default version is blank. The default version is used for products that have
no version. Users can add new product versions to the product as needed.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
Vendor and product management
RefStack has implemented a vendor and product registration process so that test
results can be associated to products of vendors. The creation and management
of vendor and product entities can be done using the RefStack Server UI or
RefStack APIs. The following is a quick guide outlining the information related
to the creation and management of those entities.
Vendor entity
@ -55,37 +46,3 @@ There are four types of vendor entities in RefStack:
type will be changed from "pending" to "official". Official vendors are
visible to all RefStack users.
Product entity
Any user who has successfully authenticated to the RefStack server can create
product entities. The minimum information needed to create a product entity is
as follows:
- Name
This is the name of the product entity being created.
- Product type:
Product types are defined by OpenStack as shown on the OpenStack Marketplace
( https://www.openstack.org/marketplace/ ). Currently, there are three types
of products, namely: Distro & Appliances, Hosted Private Clouds and Public
- Vendor
This is the vendor which owns the product. A default vendor will be created
for the user if no vendor entity exists for this user.
Whenever a product is created, by default, it is a private product and is only
visible to its vendor users. Vendor users can make a product publicly visible
as needed later. However, only products that are owned by official vendors can
be made publicly visible.
Product version
A default version is created whenever a product is created. The name of the
default version is blank. The default version is used for products that have
no version. Users can add new product versions to the product as needed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Vendor and product management
RefStack has implemented a vendor and product registration process so that test
results can be associated to products of vendors. The creation and management
of vendor and product entities can be done using the RefStack Server UI or
RefStack APIs. The following is a quick guide outlining the information related
to the creation and management of those entities.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

View File

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ commands = {posargs}
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/cover.sh {posargs}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
deps = -c{env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:https://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/master}
commands = sphinx-build -b html doc/source doc/build/html