============================ Product Registration API ============================ Launchpad blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/refstack/+spec/vendor-result-validation Requirement document: https://goo.gl/bvo4FG Data model document: https://goo.gl/zWYnoq Based on the blueprint and requirement documents listed above, this spec defines the REST APIs needed to support the product registration process. Problem description =================== As RefStack implements the vendor and product registration process, additional REST APIs are needed for management of the newly added entities. This spec will focus on the product management APIs. Proposed change =============== Add new REST APIs to to RefStack v1 API support the following: * Create a product Any RefStack authenticated user can create a product. * Delete a product Foundation admins or admins in this vendor can delete the product records. * Update a product record Foundation admins or admins in this vendor can make update to the product records. * List product All RefStack users can list (view) publicly available product records with limited details. Foundation admins and vendor admins can retrieve full detail information of the products. Alternatives ------------ Direct access to the database to retrieve test records. Open to suggestions. Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- The following REST APIs will be added to RefStack. **List products** * Description: This API will be used to list the products in RefStack. By default, the response will include all product records that the user has privilege to retrieve. The result list will be sorted by names in alphabetical ascending order. At the time of this writing, the number of products will be registered in RefStack is expected to be small. Therefore, no result-limiting features such as pagination or filtering is implemented. More sophisticated filter, sorting and pagination features may be added in the future. **Note:** A "list products with detail" REST API will also be added later. Foundation and vendor admins can use this API to obtain additional private product information such as product record created date, created by user, etc. * Method type: GET * URI: v1/products/ * Normal Response Codes: * OK (200) * Error Response Codes: * Bad Request (400) * Request parameters: N/A * JSON schema definition for the body data: N/A * JSON schema definition for the response data: This response may include all publicly shared and private product records that the requester has privilege to retrieve. .. parsed-literal:: { "products": [ { "id" : "95346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e14", "name" : "Product ABC", "description" : "My description", "product_id" : "7e0072fb-a3e9-4901-82cd-9a3a911507d8", "product_type" : 1, "public" : true, "type" : 0, "can_manage" : false, "organization_id" : "69346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19" }, { "id" : "78346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19", "name" : "Product EFG", "description" : "My description", "product_id" : "8c9u72fb-a3e9-4901-82cd-9a3a911507d8", "product_type" : 0, "public" : true, "type" : 1, "can_manage" : false, "organization_id" : "87346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19" }, { "id" : "12346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19", "name" : "Product HIJ", "description" : "My description", "product_id" : "987672fb-a3e9-4901-82cd-9a3a911507d8", "product_type" : 2, "public" : true, "type" : 0, "can_manage" : false, "organization_id" : "77346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19" }, ...... ] } **Show product details** * Description: This API will be used to retrieve the detail information of a particular product. * Method type: GET * URI: v1/products/{id} * Normal Response Codes: * OK (200) * Error Response Codes: * Bad Request (400) * Unauthorized (401) * Not found (404) * Request parameters: +---------------+-------+--------------+-----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Style | Type | Description | +===============+=======+==============+===================================+ | id | URI | csapi:UUID | ID to retrieve data. | +---------------+-------+--------------+-----------------------------------+ * JSON schema definition for the body data: N/A * JSON schema definition for the response data: The response data will be filtered depending on whether the requester is a foundation admin or an admin user of the vendor which owns the product. * Response for non-foundation or none-vendor admins: .. parsed-literal:: { { "id" : "12346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19", "name" : "Product HIG", "description" : "My description", "product_id" : "987672fb-a3e9-4901-82cd-9a3a911507d8", "product_type" : 2, "public" : true, "type" : 0, "can_manage" : false, "organization_id" : "77346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19" } } * Response for foundation or vendor admin users: .. parsed-literal:: { { "id" : "12346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19", "name" : "Product HIG", "description" : "My description" "product_id" : "987672fb-a3e9-4901-82cd-9a3a911507d8", "product_type" : 2, "public" : true, "properties" : "some text" "created_at": "2016-02-01 08:42:25", "created_by_user": "john@abc.com", "updated_at": "2016-02-02 08:42:25", "type" : 0, "can_manage" : true, "organization_id" : "77346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19" } } **Create product** * Description: This API will be used to create a product in RefStack. Any RefStack authenticated user can create a product. Per current RefStack design, a product must be owned by a vendor. Therefore, if a vendor owner is not specified at the time when the product is created, a default private vendor will be created with the requester being assigned as the newly created vendor's admin user. By default, a product will be created as private. * Method type: POST * URI: v1/products/ * Normal Response Codes: * Created (201) * Error Response Codes: * Bad Request (400) * Unauthorized (401) * Not found (404) * Request parameters: N/A * JSON schema definition for the body data: .. parsed-literal:: { "name" : "ABC", "description" : "My description", "product_type" : 2, "organization_id" : "95346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e14", "required": ["name", "product_type"] } * JSON schema definition for the response data: .. parsed-literal:: { "id" : "345676866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635f20" } **Update product** * Description: This API will be used to update the fields of a product in RefStack. Only foundation admins or admin users of this vendor can perform update on a product record. * Method type: PUT * URI: v1/products/{id} * Normal Response Codes: * OK (200) * Error Response Codes: * Bad Request (400) * Unauthorized (401) * Not found (404) * Request parameters: +---------------+-------+--------------+-----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Style | Type | Description | +===============+=======+==============+===================================+ | id | URI | csapi:UUID | ID for update. | +---------------+-------+--------------+-----------------------------------+ * JSON schema definition for the body data: .. parsed-literal:: { { "name" : "Product EFG", "description" : "My description", "product_id" : "987672fb-a3e9-4901-82cd-9a3a911507d8", "public" : true, "properties" : "some text", "required": [] } } * JSON schema definition for the response data: .. parsed-literal:: { { "id" : "95346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e14", "name" : "Product EFG", "description" : "My description", "product_id" : "987672fb-a3e9-4901-82cd-9a3a911507d8", "product_type" : 2, "public" : true, "properties" : "some text", "created_at": "2016-02-01 08:42:25", "created_by_user": "john@abc.com", "updated_at": "2016-02-02 08:42:25", "type" : 0, "can_manage" : true, "organization_id" : "77346866-307f-4052-ba31-ff6270635e19" } } **Delete product** * Description: This API will be used to delete a product in RefStack. Foundation admins and admin users of this vendor can delete a product. * Method type: DELETE * URI: v1/products/{id} * Normal Response Codes: * No content (204) * Error Response Codes: * Bad Request (400) * Unauthorized (401) * Not found (404) * Request parameters: +---------------+-------+--------------+-----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Style | Type | Description | +===============+=======+==============+===================================+ | id | URI | csapi:UUID | ID to be removed. | +---------------+-------+--------------+-----------------------------------+ * JSON schema definition for the body data: N/A * JSON schema definition for the response data: N/A Security impact --------------- None. Notifications impact -------------------- None. Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other deployer impact --------------------- None Developer impact ---------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Andrey Pavlov Other contributors: TBD Work Items ---------- * Create the REST APIs. Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= None Documentation Impact ==================== None References ========== None