Run-in-docker manual =================== The main purpose of the `run-in-docker` script is to provide a convenient way to create a local setup of RefStack inside a Docker container. It should be helpful for new developers and also for testing new features. ####Requirements: - `Docker >= 1.6` (How to update on [Ubuntu]( ####How to use: Just run the `run-in-docker` script, but is important to first set env[REFSTACK_HOST] with the public host/IP for your local API. If you want to test RefStack with OpenStackid you should point a valid local alias here. For example: `export` By default is used. After it completes, check that the site is running on The script will build a RefStack docker image with all dependencies, and will run a container from this image. By default, RefStack will run inside this container. You also can run `run-in-docker bash` to get access into the container. If you stop the RefStack server by pressing 'Ctrl-C', the container is kept alive and will be re-used next time. You can customize the RefStack API config by editing `docker/templates/refstack.conf.tmpl`. It is a bash template, so you can use ${SOME\_ENV\_VARIABLE} in it. This script can make the reviewing process much easier because it creates separate containers for each review. Containers get names in the form refstack_{REVIEW-TOPIC}. Database schema changes are automatically handled, too, where the script creates a data container for each database revision (refstack\_data\_{DATA-BASE-REVISON}) and reuses it where possible. For example, if a new review uses an existing database revision, that database container will be used. ####Available script options: - `-r` Force delete the RefStack container and run it again. This will update the RefStack config from template noted above. - `-i` Run a container with isolated MySQL data. By default MySQL data is stored in a refstack\_data\_{DATA-BASE-REVISON} container. It reuses this container if such one exists. If you want to drop the DB data, just execute `sudo docker rm refstack_data_{DATA-BASE-REVISON}`. - `-b` Force delete RefStack image and build it again. This rebuids the Python and JS environment for RefStack. - `-d` Turn on debug information. - `-h` Print usage message. ####Useful in-container commands/aliases: - `api-up` - sync project and run the RefStack API - `api-init-db` - initialize the RefStack database - `api-db-version` - get current migration version of the RefStack database - `api-sync` - sync project files in the container with the project files on the host - `activate` - activate the python virtual env - `mysql` - open the MySQL console