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This document contains some details that are neccessary to know to be successful in the usage of the script

The script can be run using the following formatting: "./ --file /tmp/datasource.csv --endpoint --token <my-token>"

This script updates RefStack tests as verified given a specific spreadsheet. The columns in this spreadsheet are, in this order: - Company Name - Product Name - Type (Distribution, Public, or Private) - Region - Guideline - Component (Compute, Platform, or Object) - Reported Release - Passed Release - Federated identity (yes/no) - Refstack Link - Zendesk Link - Marketplace Link - License Date - Update Product (yes/no) - Contacts - Notes - License Link - Active (1 or 0) - Public (1 or 0)

The data is pulled from a csv file. The default csv name is toadd.csv, but using the -f flag, we can use csv of a different filename.

The refstack database that we are pushing updates to is set via the "-e", or "--endpoint flag. This flag specifies the refstack api endpoint to be used to update the database. This is a required flag.

Because editing arbitrary test results requires administrative privileges, an auth token must be used with the RefStack API. This token can be generated by entering the command "jwt --key="$( cat <path to private key> )" --alg=RS256 user_openid=<openstackid> exp=+100500". This generates a json web token, which we must link using the "-t" or "--token" flag. Because we cannot auth without this token, the token is a required flag.

The script will go through each line of the CSV, grabbing the refstack link, the guideline, and the component. It also uses the refstack result to get a test result Id.

It then uses that test ID to update the internal db using refstack's built in RESTful api.

Lastly, if at least one of the links has proven to be valid, we will then use the same RESTful api, and test ID to update the verification_status field associated with that test result.