From b505656a796a39ba42f722f795891c40090bd96f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Diane Fleming <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 15:38:41 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Change xml and json files that contain only text to *.txt

Otherwise, this book fails the new validation gates

Closes-Bug: #1270267

Change-Id: Ibbe16c8e4db64abb29c66c3b1a14cb90014d56a3
author: diane fleming
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 .../db-list-user-dbs-request-xml.txt}         |    4 +-
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         <legalnotice role="apache2">
-                <remark>Copyright details are filled in by the template.</remark>
+                <remark>Copyright details are filled in by the
+                    template.</remark>
@@ -90,17 +90,18 @@
-    <cover>
-        <para>this is a placeholder for the front cover</para>
-    </cover>
-    <cover>
-        <para>this is a placeholder for the back cover</para>
-    </cover>
-    <raxm:metadata xmlns:raxm="">
-      <raxm:displayname>API Developer Guide</raxm:displayname>
-      <raxm:product version="v1.0">cdb</raxm:product>
-      <raxm:priority>20</raxm:priority>
-    </raxm:metadata>
+        <cover>
+            <para>this is a placeholder for the front cover</para>
+        </cover>
+        <cover>
+            <para>this is a placeholder for the back cover</para>
+        </cover>
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+            xmlns:raxm="">
+            <raxm:displayname>API Developer Guide</raxm:displayname>
+            <raxm:product version="v1.0">cdb</raxm:product>
+            <raxm:priority>20</raxm:priority>
+        </raxm:metadata>
     <chapter xml:id="overview">
@@ -117,27 +118,27 @@
                     >mysqldump</emphasis> until backups are supported
                 in Cloud Databases.</para>
-        <para>The following figure shows an
-            overview of Cloud Databases Infrastructure: <informalfigure>
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                        <imagedata
-                            fileref="images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.svg"
-                            contentwidth="6in"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-            </informalfigure>
-        </para>
+        <para>The following figure shows an overview of Cloud
+            Databases Infrastructure:</para>
+        <informalfigure>
+            <mediaobject>
+                <imageobject>
+                    <imagedata
+                        fileref="images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.svg"
+                        contentwidth="6in"/>
+                </imageobject>
+            </mediaobject>
+        </informalfigure>
         <remark security="reviewer">Reviewer: need to edit graphic
             above so it says "The Cloud" rather than "The Rackspace
         <section xml:id="Intended_Audience-d1e122">
             <title>Intended Audience</title>
-            <para>This Guide is intended to assist software
-                developers who want to develop applications using the
-                Cloud Databases API. It assumes the reader has a
-                general understanding of databases and is familiar
+            <para>This Guide is intended to assist software developers
+                who want to develop applications using the Cloud
+                Databases API. It assumes the reader has a general
+                understanding of databases and is familiar
             <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
@@ -167,7 +168,8 @@
             <para>We welcome feedback, comments, and bug reports at
-                <link xlink:href=""
+                    <link
+                    xlink:href=""
             <para>This API uses standard HTTP 1.1 response codes as
                 documented at: <link
@@ -230,19 +232,20 @@
             authentication system that allows seamless access between
             products and services.</para>
-            <para>All requests to authenticate against and operate the service are performed using
-                SSL over HTTP (HTTPS) on TCP port 443.</para>
+            <para>All requests to authenticate against and operate the
+                service are performed using SSL over HTTP (HTTPS) on
+                TCP port 443.</para>
         <section xml:id="Authentication-d1e647">
-            <para>Each HTTP request against the Cloud Database
-                service requires the inclusion of specific
-                authentication credentials. A single deployment may
-                support multiple authentication schemes (OAuth, Basic
-                Auth, Token). The authentication scheme used is
-                determined by the provider of the Cloud Database
-                service. Please contact your provider to determine the
-                best way to authenticate against this API.</para>
+            <para>Each HTTP request against the Cloud Database service
+                requires the inclusion of specific authentication
+                credentials. A single deployment may support multiple
+                authentication schemes (OAuth, Basic Auth, Token). The
+                authentication scheme used is determined by the
+                provider of the Cloud Database service. Please contact
+                your provider to determine the best way to
+                authenticate against this API.</para>
                 <para>Some authentication schemes may require that the
                     API operate using SSL over HTTP (HTTPS).</para>
@@ -250,8 +253,8 @@
         <section xml:id="DB_service_versions">
             <title>Cloud Databases Service Versions</title>
-            <para>The Cloud Databases version defines the contract
-                and build information for the API.</para>
+            <para>The Cloud Databases version defines the contract and
+                build information for the API.</para>
             <section xml:id="Contract_Version-d1e825">
                 <title>Contract Version</title>
                 <para>The contract version denotes the data model and
@@ -259,18 +262,17 @@
                     contract version is included in all request URLs.
                     Different contract versions of the API may be
                     available at any given time and are not guaranteed
-                    to be compatible with one another.
-                </para>
+                    to be compatible with one another.</para>
-                        <title>Example Request URL (contract version
-                            in <emphasis role="strong"
-                            >bold</emphasis>)</title>
-                        <programlisting><emphasis role="strong">v1.0</emphasis>/1234</programlisting>
+                    <title>Example Request URL (contract version in
+                            <emphasis role="strong"
+                        >bold</emphasis>)</title>
+                    <programlisting><emphasis role="strong">v1.0</emphasis>/1234</programlisting>
-                    <note>
-                        <para>This document pertains to contract
-                            version 1.0.</para>
-                    </note>
+                <note>
+                    <para>This document pertains to contract version
+                        1.0.</para>
+                </note>
             <section xml:id="API_Version_Headers-d1e855">
@@ -284,24 +286,26 @@
         <section xml:id="datetimeformat">
             <title>Date/Time Format</title>
-            <para>The Database Service uses an ISO-8601 compliant
-                date format for the display and consumption of
-                date/time values.</para>
-            <para>The system timezone is in UTC. MySQL converts TIMESTAMP values from
-                    the current time zone to UTC for storage, and back
-                    from UTC to the current time zone for retrieval.
-                    This does not occur for other types, such as DATETIME.
-            </para>
-                <example>
-                    <title>DB Service Date/Time Format</title>
-                    <programlisting>yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ</programlisting>
-                <para>See the table below for a description of the date/time format codes.</para>
-                    <para>May 19th, 2011 at 8:07:08 AM, GMT-5 would have the following
-                    format:</para>
-                    <programlisting>2011-05-19T08:07:08-05:00</programlisting>
-                </example>
+            <para>The Database Service uses an ISO-8601 compliant date
+                format for the display and consumption of date/time
+                values.</para>
+            <para>The system timezone is in UTC. MySQL converts
+                TIMESTAMP values from the current time zone to UTC for
+                storage, and back from UTC to the current time zone
+                for retrieval. This does not occur for other types,
+                such as DATETIME.</para>
+            <example>
+                <title>DB Service Date/Time Format</title>
+                <programlisting>yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ</programlisting>
+                <para>See the table below for a description of the
+                    date/time format codes.</para>
+                <para>May 19th, 2011 at 8:07:08 AM, GMT-5 would have
+                    the following format:</para>
+                <programlisting>2011-05-19T08:07:08-05:00</programlisting>
+            </example>
             <table rules="all">
-                <caption>Explanation of Date/Time Format Codes</caption>
+                <caption>Explanation of Date/Time Format
+                    Codes</caption>
@@ -339,7 +343,8 @@
-                        <td>Three digit milliseconds of the second</td>
+                        <td>Three digit milliseconds of the
+                            second</td>
@@ -359,8 +364,8 @@
                 20. If a request supplies no limit or one that exceeds
                 the configured default limit, the default is used
-            <para>Pagination provides the ability to limit the size
-                of the returned data as well as retrieve a specified
+            <para>Pagination provides the ability to limit the size of
+                the returned data as well as retrieve a specified
                 subset of a large data set. Pagination has two key
                 concepts: limit and marker. <emphasis>Limit</emphasis>
                 is the restriction on the maximum number of items for
@@ -400,7 +405,8 @@
                         <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
-                        <td colspan="2"> /instances/{instanceId}/users</td>
+                        <td colspan="2">
+                            /instances/{instanceId}/users</td>
                         <td colspan="3">Lists the users in the
                             specified database instance.</td>
@@ -417,21 +423,17 @@
             <para>See the examples of paged List Instances calls that
-            <remark security="reviewer">Reviewer: Need new examples that show OpenStack
-                host.</remark>
+            <remark security="reviewer">Reviewer: Need new examples
+                that show OpenStack host.</remark>
                 <title>List Instances Paged Request: XML</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="xml">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-request.xml" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-request-xml.txt" parse="text"/></programlisting>
                 <title>List Instances Paged Request: JSON</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="json">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-request.json" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="json"><xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-request-json.txt" parse="text"/></programlisting>
             <para>Notice that the paged request examples above set the
                 limit to 2 (<code>?limit=2</code>), so the responses
@@ -446,27 +448,35 @@
                 <title>List Instances Paged Response: XML</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="xml">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-response.xml" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/xml
+Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
+Content-Length: 1538
+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)</literallayout>
+                <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-response.xml" parse="text"/></programlisting>
                 <title>List Instances Paged Response: JSON</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="json">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-response.json" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/json
+Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
+Content-Length: 1172
+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)</literallayout>
+<programlisting language="json"><xi:include href="samples/db-instances-index-pagination-response.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
         <section xml:id="DB_faults">
-            <para>When an error occurs, the Database Service returns
-                a fault object containing an HTTP error response code
+            <para>When an error occurs, the Database Service returns a
+                fault object containing an HTTP error response code
                 that denotes the type of error. In the body of the
                 response, the system will return additional
                 information about the fault.</para>
-            <para>The following table lists possible fault types with their associated error codes
-                and descriptions.</para>
+            <para>The following table lists possible fault types with
+                their associated error codes and descriptions.</para>
             <informaltable rules="all">
                     <tr align="center">
@@ -479,12 +489,15 @@
                         <td colspan="2"><code>badRequest</code></td>
                         <td colspan="1">400</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">There was one or more errors in the user request.</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">There was one or more errors
+                            in the user request.</td>
                         <td colspan="2"><code>unauthorized</code></td>
                         <td colspan="1">401</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">The supplied token is not authorized to access the resources, either it's expired or invalid.</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">The supplied token is not
+                            authorized to access the resources, either
+                            it's expired or invalid.</td>
                         <td colspan="2"><code>forbidden</code></td>
@@ -502,20 +515,25 @@
                         <td colspan="2"><code>badMethod</code></td>
                         <td colspan="1">405</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">The request method is not allowed for this resource.</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">The request method is not
+                            allowed for this resource.</td>
                         <td colspan="2"><code>overLimit</code></td>
                         <td colspan="1">413</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">Either the number of entities in the request is larger than
-                            allowed limits, or the user has exceeded allowable request rate limits.
-                            See the <code>details</code> element for more specifics. Contact support
-                            if you think you need higher request rate limits.</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Either the number of entities
+                            in the request is larger than allowed
+                            limits, or the user has exceeded allowable
+                            request rate limits. See the
+                                <code>details</code> element for more
+                            specifics. Contact support if you think
+                            you need higher request rate limits.</td>
                         <td colspan="2"><code>badMediaType</code></td>
                         <td colspan="1">415</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">The requested content type is not supported by this service.</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">The requested content type is
+                            not supported by this service.</td>
                         <td colspan="2"
@@ -528,13 +546,17 @@
                         <td colspan="2"
                         <td colspan="1">500</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">This is a generic server error and the message contains the reason for the error. This error could wrap several error messages and is a catch all.</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">This is a generic server error
+                            and the message contains the reason for
+                            the error. This error could wrap several
+                            error messages and is a catch all.</td>
                         <td colspan="2"
                         <td colspan="1">501</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">The requested method or resource is not implemented.</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">The requested method or
+                            resource is not implemented.</td>
                         <td colspan="2"
@@ -545,66 +567,83 @@
-            <para>The following two  <code>instanceFault</code>
+            <para>The following two <code>instanceFault</code>
                 examples show errors when the server has erred or
                 cannot perform the requested operation:</para>
                 <title>Example instanceFault Response: XML</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="xml">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-faults-instanceFault.xml" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
+Content-Type: application/xml
+Content-Length: 121
+Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 18:19:37 GMT</literallayout>
+<programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/db-faults-instanceFault.xml" parse="text"/></programlisting>
                 <title>Example Fault Response: JSON</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="json">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-faults-instanceFault.json" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
+Content-Length: 120
+Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 00:33:48 GMT</literallayout>
+<programlisting language="json"><xi:include href="samples/db-faults-instanceFault.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
-            <para>The error code (<code>code</code>) is returned in the body of the response for
-                convenience. The <code>message</code> element returns a human-readable message that
-                is appropriate for display to the end user. The <code>details</code> element is
-                optional and may contain information that is useful for tracking down an error, such
-                as a stack trace. The <code>details</code> element may or may not be appropriate for
-                display to an end user, depending on the role and experience of the end user.</para>
+            <para>The error code (<code>code</code>) is returned in
+                the body of the response for convenience. The
+                    <code>message</code> element returns a
+                human-readable message that is appropriate for display
+                to the end user. The <code>details</code> element is
+                optional and may contain information that is useful
+                for tracking down an error, such as a stack trace. The
+                    <code>details</code> element may or may not be
+                appropriate for display to an end user, depending on
+                the role and experience of the end user.</para>
             <para>The fault's root element (for example,
                     <code>instanceFault</code>) may change depending
                 on the type of error.</para>
-            <para><?rax-fo keep-with-next?>The following two <code>badRequest</code> examples
-                show errors when the volume size is invalid:</para>
+            <para><?rax-fo keep-with-next?>The following two
+                    <code>badRequest</code> examples show errors when
+                the volume size is invalid:</para>
                 <title>Example badRequest Fault on Volume Size Errors:
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="xml">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-faults-badRequest.xml" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 400 None
+Content-Type: application/xml
+Content-Length: 121
+Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 18:19:37 GMT</literallayout>
+<programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/db-faults-badRequest.xml" parse="text"/></programlisting>
                 <title>Example badRequest Fault on Volume Size Errors:
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="json">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-faults-badRequest.json" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 400 None
+Content-Length: 120
+Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 00:33:48 GMT</literallayout>
+<programlisting language="json"><xi:include href="samples/db-faults-badRequest.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
-            <para>The next two examples show
-                    <code>itemNotFound</code> errors:</para>
+            <para>The next two examples show <code>itemNotFound</code>
+                errors:</para>
                 <title>Example itemNotFound Fault: XML</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="xml">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-faults-itemNotFound.xml" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
+Content-Length: 147
+Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
+Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:50:15 GMT</literallayout>
+<programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/db-faults-itemNotFound.xml" parse="text"/></programlisting>
                 <title>Example itemNotFound Fault: JSON</title>
                 <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <programlisting language="json">
-<xi:include href="samples/db-faults-itemNotFound.json" parse="text"/>
-                    </programlisting>
+                <literallayout>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
+Content-Length: 78
+Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 00:35:24 GMT</literallayout>
+<programlisting language="json"><xi:include href="samples/db-faults-itemNotFound.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
             <section xml:id="synchro_vs_async_faults">
                 <title>Synchronous Versus Asynchronous
@@ -614,7 +653,8 @@
                     fault contains an HTTP error response code, a
                     human readable message, and optional details about
                     the error. The following Database API calls are
-                    synchronous and may produce synchronous faults:<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
+                    synchronous and may produce synchronous
+                        faults:<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
                             <para>List Users</para>
@@ -654,7 +694,7 @@
                     HTTP error response code, a human readable
                     message, and optional details about the error. The
                     following Database API calls are asynchronous and
-                    may produce asynchronous faults:<itemizedlist
+                    may produce asynchronous faults:</para><itemizedlist
                             <para>Create Instance</para>
@@ -683,22 +723,25 @@
                             <para>Restart Instance</para>
-                    </itemizedlist><note>
+                    </itemizedlist>
+                    <note>
                         <para>Note that an asynchronous operation, if
                             it fails, may not give the user an error,
                             and the operation can error out without a
                             failure notification.</para>
-                    </note></para>
+                    </note>
         <section xml:id="database_instance_status">
             <title>Database Instance Status</title>
-            <para><?rax-fo keep-with-next?>When making an API call to create, list, or delete
-                database instance(s), the following database instance
-                status values are possible:</para>
+            <para><?rax-fo keep-with-next?>When making an API call to
+                create, list, or delete database instance(s), the
+                following database instance status values are
+                possible:</para>
             <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
-                    <para>BUILD &ndash; The database instance is being provisioned.</para>
+                    <para>BUILD &ndash; The database instance is being
+                        provisioned.</para>
                     <para>REBOOT &ndash; The database instance is
@@ -713,21 +756,19 @@
                         unresponsive at the moment.</para>
-                    <para>RESIZE &ndash; The database instance is being
-                        resized at the moment.</para>
+                    <para>RESIZE &ndash; The database instance is
+                        being resized at the moment.</para>
                     <para>SHUTDOWN &ndash; The database instance is
                         terminating services. Also, SHUTDOWN is
                         returned if for any reason the MySQL instance
                         is shut down but not the actual server.</para>
-                    <para>
-                        <note>
-                            <para>If MySQL has crashed (causing the
-                                SHUTDOWN status), please call support
-                                for assistance.</para>
-                        </note>
-                    </para>
+                    <note>
+                        <para>If MySQL has crashed (causing the
+                            SHUTDOWN status), please call support for
+                            assistance.</para>
+                    </note>
                     <para>ERROR &ndash; The last operation for the
@@ -739,8 +780,7 @@
     <chapter xml:id="API_Operations-d1e2264"
-        xmlns=""
-        role="api-reference">
+        xmlns="" role="api-reference">
         <title>API Operations</title>
             <para>Do not use trailing slashes (/) at the end of calls
@@ -754,12 +794,13 @@
             <title>API Versions</title>
             <para>This section describes the versions that are
                 supported for the Cloud Databases API.</para>
-            <wadl:resources xmlns:wadl="">
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#versions">
+            <wadl:resources
+                xmlns:wadl="">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#versions">
                     <wadl:method href="getVersions"/>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#version">
-                    <wadl:method href="getVersionInfo" />
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#version">
+                    <wadl:method href="getVersionInfo"/>
@@ -767,18 +808,20 @@
         <section xml:id="Database_Instances">
             <title>Database Instances</title>
-            <para>This section describes the operations that are supported for database instances.</para>
-            <wadl:resources xmlns:wadl="">
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#instances" >
+            <para>This section describes the operations that are
+                supported for database instances.</para>
+            <wadl:resources
+                xmlns:wadl="">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#instances">
                     <wadl:method href="createInstance"/>
                     <wadl:method href="getInstance"/>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#instanceId">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#instanceId">
                     <wadl:method href="getInstanceById"/>
                     <wadl:method href="deleteInstance"/>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#root">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#root">
                     <wadl:method href="createRoot"/>
                     <wadl:method href="isRootEnabled"/>
@@ -787,9 +830,11 @@
         <section xml:id="Database_Instances_Actions">
             <title>Database Instance Actions</title>
-            <para>This section describes the actions that are supported for database instances.</para>
-            <wadl:resources xmlns:wadl="">
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#instanceAction" >
+            <para>This section describes the actions that are
+                supported for database instances.</para>
+            <wadl:resources
+                xmlns:wadl="">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#instanceAction">
                     <wadl:method href="restartInstance"/>
                     <wadl:method href="resizeInstance"/>
                     <wadl:method href="resizeVolume"/>
@@ -803,11 +848,11 @@
                 supported for databases.</para>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#databases">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#databases">
                     <wadl:method href="createDatabase"/>
                     <wadl:method href="getDatabases"/>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#databaseName">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#databaseName">
                     <wadl:method href="deleteDatabase"/>
@@ -840,20 +885,18 @@
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#users">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#users">
                     <wadl:method href="createUser"/>
                     <wadl:method href="getUsers"/>
                     <wadl:method href="changePass"/>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#userId">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#userId">
                     <wadl:method href="listUser"/>
                     <wadl:method href="deleteUser"/>
-                    <wadl:resource
-                        href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#database">
+                    <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#database">
                         <wadl:method href="getUserAccess"/>
                         <wadl:method href="grantUserAccess"/>
-                        <wadl:resource
-                            href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#dbName">
+                        <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#dbName">
                             <wadl:method href="revokeUserAccess"/>
@@ -867,11 +910,11 @@
                 supported for flavors.</para>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#flavors">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#flavors">
                     <wadl:method href="getFlavors"/>
-                <wadl:resource href="../../../xsd/dbaas.wadl#flavorId">
+                <wadl:resource href="xsd/dbaas.wadl#flavorId">
                     <wadl:method href="getFlavorById"/>
@@ -882,31 +925,44 @@
         <glossentry xml:id="Database-d1e017">
-                <para>A MySQL database within a database instance.</para>
+                <para>A MySQL database within a database
+                    instance.</para>
         <glossentry xml:id="Database-Instance-d1e016">
             <glossterm>database instance</glossterm>
-                <para>A database instance is an isolated MySQL instance in a single tenant environment on a
-                    shared physical host machine. Also referred to as instance.</para>
+                <para>A database instance is an isolated MySQL
+                    instance in a single tenant environment on a
+                    shared physical host machine. Also referred to as
+                    instance.</para>
         <glossentry xml:id="Flavor-d1e018">
-                <para>A flavor is an available hardware configuration for a database instance. Each flavor has a unique combination of memory capacity and priority for CPU time.</para>
+                <para>A flavor is an available hardware configuration
+                    for a database instance. Each flavor has a unique
+                    combination of memory capacity and priority for
+                    CPU time.</para>
         <glossentry xml:id="Volume-d1e019">
-                <para>A volume is user-specified storage that contains the MySQL data directory.
-                    Volumes are automatically provisioned on shared Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
-                    storage area networks (SAN) that provide for increased performance, scalability, availability
-                    and manageability. Applications with high I/O demands are performance optimized and data is
-                    protected through both local and network RAID-10. Additionally, network RAID provides synchronous
-                    replication of volumes with automatic failover and load balancing across available storage clusters.</para>
+                <para>A volume is user-specified storage that contains
+                    the MySQL data directory. Volumes are
+                    automatically provisioned on shared Internet Small
+                    Computer System Interface (iSCSI) storage area
+                    networks (SAN) that provide for increased
+                    performance, scalability, availability and
+                    manageability. Applications with high I/O demands
+                    are performance optimized and data is protected
+                    through both local and network RAID-10.
+                    Additionally, network RAID provides synchronous
+                    replication of volumes with automatic failover and
+                    load balancing across available storage
+                    clusters.</para>
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_CS_Image.png b/apidocs/src/images/Choose_CS_Image.png
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_CS_Image.png
rename to apidocs/src/images/Choose_CS_Image.png
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_CS_Image_CCP.png b/apidocs/src/images/Choose_CS_Image_CCP.png
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_CS_Image_CCP.png
rename to apidocs/src/images/Choose_CS_Image_CCP.png
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_Image_CCP.png b/apidocs/src/images/Choose_Image_CCP.png
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_Image_CCP.png
rename to apidocs/src/images/Choose_Image_CCP.png
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_Image_CCP.tiff b/apidocs/src/images/Choose_Image_CCP.tiff
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/Choose_Image_CCP.tiff
rename to apidocs/src/images/Choose_Image_CCP.tiff
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.png b/apidocs/src/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.png
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.png
rename to apidocs/src/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.png
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.svg b/apidocs/src/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.svg
rename to apidocs/src/images/Cloud_DB_Infographic-1.svg
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/Create_CS.png b/apidocs/src/images/Create_CS.png
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/Create_CS.png
rename to apidocs/src/images/Create_CS.png
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/images/phpMyAdmin.png b/apidocs/src/images/phpMyAdmin.png
similarity index 100%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/images/phpMyAdmin.png
rename to apidocs/src/images/phpMyAdmin.png
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-auth-20.json b/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-auth-20.json
deleted file mode 100644
index facf9ca..0000000
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-auth-20.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Length: 477
-Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:45:13 GMT
-    "access": {
-        "token": {
-            "expires": "2011-12-08T22:51:02.000-06:00", 
-            "id": "vvvvvvvv-wwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzzzzzzzzzz"
-        }, 
-        "user": {
-            "id": "123456", 
-            "name": "jsmith",
-            "RAX-AUTH:defaultRegion": "DFW",
-            "roles": [
-                {
-                    "description": "Admin Role.", 
-                    "id": "identity:admin", 
-                    "name": "identity:admin"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "description": "Default Role.", 
-                    "id": "identity:default", 
-                    "name": "identity:default"
-                }
-            ]
-        },
-        "serviceCatalog": [
-            {
-                "endpoints": [
-                    {
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "region": "DFW", 
-                        "tenantId": "1100111"
-                    }, 
-                    {
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "region": "ORD", 
-                        "tenantId": "1100111"
-                    }
-                ], 
-                "name": "cloudDatabases", 
-                "type": "rax:database"
-            },
-            {
-                "endpoints": [
-                    {
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "region": "DFW", 
-                        "tenantId": "1100111"
-                    }, 
-                    {
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "region": "ORD", 
-                        "tenantId": "1100111"
-                    }
-                ], 
-                "name": "cloudLoadBalancers", 
-                "type": "rax:load-balancer"
-            }, 
-            {
-                "endpoints": [
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "1100111",
-                        "region": "DFW",
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "versionId": "2", 
-                        "versionInfo": "", 
-                        "versionList": ""
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "1100111",
-                        "region": "ORD",
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "versionId": "2", 
-                        "versionInfo": "", 
-                        "versionList": ""
-                    }
-                ],
-                "name": "cloudServersOpenStack", 
-                "type": "compute"
-            },
-            {
-                "endpoints": [
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "1100111", 
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "versionId": "1.0", 
-                        "versionInfo": "", 
-                        "versionList": ""
-                    }
-                ],
-                "name": "cloudServers", 
-                "type": "compute"
-            }, 
-            {
-                "endpoints": [
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee",
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "internalURL": "", 
-                        "region": "DFW" 
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee",
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "internalURL": "", 
-                        "region": "ORD" 
-                    }
-                ], 
-                "name": "cloudFiles", 
-                "type": "object-store"
-            }, 
-            {
-                "endpoints": [  
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee", 
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "region": "DFW"
-                    },                
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee", 
-                        "publicURL": "", 
-                        "region": "ORD"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "name": "cloudFilesCDN", 
-                "type": "rax:object-cdn"
-            }, 
-            {
-                "endpoints": [
-                    {
-                        "tenantId": "1100111",
-                        "publicURL": ""
-                    }
-                ],
-                "name": "cloudDNS", 
-                "type": "rax:dns"
-            }
-        ]
-    }
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index 597eb16..0000000
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-auth-20.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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-Content-Length: 477
-Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:50:20 GMT
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<access xmlns:os-ksadm=""
-  xmlns=""
-  xmlns:rax-kskey=""
-  xmlns:rax-ksqa=""
-  xmlns:common=""
-  xmlns:ksgrp=""
-  xmlns:rax-kscatalog=""
-  xmlns:atom="">
-  <token id="vvvvvvvv-wwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzzzzzzzzzz" expires="2011-12-08T22:51:02.000-06:00"/>
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-    <roles>
-      <role id="identity:admin" name="identity:admin" description="Admin Role."/>
-      <role id="identity:default" name="identity:default" description="Default Role."/>
-    </roles>
-  </user>
-  <serviceCatalog>
-    <service type="rax:database" name="cloudDatabases">
-      <endpoint region="DFW" tenantId="1100111" publicURL=""/>
-      <endpoint region="ORD" tenantId="1100111" publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
-    <service type="rax:load-balancer" name="cloudLoadBalancers">
-      <endpoint region="DFW" tenantId="1100111" publicURL=""/>
-      <endpoint region="ORD" tenantId="1100111" publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
-    <service type="compute" name="cloudServersOpenStack">
-      <endpoint region="DFW" tenantId="1100111"
-        publicURL="">
-        <version id="2" info=""
-          list="" />
-      </endpoint>
-      <endpoint region="ORD" tenantId="1100111"
-        publicURL="">
-        <version id="2" info=""
-          list="" />
-      </endpoint>
-    </service>
-    <service type="compute" name="cloudServers">
-      <endpoint tenantId="1100111"
-        publicURL="">
-        <version id="1.0"
-          info=""
-          list=""/>
-      </endpoint>
-    </service>
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-      <endpoint region="DFW"
-        tenantId="MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee"
-        publicURL=""
-        internalURL=""/>
-      <endpoint region="ORD"
-        tenantId="MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee"
-        publicURL=""
-        internalURL=""/>
-    </service>
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-      <endpoint region="DFW"
-        tenantId="MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee"
-        publicURL=""/>
-      <endpoint region="ORD"
-        tenantId="MossoCloudFS_aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee"
-        publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
-    <service type="rax:dns" name="cloudDNS">
-      <endpoint tenantId="1100111"
-        publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
-  </serviceCatalog>
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-Server: nginx/0.8.55
-Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 16:03:24 GMT
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-response-source: cloud-auth
-vary: Accept, Accept-Encoding, X-Auth-Token
-VIA: 1.0 Repose (Repose/2.3.5)
-Front-End-Https: on
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-Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:45:13 GMT
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-        "serviceCatalog": {
-            "cloudDNS": [
-                {
-                    "publicURL": ""
-                }
-            ],
-            "cloudDatabases": [
-                {           
-                    "publicURL": "",
-                    "region": "DFW"
-                },
-                {
-                    "publicURL": "",
-                    "region": "ORD"
-                }
-            ],
-            "cloudFiles": [
-                {
-                    "internalURL": " MossoCloudFS_aaaa-bbbbb-cccc-ddddd ",
-                    "publicURL": " MossoCloudFS_aaaa-bbbbb-cccc-ddddd ",
-                    "region": "DFW",
-                    "v1Default": true
-                }
-            ],
-            "cloudFilesCDN": [
-                {
-                    "publicURL": "",
-                    "region": "DFW",
-                    "v1Default": true
-                }
-            ],
-            "cloudLoadBalancers": [
-                {
-                    "publicURL": "",
-                    "region": "ORD"
-                },
-                {
-                    "publicURL": "",
-                    "region": "DFW"
-                }
-            ],
-            "cloudMonitoring": [
-                {
-                    "publicURL": ""
-                }
-            ],
-            "cloudServers": [
-                {
-                    "publicURL": "",
-                    "v1Default": true
-                }
-            ],
-            "cloudServersOpenStack": [
-                {
-                    "publicURL": "",
-                    "region": "DFW"
-                }
-            ]
-        },
-        "token": {
-            "expires": "2012-04-12T13:15:52.000-05:00",
-            "id": "aaaaa-bbbbbb-cccccc-ddddd"
-        }
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-Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:50:20 GMT
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-    expires="2012-04-12T13:15:52.000-05:00" />
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-      <endpoint region="ORD" v1Default="false"
-        publicURL=""/>
-      <endpoint region="DFW" v1Default="false"
-        publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
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-    </service>
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-      <endpoint v1Default="true"
-        publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
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-      <endpoint region="DFW" v1Default="false"
-        publicURL=""/>
-      <endpoint region="ORD" v1Default="false"
-        publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
-    <service name="cloudMonitoring">
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-        publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
-    <service name="cloudServersOpenStack">
-      <endpoint region="DFW" v1Default="false"
-        publicURL=""/>
-    </service>
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-        publicURL=""
-        internalURL=""
-      />
-    </service>
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-        publicURL=""
-      />
-    </service>
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-change-users-password-request.json
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-PUT /v1.0/1234/instances/692d8418-7a8f-47f1-8060-59846c6e024f/users HTTP/1.1
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-Accept: application/json
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-      {
-          "name": "dbuser1",
-          "password": "newpassword"
-      },
-      {
-           "name": "dbuser2",
-           "password": "anotherpassword"
-      }
-   ]
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-        "created": "2011-11-03T15:55:26Z", 
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-        "status": "BUILD", 
-        "updated": "2011-11-03T15:55:27Z", 
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-            "size": "2"
-        }
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-databases-request.json
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@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-POST /v1.0/1234/instances/44b277eb-39be-4921-be31-3d61b43651d7/databases HTTP/1.1
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-        }, 
-        {
-            "name": "oneMoreDB"
-        }
-    ]
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-databases-request.xml
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-            {
-                "character_set": "utf8", 
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-            }, 
-            {
-                "name": "nextround"
-            }
-        ], 
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-            {
-                "databases": [
-                    {
-                        "name": "sampledb"
-                    }
-                ], 
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-            }
-        ], 
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-            "size": 2
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-Accept: application/xml
-Content-Type: application/xml
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-      </databases>
-    </user>
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-        "updated": "2013-03-18T19:09:17", 
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-users-request.json
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-            "database": "databaseA", 
-            "name": "dbuser1", 
-            "password": "password"
-        }, 
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-            "databases": [
-                {
-                    "name": "databaseB"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "databaseC"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "name": "dbuser2", 
-            "password": "password"
-        }, 
-        {
-            "database": "databaseD", 
-            "name": "dbuser3", 
-            "password": "password"
-        }
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-users-request.xml
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-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
-Accept: application/xml
-Content-Type: application/xml
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-      <database name="databaseC"/>
-    </databases>
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index 1ae90cd..0000000
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-credentials-20.json
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-   {
-      "RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials":
-      {
-         "username": "jsmith",
-         "apiKey": "aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-12345678"
-      }
-   }
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-credentials-20.xml
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-Content-Length: 88
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-       apiKey="aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-12345678"/>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-credentials.json
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-Content-Length: 54
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-        "username" : "hub_cap",
-        "key"  : "a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89"
-    }
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-credentials.xml
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-Accept: application/xml
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-Content-Length: 88
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-             username="hub_cap"
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-instance-response.json
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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index 27de05c..0000000
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-enable-root-user-response.json
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
-    "user": {
-        "name": "root", 
-        "password": "12345"
-    }
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deleted file mode 100644
index cbb96b6..0000000
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-enable-root-user-response.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/xml
-Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
-Content-Length: 89
-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
-<user name="root" password="12345" xmlns=""/>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-faults-badRequest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-HTTP/1.1 400 None
-Content-Type: application/xml
-Content-Length: 121
-Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 18:19:37 GMT
-<badRequest code="400" xmlns="">
-    <message>
-        Volume 'size' needs to be a positive integer value, -1.0 cannot be accepted.
-    </message>
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-faults-instanceFault.xml b/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-faults-instanceFault.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4864b0b..0000000
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-faults-instanceFault.xml
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
-Content-Type: application/xml
-Content-Length: 121
-Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 18:19:37 GMT
-<instanceFault code="500" xmlns="">
-    <message>
-        The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.
-    </message>
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index 866329b..0000000
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-faults-itemNotFound.json
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@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
-Content-Length: 78
-Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
-Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 00:35:24 GMT
-    "itemNotFound": {
-        "code": 404,
-        "message": "The resource could not be found."
-    }
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-faults-itemNotFound.xml
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
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-Content-Length: 147
-Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
-Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:50:15 GMT
-<itemNotFound code="404" xmlns="">
-    <message>
-        The resource could not be found.
-    </message>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-by-id-response.xml
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-Content-Type: application/xml
-Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
-Content-Length: 283
-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
-<flavor id="1" name="512MB Instance" ram="512" xmlns="">
-    <links>
-        <link href="" rel="self"/>
-        <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-    </links>
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-Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "self"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "bookmark"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "name": "512MB Instance", 
-            "ram": 512
-        }, 
-        {
-            "id": 2, 
-            "links": [
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "self"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "bookmark"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "name": "1GB Instance", 
-            "ram": 1024
-        }, 
-        {
-            "id": 3, 
-            "links": [
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "self"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "bookmark"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "name": "2GB Instance", 
-            "ram": 2048
-        }, 
-        {
-            "id": 4, 
-            "links": [
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "self"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "bookmark"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "name": "4GB Instance", 
-            "ram": 4096
-        }
-    ]
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-        <links>
-            <link href="" rel="self"/>
-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
-    </flavor>
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-        <links>
-            <link href="" rel="self"/>
-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
-    </flavor>
-    <flavor id="3" name="2GB Instance" ram="2048">
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-            <link href="" rel="self"/>
-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
-    </flavor>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-response.xml
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-        <links>
-            <link href="" rel="self"/>
-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
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-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
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-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
-    </flavor>
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-            <link href="" rel="self"/>
-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
-    </flavor>
-    <flavor id="5" name="8GB Instance" ram="8192">
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-            <link href="" rel="self"/>
-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
-    </flavor>
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-            <link href="" rel="self"/>
-            <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-        </links>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-gs-create-database-instance-response.json
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-Content-Type: application/json
-Content-Length: 756
-Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 16:48:44 GMT
-    "instance": {
-        "status": "BUILD", 
-        "updated": "2012-04-05T16:48:44Z", 
-        "name": "myrackinstance", 
-        "links": [
-            {
-                "href": "", 
-                "rel": "self"
-            }, 
-            {
-                "href": "", 
-                "rel": "bookmark"
-            }
-         ], 
-         "created": "2012-04-05T16:48:44Z", 
-         "hostname": "", 
-         "volume": {
-            "size": 2
-         }, 
-         "flavor": {
-            "id": "1", 
-            "links": [
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "self"
-                }, 
-                {   "href": "",
-                    "rel": "bookmark"
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-       }
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-Content-Type: application/xml
-Content-Length: 870
-Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 16:17:29 GMT
-<instance created="2012-04-05T16:17:29Z"
-    hostname=""
-    id="d379ba5c-9a1f-4aa9-9a17-afe237d04c65" name="myrackinstance" status="BUILD" updated="2012-04-05T16:17:29Z"
-    xmlns="">
-    <links>
-        <link href="" rel="self"/>
-        <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-    </links>
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-        </links>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-guest-update-request.json
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-User-Agent: python-example-client
-X-Auth-Token: 570ef429-78eb-43ec-ad69-de9456cd88c9
-Accept: application/xml
-Content-Type: application/xml
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-Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 23:48:46 GMT
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-reboot-request.json
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-User-Agent: python-reddwarfclient
-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
-Accept: application/json
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-reboot-request.xml
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-User-Agent: python-reddwarfclient
-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
-Accept: application/xml
-Content-Type: application/xml
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-reboot-response.xml
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-Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
-Content-Length: 0
-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2012 21:28:10 GMT
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-Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2012 21:28:11 GMT
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-volume-request.json
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-User-Agent: python-reddwarfclient
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-Accept: application/json
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-        "volume": {
-            "size": 4
-        }
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-Accept: application/xml
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
-    "instance": {
-        "created": "2013-03-18T19:09:17", 
-        "flavor": {
-            "id": "1", 
-            "links": [
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "self"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "href": "", 
-                    "rel": "bookmark"
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-                "rel": "self"
-            }, 
-            {
-                "href": "", 
-                "rel": "bookmark"
-            }
-        ], 
-        "name": "json_rack_instance", 
-        "status": "ACTIVE", 
-        "updated": "2013-03-18T19:09:17", 
-        "volume": {
-            "size": 2, 
-            "used": 0.16368598397821188
-        }
-    }
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-        <link href="" rel="self"/>
-        <link href="" rel="bookmark"/>
-    </links>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-update-guest-request.json
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-User-Agent: python-example-client
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-Accept: application/json
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-    "update": {
-    }
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-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
-Accept: application/xml
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-Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 23:53:42 GMT
-202 Accepted
-The request is accepted for processing.
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-                "available": 90, 
-                "total": 100
-            }, 
-            "name": "fake_storage", 
-            "provision": {
-                "available": 40, 
-                "percent": 10, 
-                "total": 50
-            }, 
-            "type": "test_type", 
-            "used": 10
-        }
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-            "resourceType": "MYSQL",
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-         },
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-         "resourceId": "ac019a26-acb5-4591-b337-9bbfa8e85727",
-         "resourceName": "test_instance",
-         "rootAction": "reddwarf.instance.exists",
-         "startTime": "2013-01-06 15:59:00",
-         "tenantId": "d91c1201-6136-4b1e-aa16-45380d8733b8",
-         "type": "USAGE",
-         "version": "1"
-      }
-   ]
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-Content-Length: 1321
-Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2013 21:50:53 GMT
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-    <item>
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-            DEV1
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-        <resourceId>
-            ac019a26-acb5-4591-b337-9bbfa8e85727
-        </resourceId>
-        <rootAction>
-            reddwarf.instance.exists
-        </rootAction>
-        <startTime>
-            2013-01-06 15:59:00
-        </startTime>
-        <resourceName>
-            test_instance
-        </resourceName>
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-            0f781f37-ef6d-4978-8dbc-f26d29a255a6
-        </id>
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-            LOCAL_DEV
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-            d91c1201-6136-4b1e-aa16-45380d8733b8
-        </tenantId>
-        <environment>
-            LOCAL
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-        <version>
-            1
-        </version>
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-            <resourceType>
-                MYSQL
-            </resourceType>
-            <version>
-                1
-            </version>
-            <storage>
-                1
-            </storage>
-            <serviceCode>
-                CloudDatabase
-            </serviceCode>
-            <memory>
-                512
-            </memory>
-        </dbaas:product>
-        <endTime>
-            2013-01-07 16:00:00
-        </endTime>
-        <type>
-            USAGE
-        </type>
-    </item>
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-POST /v1.0/1234/mgmt/hosts/hostname/instances/action HTTP/1.1
-User-Agent: python-example-client
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-Accept: application/json
-Content-Type: application/json
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-Accept: application/xml
-Content-Type: application/xml
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-Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 23:56:55 GMT
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-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
-Accept: application/xml
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
-    "diagnostics": {
-        "fdSize": 64, 
-        "threads": 2, 
-        "version": "1", 
-        "vmHwm": 2872, 
-        "vmPeak": 29160, 
-        "vmRss": 2872, 
-        "vmSize": 29096
-    }
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-User-Agent: python-reddwarfclient
-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
-Accept: application/json
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-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
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-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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-Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 19:48:33 GMT
-    "hwinfo": {
-        "mem_total": 524288, 
-        "num_cpus": 1
-    }
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-Content-Length: 160
-Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 19:48:33 GMT
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-        1
-    </num_cpus>
-    <mem_total>
-        524288
-    </mem_total>
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-Accept: application/json
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-Accept: application/xml
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
-    "instances": [
-        {
-            "created": "2013-03-18T19:09:17", 
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-                        "href": "", 
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-                "tenant_id": "3000"
-            }, 
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-            "tenant_id": "3000", 
-            "updated": "2013-03-18T19:09:18", 
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-                "size": 4
-            }
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-            "created": "2013-03-18T19:09:17", 
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-mgmt-list-accounts-request.json
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-Accept: application/json
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-X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
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-Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
-Content-Length: 50
-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-            "num_instances": 2
-        }
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-mgmt-list-hosts-request.json
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-Accept: application/json
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-Accept: application/xml
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-Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
-    "hosts": [
-        {
-            "instanceCount": 0, 
-            "name": "hostname_2"
-        }, 
-        {
-            "instanceCount": 2, 
-            "name": "hostname_1"
-        }
-    ]
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-    <host instanceCount="2" name="hostname_1"/>
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-X-Auth-Token: 73d60021-96e1-4d06-843d-72d20fa5377b
-Accept: application/json
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-   "migrate": {"host": "example-host-name"}
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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-        }
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+      {
+          "name": "dbuser1",
+          "password": "newpassword"
+      },
+      {
+           "name": "dbuser2",
+           "password": "anotherpassword"
+      }
+   ]
\ No newline at end of file
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-Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:46:46 GMT
+Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:46:46 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
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-Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:56:06 GMT
+Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:56:06 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+        {
+            "character_set": "utf8", 
+            "collate": "utf8_general_ci", 
+            "name": "testingdb"
+        }, 
+        {
+            "name": "anotherdb"
+        }, 
+        {
+            "name": "oneMoreDB"
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
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+        character_set="utf8"/>
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 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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\ No newline at end of file
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 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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\ No newline at end of file
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+POST /v1.0/1234/instances HTTP/1.1
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+      "databases":[
+         {
+            "character_set":"utf8",
+            "collate":"utf8_general_ci",
+            "name":"sampledb"
+         },
+         {
+            "name":"nextround"
+         }
+      ],
+      "flavorRef":1,
+      "name":"json_rack_instance",
+      "users":[
+         {
+            "databases":[
+               {
+                  "name":"sampledb"
+               }
+            ],
+            "name":"demouser",
+            "password":"demopassword"
+         }
+      ],
+      "volume":{
+         "size":2
+      }
+   }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ab687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-create-instance-request.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<instance xmlns=""
+    flavorRef="1" name="xml_rack_instance">
+    <volume size="2"/>
+    <users>
+        <user password="demopassword" name="demouser">
+            <databases>
+                <database name="sampledb"/>
+            </databases>
+        </user>
+    </users>
+    <databases>
+        <database collate="utf8_general_ci" name="sampledb"
+            character_set="utf8"/>
+        <database name="nextround"/>
+    </databases>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16d5c4c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/json
+Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
+Content-Length: 591
+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/xml
+Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
+Content-Length: 724
+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e007f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-create-instance-response.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+   "instance":{
+      "created":"2013-03-18T19:09:17",
+      "flavor":{
+         "id":"1",
+         "links":[
+            {
+               "href":"",
+               "rel":"self"
+            },
+            {
+               "href":"",
+               "rel":"bookmark"
+            }
+         ]
+      },
+      "id":"44b277eb-39be-4921-be31-3d61b43651d7",
+      "links":[
+         {
+            "href":"",
+            "rel":"self"
+         },
+         {
+            "href":"",
+            "rel":"bookmark"
+         }
+      ],
+      "name":"json_rack_instance",
+      "status":"BUILD",
+      "updated":"2013-03-18T19:09:17",
+      "volume":{
+         "size":2
+      }
+   }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37194fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-create-instance-response.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<instance created="2013-03-18 19:09:17.441489"
+    id="098653ba-218b-47ce-936a-e0b749101f81" name="xml_rack_instance"
+    status="BUILD" updated="2013-03-18 19:09:17.441606"
+    xmlns="">
+    <links>
+        <link
+            href=""
+            rel="self"/>
+        <link
+            href=""
+            rel="bookmark"/>
+    </links>
+    <volume size="2"/>
+    <flavor id="1">
+        <links>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
+        </links>
+    </flavor>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25b79c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-create-users-request-json.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+POST /v1.0/1234/instances/44b277eb-39be-4921-be31-3d61b43651d7/users HTTP/1.1
+User-Agent: python-reddwarfclient
+X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..4e0d96d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+POST /v1.0/1234/instances/098653ba-218b-47ce-936a-e0b749101f81/users HTTP/1.1
+User-Agent: python-reddwarfclient
+X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
+Accept: application/xml
+Content-Type: application/xml
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9661ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-create-users-request.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+   "users":[
+      {
+         "database":"databaseA",
+         "name":"dbuser1",
+         "password":"password"
+      },
+      {
+         "databases":[
+            {
+               "name":"databaseB"
+            },
+            {
+               "name":"databaseC"
+            }
+         ],
+         "name":"dbuser2",
+         "password":"password"
+      },
+      {
+         "database":"databaseD",
+         "name":"dbuser3",
+         "password":"password"
+      }
+   ]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f35cb6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-create-users-request.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<users xmlns="">
+    <user password="password" name="dbuser1" database="databaseA"/>
+    <user password="password" name="dbuser2">
+        <databases>
+            <database name="databaseB"/>
+            <database name="databaseC"/>
+        </databases>
+    </user>
+    <user password="password" name="dbuser3" database="databaseD"/>
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 81%
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index 7d4996b..6c2d463 100644
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 Content-Length: 0
 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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index ede0075..37fd35c 100644
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-databases-response.xml
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 Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
 Content-Length: 0
 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 88%
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-databases-request.json
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 Accept: application/json
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-databases-request.xml
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 Accept: application/xml
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\ No newline at end of file
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 Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
 Content-Length: 0
 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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index ede0075..37fd35c 100644
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-users-response.xml
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 Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
 Content-Length: 0
 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 87%
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 Accept: application/json
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+Content-Type: application/json
\ No newline at end of file
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 Accept: application/xml
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+Content-Type: application/xml
\ No newline at end of file
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 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
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+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:18 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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 Accept: application/json
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\ No newline at end of file
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 Accept: application/xml
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\ No newline at end of file
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 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
+Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
\ No newline at end of file
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 Accept: application/json
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\ No newline at end of file
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 Accept: application/xml
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\ No newline at end of file
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+Content-Length: 47
+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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+    "user": {
+        "name": "root", 
+        "password": "12345"
+    }
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<user name="root" password="12345"
+    xmlns=""/>
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-faults-badRequest.json
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@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
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-Content-Length: 120
-Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
-Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 00:33:48 GMT
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<badRequest code="400"
+    xmlns="">
+    <message> Volume 'size' needs to be a positive integer value, -1.0
+        cannot be accepted. </message>
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-HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
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-Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 00:33:48 GMT
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+<instanceFault code="500"
+    xmlns="">
+    <message> The server has either erred or is incapable of
+        performing the requested operation. </message>
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--- /dev/null
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+    "itemNotFound": {
+        "code": 404,
+        "message": "The resource could not be found."
+    }
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--- /dev/null
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+<itemNotFound code="404"
+    xmlns="">
+    <message> The resource could not be found. </message>
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 Accept: application/xml
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+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-by-id-response.json
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         "id": 1, 
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<flavor id="1" name="512MB Instance" ram="512"
+    xmlns="">
+    <links>
+        <link
+            href=""
+            rel="self"/>
+        <link
+            href=""
+            rel="bookmark"/>
+    </links>
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 Accept: application/xml
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+Content-Length: 1186
+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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+    <flavor id="1" name="512MB Instance" ram="512">
+        <links>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
+        </links>
+    </flavor>
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+        <links>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
+        </links>
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+        <links>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
+        </links>
+    </flavor>
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+        <links>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
+        </links>
+    </flavor>
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+        <links>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
+        </links>
+    </flavor>
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+        <links>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
+        </links>
+    </flavor>
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-         "name": "databaseC"
-      },
-      {
-         "name": "databaseD"
-      }
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+      {
+         "name": "databaseC"
+      },
+      {
+         "name": "databaseD"
+      }
+   ]
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+    <database name="extradb"/>
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-Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:11:19 GMT
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-        "flavorRef": ""
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+   }
\ No newline at end of file
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-Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 23:56:52 GMT
+Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2012 21:28:10 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
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-Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 23:48:47 GMT
+Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2012 21:28:11 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
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+         "size":4
+      }
+   }
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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-    }
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+      "created":"2013-03-18T19:09:17",
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+               "rel":"self"
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+      "status":"ACTIVE",
+      "updated":"2013-03-18T19:09:17",
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+         "used":0.16368598397821188
+      }
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+    id="098653ba-218b-47ce-936a-e0b749101f81" name="xml_rack_instance"
+    status="ACTIVE" updated="2013-03-18 19:09:17.513134"
+    xmlns="">
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+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
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+               {
+                  "href":"",
+                  "rel":"self"
+               },
+               {
+                  "href":"",
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+         "status":"ACTIVE",
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+            "size":2
+         }
+      },
+      {
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+            "size":2
+         }
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+         "flavor":{
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+               {
+                  "href":"",
+                  "rel":"self"
+               },
+               {
+                  "href":"",
+                  "rel":"bookmark"
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+               "href":"",
+               "rel":"bookmark"
+            }
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+         "status":"ACTIVE",
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+            "size":2
+         }
+      },
+      {
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+                  "rel":"self"
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+            "size":2
+         }
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+        name="xml_rack_instance" status="ACTIVE">
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+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
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+                <link
+                    href=""
+                    rel="self"/>
+                <link
+                    href=""
+                    rel="bookmark"/>
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+        name="json_rack_instance" status="ACTIVE">
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+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="self"/>
+            <link
+                href=""
+                rel="bookmark"/>
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+                <link
+                    href=""
+                    rel="self"/>
+                <link
+                    href=""
+                    rel="bookmark"/>
+            </links>
+        </flavor>
+    </instance>
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+      {
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+      }
+   ],
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+         "rel":"next"
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+            href=";limit=2"
+            rel="next"/>
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 Accept: application/xml
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--- /dev/null
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+   "databases":[
+      {
+         "name":"anotherdb"
+      },
+      {
+         "name":"nextround"
+      },
+      {
+         "name":"oneMoreDB"
+      },
+      {
+         "name":"sampledb"
+      },
+      {
+         "name":"testingdb"
+      }
+   ]
\ No newline at end of file
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-Content-Length: 241
-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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\ No newline at end of file
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 Accept: application/json
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 Accept: application/xml
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+<databases xmlns="">
+    <database name="exampledb"/>
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\ No newline at end of file
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+Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:11:19 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<user name="testuser"
+    xmlns="">
+    <databases>
+        <database name="exampledb"/>
+    </databases>
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+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<users xmlns="">
+    <user name="dbuser1">
+        <databases/>
+    </user>
+    <user name="dbuser2">
+        <databases>
+            <database name="databaseB"/>
+            <database name="databaseC"/>
+        </databases>
+    </user>
+    <links>
+        <link
+            href=";limit=2"
+            rel="next"/>
+    </links>
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 Accept: application/json
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 Accept: application/xml
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-Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:09:17 GMT
-Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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     <user name="dbuser1">
@@ -24,4 +18,3 @@ Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
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-Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:11:19 GMT
+Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:11:19 GMT
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-Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:11:19 GMT
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+Content-Type: application/xml
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61dfc6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response-json.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/json
+Content-Length: 150
+Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:53:04 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response-xml.txt b/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response-xml.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..632dc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response-xml.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/xml
+Content-Length: 218
+Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:53:04 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-version-response.json b/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response.json
similarity index 73%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-version-response.json
rename to apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response.json
index d561870..e38dd74 100644
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-version-response.json
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response.json
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Content-Length: 150
-Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:53:04 GMT
     "version": {
         "id": "v1.0", 
diff --git a/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response.xml b/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e75f01d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-version-response.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<version id="v1.0" status="CURRENT" updated="2012-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+        xmlns="">
+        <links>
+                <link
+                        href=""
+                        rel="self"/>
+        </links>
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.json b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-request-json.txt
similarity index 83%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.json
rename to apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-request-json.txt
index 719a556..21dd65f 100644
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.json
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-request-json.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,4 @@ User-Agent: python-example-client
 X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
 Accept: application/json
-Content-Type: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.xml b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-request-xml.txt
similarity index 83%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.xml
rename to apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-request-xml.txt
index 0b9d413..223bb81 100644
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.xml
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-request-xml.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,4 @@ User-Agent: python-example-client
 X-Auth-Token: 87c6033c-9ff6-405f-943e-2deb73f278b7
 Accept: application/xml
-Content-Type: application/xml
+Content-Type: application/xml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response-json.txt b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response-json.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..314c683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response-json.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/json
+Content-Length: 153
+Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:53:04 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response-xml.txt b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response-xml.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e4445d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response-xml.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/xml
+Content-Length: 261
+Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:53:04 GMT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.json b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response.json
similarity index 76%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.json
rename to apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response.json
index 0028b4e..5e4346d 100644
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.json
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response.json
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Content-Length: 153
-Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:53:04 GMT
     "versions": [
diff --git a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.xml b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response.xml
similarity index 63%
rename from apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.xml
rename to apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response.xml
index 81aec42..5af9960 100644
--- a/apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.xml
+++ b/apidocs/src/samples/db-versions-response.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/xml
-Content-Length: 261
-Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:53:04 GMT
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <versions xmlns="">
   <version id="v1.0" status="CURRENT" updated="2012-01-01T00:00:00Z">
-      <link href="" rel="self"/>
+      <link href=""
+        rel="self"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xsd/common.ent b/apidocs/src/xsd/common.ent
similarity index 100%
rename from xsd/common.ent
rename to apidocs/src/xsd/common.ent
diff --git a/apidocs/src/xsd/dbaas.wadl b/apidocs/src/xsd/dbaas.wadl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9752917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apidocs/src/xsd/dbaas.wadl
@@ -0,0 +1,2021 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE application [
+    <!ENTITY % common  SYSTEM "common.ent">
+    %common;
+<application xmlns=""
+    xmlns:xlink=""
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xmlns:xsd=""
+    xmlns:xsdxt=""
+    xmlns:wadl=""
+    xmlns:dbaas="">
+    <grammars>
+        <include href="dbaas.xsd"/>
+    </grammars>
+    <resources base="">
+        <resource id="versions" path="">
+            <method href="#getVersions"/>
+        </resource>
+        <resource id="version" path="{version}">
+            <method href="#getVersionInfo"/>
+            <resource id="accountID" path="{accountId}">
+                <param name="accountId" style="template"
+                    type="xsd:string">
+                    <doc>The account ID of the owner of the specified
+                        instance.</doc>
+                </param>
+                <resource id="instances" path="instances">
+                    <method href="#createInstance"/>
+                    <method href="#getInstance"/>
+                    <resource id="instanceId" path="{instanceId}">
+                        <param name="instanceId" style="template"
+                            type="xsd:string">
+                            <doc>The instance ID for the specified
+                                database instance.</doc>
+                        </param>
+                        <method href="#getInstanceById"/>
+                        <method href="#deleteInstance"/>
+                        <resource id="instanceAction" path="action">
+                            <method href="#resizeInstance"/>
+                            <method href="#resizeVolume"/>
+                            <method href="#restartInstance"/>
+                        </resource>
+                        <resource id="databases" path="databases">
+                            <method href="#createDatabase"/>
+                            <method href="#getDatabases"/>
+                            <resource id="databaseName"
+                                path="{databaseName}">
+                                <param name="databaseName"
+                                   style="template" type="xsd:string">
+                                   <doc>The name for the specified
+                                   database.</doc>
+                                </param>
+                                <method href="#deleteDatabase"/>
+                            </resource>
+                        </resource>
+                        <resource id="users" path="users">
+                            <method href="#createUser"/>
+                            <method href="#getUsers"/>
+                            <method href="#changePass"/>
+                            <resource id="userId" path="{name}">
+                                <param name="name" style="template"
+                                   type="xsd:string">
+                                   <doc>The name for the specified
+                                   user.</doc>
+                                </param>
+                                <method href="#deleteUser"/>
+                                <method href="#listUser"/>
+                                <resource id="database"
+                                   path="databases">
+                                   <method href="#getUserAccess"/>
+                                   <method href="#grantUserAccess"/>
+                                   <resource id="dbName"
+                                   path="{databaseName}">
+                                   <param name="databaseName"
+                                   style="template" type="xsd:string">
+                                   <doc>The name for the specified
+                                   database.</doc>
+                                   </param>
+                                   <method href="#revokeUserAccess"/>
+                                   </resource>
+                                </resource>
+                            </resource>
+                        </resource>
+                        <resource id="root" path="root">
+                            <method href="#createRoot"/>
+                            <method href="#isRootEnabled"/>
+                        </resource>
+                    </resource>
+                </resource>
+                <resource id="flavors" path="flavors">
+                    <method href="#getFlavors"/>
+                    <resource id="flavorId" path="{flavorId}">
+                        <param name="flavorId" style="template"
+                            type="xsd:string">
+                            <doc>The flavor ID for the specified
+                                flavor.</doc>
+                        </param>
+                        <method href="#getFlavorById"/>
+                    </resource>
+                </resource>
+            </resource>
+        </resource>
+    </resources>
+    <!--Token Methods... -->
+    <!-- Version -->
+    <method name="GET" id="getVersionInfo">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Version Details"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc"> Returns detailed information about
+                the specified version of the API.</para>
+            <para>This operation returns detailed information about
+                the specified version of the API.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Version
+                        Details requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-version-request-xml.txt"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-version-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Version
+                        Details responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-version-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-version-response.xml"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-version-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-version-response.json"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="getVersions">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Versions"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc"> Lists information about all
+                versions of the API.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists information about all versions
+                of the API.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Versions
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-versions-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-versions-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Versions
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-versions-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-versions-response.xml"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-versions-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-versions-response.json"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <!-- Instance -->
+    <method name="POST" id="createInstance">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Create Database Instance"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Creates a new <glossterm>database
+                    instance</glossterm>.</para>
+            <para>This operation asynchronously provisions a new
+                database instance. This call requires the user to
+                specify a <glossterm>flavor</glossterm> and a
+                    <glossterm>volume</glossterm> size. The service
+                then provisions the instance with the requested flavor
+                and sets up a volume of the specified size, which is
+                the storage for the database instance.</para>
+            <note><title>Notes</title><itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>You can create only one database
+                            instance per <command>POST</command>
+                            request.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>You can create a database instance with
+                            one or more databases, and users
+                            associated to those databases.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>The default binding for the MySQL
+                            instance is port 3306.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                </itemizedlist></note>
+            <para>The following table lists the required and optional
+                attributes for Create Instance:</para>
+            <table rules="all">
+                <caption>Required and Optional Attributes for Create
+                    Instance</caption>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">Applies To</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Name</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Description</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Required</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">Instance</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">flavorRef</td>
+                        <td colspan="3"><para>Reference (href) to a
+                                flavor as specified in the response
+                                from the List Flavors API call. This
+                                is the actual URI as specified by the
+                                href field in the link. Refer to the
+                                List Flavors response examples that
+                                follow for an example of the
+                                flavorRef.</para>
+                            <note><para>Rather than the flavor URI,
+                                   you can also pass the flavor id
+                                   (integer) as the value for
+                                   flavorRef.</para></note>
+                            <para>Refer to <xref
+                                   linkend="GET_getFlavors__version___accountId__flavors_"
+                                /> for details.</para></td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">(volume) size</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Specifies the volume size in
+                            gigabytes (GB). The value specified must
+                            be between 1 and 50.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">name</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Name of the instance to
+                            create. The length of the name is limited
+                            to 255 characters and any characters are
+                            permitted.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">Database</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">name</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Specifies
+                                <glossterm>database</glossterm> names
+                            for creating databases on instance
+                            creation. Refer to <xref
+                                linkend="POST_createDatabase__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__databases_"
+                            /> for the required xml/json format.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">character_set</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Set of symbols and encodings.
+                            The default character set is
+                                <code>utf8</code>.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">collate</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Set of rules for comparing
+                            characters in a character set. The default
+                            value for collate is
+                                <code>utf8_general_ci</code>.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">User</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">name</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Specifies user name for the
+                            database on instance creation. Refer to
+                                <xref
+                                linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"
+                            /> for the required xml/json format.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">password</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Specifies password for those
+                            users on instance creation. Refer to <xref
+                                linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"
+                            /> for the required xml/json format.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">(database) name</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Specifies names of databases
+                            that those users can access on instance
+                            creation. Refer to <xref
+                                linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"
+                            /> for the required xml/json format.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/>
+                for a list of possible database instance statuses that
+                may be returned.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Create Database
+                        Instance requests and responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-instance-response.json"/>
+                    <para xmlns="">For
+                        convenience, notice in the response examples
+                        above that resources contain links to
+                        themselves. This allows a client to easily
+                        obtain resource URIs rather than to construct
+                        them. There are two kinds of link relations
+                        associated with resources. A <code>self</code>
+                        link contains a <emphasis>versioned</emphasis>
+                        link to the resource. These links should be
+                        used in cases where the link will be followed
+                        immediately. A <code>bookmark</code> link
+                        provides a permanent link to a resource that
+                        is appropriate for long term storage.</para>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="DELETE" id="deleteInstance">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Delete Database Instance"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Deletes the specified database
+                instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation deletes the specified database
+                instance, including any associated data.</para>
+            <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/>
+                for a list of possible database instance statuses that
+                may be returned.</para>
+            <note><para>This operation is not allowed when the
+                    instance status is
+                <code>BUILD</code>.</para></note>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Delete Database
+                        Instance requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-instance-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-instance-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202"/> &commonFaults; <response status="422"
+            xmlns="">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:unprocessableEntity">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Delete Database
+                        Instance responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-instance-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-instance-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="getInstance">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List All Database Instances"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Lists the status and information
+                for all database instances.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists the status and information for
+                all database instances.</para>
+            <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/>
+                for a list of possible database instance statuses that
+                may be returned.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List All Database
+                        Instances Detail requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instances-index-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instances-index-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List All Database
+                        Instances responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instances-index-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instances-index-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instances-index-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instances-index-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="getInstanceById">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN"
+            title="List Database Instance Status and Details"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Lists status and details for a
+                specified database instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists the status and details of the
+                specified database instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists the volume size in gigabytes
+                (GB) and the approximate GB used.</para>
+            <note><para>After instance creation, the <code>used</code>
+                    size of your volume will be greater than 0. This
+                    is expected and due to the automatic creation of
+                    non-empty transaction logs for mysql optimization.
+                    The <code>used</code> attribute is
+                        <emphasis>not</emphasis> returned in the
+                    response when the status for the instance is
+                    BUILD, REBOOT, RESIZE, or ERROR.</para>
+            </note>
+            <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/>
+                for a list of possible database instance statuses that
+                may be returned.</para>
+            <para>The list operations return a DNS-resolvable hostname
+                associated with the database instance instead of an IP
+                address. Since the hostname always resolves to the
+                correct IP address of the database instance, this
+                relieves the user from the task of maintaining the
+                mapping. Note that although the IP address may likely
+                change on resizing, migrating, and so forth, the
+                hostname always resolves to the correct database
+                instance.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Database
+                        Instance Status and Details requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-status-detail-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-status-detail-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Database
+                        Instance Status and Details responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-status-detail-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-status-detail-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-status-detail-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-status-detail-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <!-- Instance Actions -->
+    <method name="POST" id="restartInstance">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Restart Instance"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Restart the database service on the
+                instance.</para>
+            <para>The restart operation restarts only the MySQL
+                instance. Restarting MySQL erases any dynamic
+                configuration settings that you have made within
+                MySQL.</para>
+            <note><para>The MySQL service is unavailable until the
+                    instance restarts.</para></note>
+            <para>This operation returns a 202 Accepted
+                response.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Restart">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Restart Instance
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-restart-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-restart-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Restart">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-restart-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-restart-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Restart Instance
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-restart-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-restart-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; &postPutFaults; </method>
+    <method name="POST" id="resizeInstance">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Resize the Instance"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Resize the memory of the
+                instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation changes the memory size of the
+                instance, assuming a valid flavorRef is provided.
+                Restarts MySQL in the process.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Resize">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Resize Instance
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-instance-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-instance-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Resize">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-instance-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-instance-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Resize Instance
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-instance-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-instance-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; &postPutFaults; </method>
+    <method name="POST" id="resizeVolume">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Resize the Instance Volume"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Resize the
+                    <glossterm>volume</glossterm> attached to the
+                Instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation supports resizing the attached volume
+                for an instance. It supports only increasing the
+                volume size and does not support decreasing the size.
+                The volume size is in gigabytes (GB) and must be an
+                integer.</para>
+            <note><para>You cannot increase the volume to a size
+                    larger than the API volume size limit
+                    specifies.</para></note>
+            <para>This operation returns a 202 Accepted
+                response.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Resize">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Resize Instance
+                        Volume requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-volume-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-volume-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Resize">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-volume-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-volume-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Resize Instance
+                        Volume responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-volume-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-instance-resize-volume-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; &postPutFaults; </method>
+    <!-- Database -->
+    <method name="POST" id="createDatabase">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Create Database"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Creates a new
+                    <glossterm>database</glossterm> within the
+                specified instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation creates a new database within the
+                specified instance.</para>
+            <para>The <code>name</code> of the database is a required
+                attribute.</para>
+            <para>The following additional attributes can be specified
+                for each database: <code>collate</code> and
+                    <code>character_set</code>.</para>
+            <table rules="all">
+                <caption>Required and Optional Attributes for Create
+                    Database</caption>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">Name</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Description</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Required</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">name</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Specifies the database name
+                            for creating the database. Refer to the
+                            request examples for the required xml/json
+                            format.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">character_set</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Set of symbols and encodings.
+                            The default character set is
+                                <code>utf8</code>.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">collate</td>
+                        <td colspan="3">Set of rules for comparing
+                            characters in a character set. The default
+                            value for collate is
+                                <code>utf8_general_ci</code>.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <para>See the MySQL documentation for information about
+                supported character sets and collations at <link
+                    xlink:href=""
+                    ></link>.</para>
+            <note><para>The following database names are reserved and
+                    cannot be used for creating databases: lost+found,
+                    information_schema, and mysql.</para></note>
+            <para>Refer to the following tables for information about
+                characters that are valid/invalid for creating
+                database names.</para>
+            <table rules="all" width="40%">
+                <caption>Valid Characters That Can Be Used in a
+                    Database Name</caption>
+                <col width="100%"/>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Character</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Letters (upper and lower cases
+                            allowed)</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Numbers</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>'@', '?', '#', and spaces are allowed, but
+                                <emphasis>not</emphasis> at the
+                            beginning and end of the database
+                            name</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>'_' is allowed anywhere in the database
+                            name</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <table rules="all" width="40%">
+                <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
+                <caption>Characters That <emphasis>Cannot</emphasis>
+                    Be Used in a Database Name</caption>
+                <col width="100%"/>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Character</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Single quotes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Double quotes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Back quotes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Semicolons</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Commas</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Backslashes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Forward slashes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <table rules="all">
+                <caption>Length Restrictions for Database
+                    Name</caption>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Restriction</td>
+                        <td>Value</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Database-name maximum length</td>
+                        <td>64</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Database">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Create Database
+                        requests:<?rax-fo keep-with-next?></para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-databases-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-databases-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Database">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-databases-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-databases-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Create Database
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-databases-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-databases-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="getDatabases">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Databases for Instance"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Lists databases for the specified
+                instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists the databases for the specified
+                instance.</para>
+            <note><para>This operation returns only the user-defined
+                    databases, not the system databases. The system
+                    databases (mysql, information_schema, lost+found)
+                    can only be viewed by a database
+                    administrator.</para></note>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Databases for
+                        Instance requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Databases for Instance Paged Request: XML">
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the
+                            <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List
+                        Databases for Instance requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-pagination-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Databases for Instance Paged Request: JSON">
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-pagination-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Databases">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Databases for
+                        Instance responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Databases">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Databases">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Databases for Instance Paged Response: XML">
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the
+                            <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List
+                        Databases for Instance responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-pagination-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-pagination-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Databases">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Databases for Instance Paged Response: JSON">
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-pagination-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-databases-pagination-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="DELETE" id="deleteDatabase">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Delete Database"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Deletes the specified
+                database.</para>
+            <para>This operation deletes the requested database within
+                the specified database instance. Note that all data
+                associated with the database is also deleted.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Delete Database
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-databases-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-databases-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Delete Database
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-databases-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-databases-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <!-- User -->
+    <method name="POST" id="createUser">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Create User"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Creates a user for the specified
+                database instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation asynchronously provisions a new user
+                for the specified database instance based on the
+                configuration defined in the request object. Once the
+                request is validated and progress has started on the
+                provisioning process, a 202 Accepted response object
+                is returned.</para>
+            <remark>Writer: please add the following note back into
+                the doc once the List User Details call is added back
+                into the API: Using the identifier, the caller can
+                check on the progress of the operation by performing a
+                GET on users/name (for more details on this operation
+                see the "List User Details" section of this
+                document).</remark>
+            <para>If the corresponding request cannot be fulfilled due
+                to insufficient or invalid data, an HTTP 400 "Bad
+                Request" error response is returned with information
+                regarding the nature of the failure. Failures in the
+                validation process are non-recoverable and require the
+                caller to correct the cause of the failure and POST
+                the request again.</para>
+            <para>The following table lists the required attributes
+                for Create User. Refer to the request examples for the
+                required xml/json format:</para>
+            <table rules="all" width="500">
+                <caption>Required Attributes for Create User</caption> <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">Applies To</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Name</td>
+                        <td colspan="2">Description</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Required</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">User</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">name</td>
+                        <td colspan="2">Name of the user for the
+                            database.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">password</td>
+                        <td colspan="2">User password for database
+                            access.</td>
+                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="1">(database) name</td>
+                        <td colspan="2"><para>Name of the database
+                                that the user can access. One or more
+                                database names must be
+                                specified.</para></td>
+                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <note><title>Notes</title><itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>A user is granted all privileges on the
+                            specified databases.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>The following user name is reserved and
+                            cannot be used for creating users:
+                            root.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                </itemizedlist></note>
+            <para>Refer to the following tables for information about
+                characters that are valid/invalid for creating
+                database names, user names, and passwords.</para>
+            <table rules="all" width="40%">
+                <caption>Valid Characters That Can Be Used in a
+                    Database Name, User Name, and Password</caption>
+                <col width="100%"/>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Character</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Letters (upper and lower cases
+                            allowed)</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Numbers</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>'@', '?', '#', and spaces are allowed, but
+                                <emphasis>not</emphasis> at the
+                            beginning and end of the database name,
+                            user name, and password</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>"_" is allowed anywhere in the database
+                            name, user name, and password</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <table rules="all" width="40%">
+                <caption>Characters That <emphasis>Cannot</emphasis>
+                    Be Used in a Database Name, User Name, and
+                    Password</caption>
+                <col width="100%"/>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Character</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Single quotes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Double quotes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Back quotes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Semicolons</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Commas</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Backslashes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Forward slashes</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Spaces at the front or end of the user
+                            name or password</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <table rules="all">
+                <caption>Length Restrictions for Database Name, User
+                    Name, and Password</caption>
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Restriction</td>
+                        <td>Value</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Database name maximum length</td>
+                        <td>64</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>User name maximum length</td>
+                        <td>16</td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Password maximum length</td>
+                        <td>unlimited (no restrictions)</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Create User
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-users-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-users-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-users-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-users-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Create User
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-users-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-create-users-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="getUsers">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN"
+            title="List Users in Database Instance"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Lists the users in the specified
+                database instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists the users in the specified
+                database instance, along with the associated databases
+                for that user.</para>
+            <note><para>This operation does not return the system
+                    users (database administrators that administer the
+                    health of the database). Also, this operation
+                    returns the "root" user only if "root" user has
+                    been enabled.</para></note>
+            <para>The following notes apply to MySQL users:</para>
+            <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
+                <listitem>
+                    <para>User names can be up to 16 characters
+                        long.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                    <para>When you create accounts with INSERT, you
+                        must use FLUSH PRIVILEGES to tell the server
+                        to reload the grant tables.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                    <para>For additional information, refer to: <link
+                            xlink:href=""
+                            ></link></para>
+                </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Users in
+                        Database Instance requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Request: XML">
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the
+                            <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List Users
+                        in Database Instance requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-pagination-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Request: JSON">
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-pagination-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Users in Database Instance Response: XML">
+                    <?hard-pagebreak?>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Users in
+                        Database Instance responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-response.xml"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Users in Database Instance Response: JSON">
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Response: XML">
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the
+                            <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List Users
+                        in Database Instance responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-pagination-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-pagination-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc
+                    title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Response: JSON">
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-pagination-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-users-pagination-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="PUT" id="changePass">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Change User(s) Password"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Changes the MySQL password of one
+                or more users.</para>
+            <para>This operation changes the MySQL password of one or
+                more users.</para>
+            <note><para>For information about choosing a valid
+                    password, please refer to <xref
+                        linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"
+                    /> for details.</para></note>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Change User(s)
+                        Password requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-change-users-password-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-change-users-password-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-change-users-password-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-change-users-password-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc>
+                    <?hard-pagebreak?>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Change User(s)
+                        Password responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-change-users-password-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Users">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-change-users-password-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="DELETE" id="deleteUser">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Delete User"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Deletes the user identified by
+                {name} for the specified database instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation deletes the specified user for the
+                specified database instance.</para>
+            <warning><para>There is a bug in a python library that
+                    development is using that may cause incorrect user
+                    deletions to occur if a period (.) is used in the
+                    user name. In this case, the user name is
+                    truncated to remove the portion of the name from
+                    the period to the end, leaving only the portion
+                    from the beginning up to the period. For example,
+                    for a user named "my.userA", the bug would
+                    truncate the user name to "my", and if the user
+                    "my" exists, that user will be incorrectly
+                    deleted. To avoid the problem, do not use periods
+                    in user names.</para></warning>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Delete User
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-users-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-users-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Delete User
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-users-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-delete-users-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="listUser">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List User"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Lists the specified user's name and
+                a list of databases that the user can access.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists the specified user's name and a
+                list of databases that the user can access.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List User
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-dbs-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-dbs-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List User
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-dbs-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-dbs-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-dbs-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-dbs-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="getUserAccess">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List User Access"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Shows a list of all databases a
+                user has access to.</para>
+            <para>This operation shows a list of all databases a user
+                has access to.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List User Access
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-access-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-access-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List User Access
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-access-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-access-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-access-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-list-user-access-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="PUT" id="grantUserAccess">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Grant User Access"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Grant access for the specified user
+                to one or more databases for the specified
+                instance.</para>
+            <para>This operation grants access for the specified user
+                to one or more databases for the specified instance.
+                The user is granted ALL privileges on the database.
+                Refer to the information at the beginning of <xref
+                    linkend="user_management"/> for more details on
+                access.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Database">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Grant User Access
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-grant-user-access-request-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-grant-user-access-request.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-grant-user-access-request-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-grant-user-access-request.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Grant User Access
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-grant-user-access-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-grant-user-access-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="DELETE" id="revokeUserAccess">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Revoke User Access"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Remove access to the specified
+                database for the specified user.</para>
+            <para>This operation removes access to the specified
+                database for the specified user.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Revoke User Access
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-revoke-user-access-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-revoke-user-access-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="202">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Revoke User Access
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-revoke-user-access-response-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-revoke-user-access-response-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <!-- Root -->
+    <method name="POST" id="createRoot">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Enable Root User"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Enables the root user for the
+                specified database instance and returns the root
+                password.</para>
+            <para>This operation enables login from any host for the
+                root user and provides the user with a generated root
+                password.</para>
+            <note><para>Changes you make as a root user may cause
+                    detrimental effects to the database instance and
+                    unpredictable behavior for API operations. When
+                    you enable the root user, you accept the
+                    possibility that we will not be able to support
+                    your database instance. While enabling root does
+                    not prevent us from a “best effort” approach to
+                    helping you if something goes wrong with your
+                    instance, we cannot ensure that we will be able to
+                    assist you if you change core MySQL settings.
+                    These changes can be (but are not limited to)
+                    turning off binlogs, removing users that we use to
+                    access your instance, and so forth.</para></note>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Enable Root User
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-enable-root-user-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-enable-root-user-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:User">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Enable Root User
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-enable-root-user-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-enable-root-user-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:User">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-enable-root-user-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-enable-root-user-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="isRootEnabled">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Root-Enabled Status"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Returns true if root user is
+                enabled for the specified database instance or false
+                otherwise.</para>
+            <para>This operation checks an active specified database
+                instance to see if root access is enabled. It returns
+                True if root user is enabled for the specified
+                database instance or False otherwise.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Check Root User
+                        Access requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-check-root-user-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-check-root-user-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:RootEnabled">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the Check Root User
+                        Access responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-check-root-user-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-check-root-user-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:RootEnabled">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-check-root-user-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-check-root-user-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <!-- Flavor -->
+    <method name="GET" id="getFlavors">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Flavors"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Lists information for all available
+                    <glossterm baseform="flavor"
+                >flavors</glossterm>.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists information for all available
+                flavors.</para>
+            <para>This resource is identical to the flavors found in
+                the OpenStack Nova API, but without the disk
+                property.</para>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Flavors
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-request-xml.txt"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Flavors">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Flavors
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-response.xml"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Flavors">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-response.json"/>
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
+    <method name="GET" id="getFlavorById">
+        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Flavor By ID"
+            xmlns="">
+            <para role="shortdesc">Lists all flavor information about
+                the specified flavor ID.</para>
+            <para>This operation lists all information for the
+                specified flavor ID with details of the RAM.</para>
+            <para>This resource is identical to the flavors found in
+                the OpenStack Nova API, but without the disk
+                property.</para>
+            <note><para>The flavorId parameter should be an integer.
+                    If a floating point value is used for the flavorId
+                    parameter, the decimal portion is truncated and
+                    the integer portion is used as the value of the
+                    flavorId.</para></note>
+            <remark security="reviewer">Reviewer / Writer: need to
+                confirm that this behavior is not changed in
+                subsequent releases, and if it is prevented, remove
+                the Note above.</remark>
+        </wadl:doc>
+        <request>
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Flavor By ID
+                        requests:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-by-id-request-xml.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-by-id-request-json.txt"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </request>
+        <response status="200">
+            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
+                element="dbaas:Flavor">
+                <doc>
+                    <para xmlns="">The
+                        following examples show the List Flavor By ID
+                        responses:</para>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-by-id-response-xml.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-by-id-response.xml"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+            <representation mediaType="application/json"
+                element="dbaas:Flavor">
+                <doc>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-by-id-response-json.txt"/>
+                    <xsdxt:code
+                        href="../samples/db-flavors-by-id-response.json"
+                    />
+                </doc>
+            </representation>
+        </response> &commonFaults; &getFaults; </method>
diff --git a/xsd/dbaas.xsd b/apidocs/src/xsd/dbaas.xsd
similarity index 100%
rename from xsd/dbaas.xsd
rename to apidocs/src/xsd/dbaas.xsd
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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rename to apidocs/src/xslts/js/trc/schema/layoutManager.js
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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diff --git a/xsd/dbaas.wadl b/xsd/dbaas.wadl
deleted file mode 100644
index 023060f..0000000
--- a/xsd/dbaas.wadl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1426 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE application [
-    <!ENTITY % common  SYSTEM "common.ent">
-    %common;
-        xmlns=""
-        xmlns:xlink=""
-        xmlns:xsi=""
-        xmlns:xsd=""
-        xmlns:xsdxt=""
-        xmlns:wadl=""
-        xmlns:dbaas="">
-    <grammars>
-        <include href="dbaas.xsd" />
-    </grammars>
-    <resources base="">
-        <resource id="versions" path="">
-            <method href="#getVersions" />
-        </resource>
-        <resource id="version" path="{version}">
-            <method href="#getVersionInfo" />
-            <resource id="accountID" path="{accountId}">
-                <param name="accountId" style="template"
-                    type="xsd:string">
-                    <doc>The account ID of the owner of the specified instance.</doc></param>
-                <resource id="instances" path="instances">
-                    <method href="#createInstance" />
-                    <method href="#getInstance" />
-                    <resource id="instanceId" path="{instanceId}">
-                        <param name="instanceId" style="template"
-                            type="xsd:string" >
-                            <doc>The instance ID for the specified database instance.</doc></param>
-                        <method href="#getInstanceById" />
-                        <method href="#deleteInstance" />
-                        <resource id="instanceAction" path="action">
-                            <method href="#resizeInstance" />
-                            <method href="#resizeVolume" />
-                            <method href="#restartInstance" />
-                        </resource>
-                        <resource id="databases" path="databases">
-                            <method href="#createDatabase" />
-                            <method href="#getDatabases" />
-                            <resource id="databaseName" path="{databaseName}">
-                                <param name="databaseName" style="template"
-                                    type="xsd:string" >
-                                    <doc>The name for the specified database.</doc></param>
-                                <method href="#deleteDatabase" />
-                            </resource>
-                        </resource>
-                        <resource id="users" path="users">
-                            <method href="#createUser" />
-                            <method href="#getUsers" />
-                            <method href="#changePass" />
-                            <resource id="userId" path="{name}">
-                                <param name="name" style="template"
-                                    type="xsd:string" >
-                                    <doc>The name for the specified user.</doc></param>
-                                <method href="#deleteUser" />
-                                <method href="#listUser" />
-                                <resource id="database" path="databases">
-                                    <method href="#getUserAccess" />
-                                    <method href="#grantUserAccess" />
-                                    <resource id="dbName" path="{databaseName}">
-                                        <param name="databaseName" style="template"
-                                            type="xsd:string" >
-                                            <doc>The name for the specified database.</doc></param>
-                                        <method href="#revokeUserAccess" />
-                                    </resource>
-                                </resource>
-                            </resource>
-                        </resource>
-                        <resource id="root" path="root">
-                            <method href="#createRoot" />
-                            <method href="#isRootEnabled" />
-                        </resource>
-                    </resource>
-                </resource>
-                <resource id="flavors" path="flavors">
-                    <method href="#getFlavors" />
-                    <resource id="flavorId" path="{flavorId}">
-                        <param name="flavorId" style="template" type="xsd:string" >
-                            <doc>The flavor ID for the specified flavor.</doc></param>
-                        <method href="#getFlavorById" />
-                    </resource>
-                </resource>
-            </resource>
-        </resource>
-    </resources>
-    <!--Token Methods... -->
-    <!-- Version -->
-    <method name="GET" id="getVersionInfo">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Version Details" xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">
-                Returns detailed information about the specified version of the API.
-            </para>
-            <para>This operation returns detailed information about the specified version of the API.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Version Details requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-version-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-version-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Version Details responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-version-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-version-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="getVersions">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Versions" xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">
-                Lists information about all versions of the API.
-            </para>
-            <para>This operation lists information about all versions of the API.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Versions requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" >
-                 <doc>
-                     <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Versions responses:</para>
-                     <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.xml"/>
-                 </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-versions-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <!-- Instance -->
-    <method name="POST" id="createInstance">
-    <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Create Database Instance"  xmlns="">
-        <para role="shortdesc">Creates a new <glossterm>database instance</glossterm>.</para>
-        <para>This operation asynchronously provisions a new database instance. This call requires the user to specify a <glossterm>flavor</glossterm> and a <glossterm>volume</glossterm> size. The service then provisions the instance with the requested flavor and sets up a volume of the specified size, which is the storage for the database instance.</para>
-        <note><title>Notes</title><itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-                <para>You can create only one database instance per <command>POST</command> request.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-                <para>You can create a database instance with one or more databases, and users associated to those databases.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-                <para>The default binding for the MySQL instance is port 3306.</para>
-            </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist></note>
-        <para>The following table lists the required and optional attributes for Create Instance:</para>
-        <table rules="all">
-            <caption>Required and Optional Attributes for Create Instance</caption>
-            <thead>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1">Applies To</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">Name</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Description</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">Required</td>
-                </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">Instance</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">flavorRef</td>
-                    <td colspan="3"><para>Reference (href) to a flavor as specified in the response from the List Flavors API call.
-                        This is the actual URI as specified by the href field in the link. Refer to the List Flavors response examples that follow for an example of the flavorRef.</para>
-                         <note><para>Rather than the flavor URI, you can also pass the flavor id (integer) as the value for flavorRef.</para></note>
-                        <para>Refer to <xref linkend="GET_getFlavors__version___accountId__flavors_"/> for details.</para></td>
-                    <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1">(volume) size</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Specifies the volume size in gigabytes (GB). The value specified must be between 1 and 50.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1">name</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Name of the instance to create. The length of the name is limited to 255 characters and any characters are permitted.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">Database</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">name</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Specifies <glossterm>database</glossterm> names for creating databases on instance creation. Refer to <xref linkend="POST_createDatabase__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__databases_"/> for the required xml/json format.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1">character_set</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Set of symbols and encodings. The default character set is <code>utf8</code>.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1">collate</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Set of rules for comparing characters in a character set. The default value for collate is <code>utf8_general_ci</code>.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">User</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">name</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Specifies user name for the database on instance creation. Refer to <xref linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"/> for the required xml/json format.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1">password</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Specifies password for those users on instance creation. Refer to <xref linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"/> for the required xml/json format.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="1">(database) name</td>
-                    <td colspan="3">Specifies names of databases that those users can access on instance creation. Refer to <xref linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"/> for the required xml/json format.</td>
-                    <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                </tr>
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
-      <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/> for a list of possible database instance statuses that may be returned.</para>
-    </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Create Database Instance requests and responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-instance-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-instance-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-instance-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-instance-response.json"/>
-                    <para xmlns="">For convenience, notice in the response examples above that resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain
-                        resource URIs rather than to construct them. There are two kinds of link relations
-                        associated with resources. A <code>self</code> link contains a <emphasis>versioned</emphasis> link to the resource. These
-                        links should be used in cases where the link will be followed immediately. A <code>bookmark</code>
-                        link provides a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage.</para>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="DELETE" id="deleteInstance">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Delete Database Instance"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Deletes the specified database instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation deletes the specified database instance, including any associated data.</para>
-            <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/> for a list of possible database instance statuses that may be returned.</para>
-            <note><para>This operation is not allowed when the instance status is <code>BUILD</code>.</para></note>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Delete Database Instance requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-instance-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-instance-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202" />
-    &commonFaults;
-        <response status="422" xmlns="">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="dbaas:unprocessableEntity">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Delete Database Instance responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-instance-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-instance-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="getInstance">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List All Database Instances"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Lists the status and information for all database instances.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists the status and information for all database instances.</para>
-            <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/> for a list of possible database instance statuses that may be returned.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List All Database Instances Detail requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instances-index-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instances-index-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" >
-                <doc>
-                   <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List All Database Instances responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instances-index-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instances-index-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="getInstanceById">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Database Instance Status and Details"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Lists status and details for a specified database instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists the status and details of the specified database instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists the volume size in gigabytes (GB) and the approximate GB used.</para>
-            <note><para>After instance creation, the <code>used</code> size of your volume will be
-                greater than 0. This is expected and due to the automatic creation of
-                non-empty transaction logs for mysql optimization. The <code>used</code> attribute is <emphasis>not</emphasis> returned
-                in the response when the status for the instance is BUILD, REBOOT, RESIZE, or ERROR.</para> </note>
-            <para>Refer to <xref linkend="database_instance_status"/> for a list of possible database instance statuses that may be returned.</para>
-            <para>The list operations return a DNS-resolvable hostname associated with the database instance instead of an IP address. Since the hostname always resolves to the correct IP address of the database instance, this relieves the user from the task of maintaining the mapping. Note that although the IP address may likely change on resizing, migrating, and so forth, the hostname always resolves to the correct database instance.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-                <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                    <doc>
-                        <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Database Instance Status and Details requests:</para>
-                        <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-status-detail-request.xml"/>
-                    </doc>
-                </representation>
-                <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                    <doc>
-                        <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-status-detail-request.xml"/>
-                    </doc>
-                </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Database Instance Status and Details responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-status-detail-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:DatabaseInstance" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-status-detail-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <!-- Instance Actions -->
-    <method name="POST" id="restartInstance">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Restart Instance"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Restart the database service on the instance.</para>
-            <para>The restart operation will restart only the MySQL Instance. Restarting MySQL will erase any dynamic configuration settings that you have made within MySQL.</para>
-            <note><para>The MySQL service will be unavailable until the instance restarts.</para></note>
-            <para>This operation returns a 202 Accepted response.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="dbaas:Restart">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Restart Instance requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-restart-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json" element="dbaas:Restart">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-restart-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Restart Instance responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-restart-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-restart-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-        &postPutFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="POST" id="resizeInstance">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Resize the Instance"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Resize the memory of the instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation changes the memory size of the instance, assuming a valid flavorRef is provided. Restarts MySQL in the process.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                            element="dbaas:Resize">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Resize Instance requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-instance-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                            element="dbaas:Resize">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-instance-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Resize Instance responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-instance-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-instance-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-        &postPutFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="POST" id="resizeVolume">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Resize the Instance Volume"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Resize the <glossterm>volume</glossterm> attached to the Instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation supports resizing the attached volume for an instance. It supports only increasing the volume size and does not support decreasing the size.
-                The volume size is in gigabytes (GB) and must be an integer.</para>
-            <note><para>You cannot increase the volume to a size larger than the API volume size limit specifies.</para></note>
-            <para>This operation returns a 202 Accepted response.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                            element="dbaas:Resize">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Resize Instance Volume requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-volume-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                            element="dbaas:Resize">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-volume-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Resize Instance Volume responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-volume-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-instance-resize-volume-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-        &postPutFaults;
-    </method>
-    <!-- Database -->
-    <method name="POST" id="createDatabase">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Create Database"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Creates a new <glossterm>database</glossterm> within the specified instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation creates a new database within the specified instance.</para>
-            <para>The <code>name</code> of the database is a required attribute.</para>
-            <para>The following additional attributes can be specified for each database: <code>collate</code> and <code>character_set</code>.</para>
-            <table rules="all">
-                <caption>Required and Optional Attributes for Create Database</caption>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1">Name</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">Description</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">Required</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1">name</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">Specifies the database name for creating the database. Refer to the request examples for the required xml/json format.</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1">character_set</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">Set of symbols and encodings. The default character set is <code>utf8</code>.</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1">collate</td>
-                        <td colspan="3">Set of rules for comparing characters in a character set. The default value for collate is <code>utf8_general_ci</code>.</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <para>See the MySQL documentation for information about supported character sets and collations at <link
-                xlink:href=""
-                ></link>.</para>
-            <note><para>The following database names are reserved and cannot be used for creating databases: lost+found, information_schema, and mysql.</para></note>
-            <para>Refer to the following tables for information about characters that are valid/invalid for creating database names.</para>
-            <table rules="all" width="40%">
-                <caption>Valid Characters That Can Be Used in a Database Name</caption>
-                <col width="100%"/>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Character</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Letters (upper and lower cases allowed)</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Numbers</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>'@', '?', '#', and spaces are allowed, but <emphasis>not</emphasis> at the beginning and end of the database name</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>'_' is allowed anywhere in the database name</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <table rules="all" width="40%">
-                <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
-                <caption>Characters That <emphasis>Cannot</emphasis> Be Used in a Database Name</caption>
-                <col width="100%"/>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Character</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Single quotes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Double quotes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Back quotes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Semicolons</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Commas</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Backslashes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Forwardslashes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <table rules="all">
-                <caption>Length Restrictions for Database Name</caption>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Restriction</td>
-                        <td>Value</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Database-name maximum length</td>
-                        <td>64</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Database" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Create Database requests:<?rax-fo keep-with-next?></para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-databases-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Database" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-databases-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Create Database responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-databases-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-databases-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="getDatabases">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Databases for Instance"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Lists databases for the specified instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists the databases for the specified instance.</para>
-            <note><para>This operation returns only the user-defined databases, not the system databases. The system databases (mysql,
-                information_schema, lost+found) can only be viewed by a database administrator.</para></note>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Databases for Instance requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc title="List Databases for Instance Paged Request: XML">
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List Databases for Instance requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-pagination-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc title="List Databases for Instance Paged Request: JSON">
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-pagination-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Databases" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Databases for Instance responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Databases" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Databases" >
-                <doc title="List Databases for Instance Paged Response: XML">
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List Databases for Instance responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-pagination-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Databases" >
-                <doc title="List Databases for Instance Paged Response: JSON">
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-databases-pagination-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="DELETE" id="deleteDatabase">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Delete Database"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Deletes the specified database.</para>
-            <para>This operation deletes the requested database within the specified database instance. Note that all data associated with the database is also deleted.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Delete Database requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-databases-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-databases-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Delete Database responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-databases-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-databases-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <!-- User -->
-    <method name="POST" id="createUser">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Create User"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Creates a user for the specified database instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation asynchronously provisions a new user for the specified database instance based on the configuration defined in the request object. Once the request is validated and progress has started on the provisioning process, a 202 Accepted response object is returned.</para>
-            <remark>Writer: please add the following note back into the doc once the List User Details call is added back into the API: Using the identifier, the caller can check on the progress of the operation by performing a GET on users/name (for more details on this operation see the "List User Details" section of this document).</remark>
-            <para>If the corresponding request cannot be fulfilled due to insufficient or invalid data, an HTTP 400 "Bad Request" error response is returned with information regarding the nature of the failure. Failures in the validation process are non-recoverable and require the caller to correct the cause of the failure and POST the request again.</para>
-            <para>The following table lists the required attributes for Create User. Refer to the request examples for the required xml/json format:</para>
-            <table rules="all" width="500">
-                <caption>Required Attributes for Create User</caption>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1">Applies To</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">Name</td>
-                        <td colspan="2">Description</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">Required</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1" rowspan="3">User</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">name</td>
-                        <td colspan="2">Name of the user for the
-                            database.</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1">password</td>
-                        <td colspan="2">User password for database
-                            access.</td>
-                        <td colspan="1">Yes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td colspan="1">(database) name</td>
-                        <td colspan="2"><para>Name of the database that the user can access. One or more database names must be specified.</para></td>
-                        <td colspan="1">No</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <note><title>Notes</title><itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>A user is granted all privileges on the specified databases.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>The following user name is reserved and cannot be used for creating users: root.</para>
-                </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist></note>
-            <para>Refer to the following tables for information about characters that are valid/invalid for creating database names, user names, and passwords.</para>
-            <table rules="all" width="40%">
-                <caption>Valid Characters That Can Be Used in a Database Name, User Name, and Password</caption>
-                <col width="100%"/>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Character</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Letters (upper and lower cases allowed)</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Numbers</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>'@', '?', '#', and spaces are allowed, but <emphasis>not</emphasis> at the beginning and end of the database name, user name, and password</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>"_" is allowed anywhere in the database name, user name, and password</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <table rules="all" width="40%">
-                <caption>Characters That <emphasis>Cannot</emphasis> Be Used in a Database Name, User Name, and Password</caption>
-                <col width="100%"/>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Character</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Single quotes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Double quotes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Back quotes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Semicolons</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Commas</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Backslashes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Forwardslashes</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Spaces at the front or end of the user name or password</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <table rules="all">
-                <caption>Length Restrictions for Database Name, User Name, and Password</caption>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Restriction</td>
-                        <td>Value</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Database name maximum length</td>
-                        <td>64</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>User name maximum length</td>
-                        <td>16</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Password maximum length</td>
-                        <td>unlimited (no restrictions)</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Users" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Create User requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-users-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-users-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Create User responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-users-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-create-users-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="getUsers">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Users in Database Instance"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Lists the users in the specified database instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists the users in the specified database instance, along with the associated databases for that user.</para>
-            <note><para>This operation does not return the system users (database administrators that administer the health of the database).
-                Also, this operation returns the "root" user only if "root" user has been enabled.</para></note>
-            <para>The following notes apply to MySQL users:</para>
-            <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>User names can be up to 16 characters long.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>When you create accounts with INSERT, you must use FLUSH PRIVILEGES to tell the server to reload the grant tables.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>For additional information, refer to: <link
-                        xlink:href=""
-                        ></link></para>
-                </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Users in Database Instance requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Request: XML">
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List Users in Database Instance requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-pagination-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Request: JSON">
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-pagination-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Users" >
-                <doc title="List Users in Database Instance Response: XML">
-                    <?hard-pagebreak?>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Users in Database Instance responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Users" >
-                <doc title="List Users in Database Instance Response: JSON">
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Users" >
-                <doc title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Response: XML">
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the <emphasis>paginated</emphasis> List Users in Database Instance responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-pagination-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Users" >
-                <doc title="List Users in Database Instance Paged Response: JSON">
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-users-pagination-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="PUT" id="changePass">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Change User(s) Password"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Changes the MySQL password of one or more users.</para>
-            <para>This operation changes the MySQL password of one or more users.</para>
-            <note><para>For information about choosing a valid password, please refer to
-                <xref linkend="POST_createUser__version___accountId__instances__instanceId__users_"/> for details.</para></note>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="dbaas:Users">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Change User(s) Password requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-change-users-password-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-change-users-password-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Users" >
-                <doc>
-                    <?hard-pagebreak?>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Change User(s) Password responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-change-users-password-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Users" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-change-users-password-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="DELETE" id="deleteUser">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Delete User"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Deletes the user identified by {name} for the specified database instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation deletes the specified user for the specified database instance.</para>
-            <warning><para>There is a bug in a python library that development is using that may cause incorrect user deletions to occur
-                if a period (.) is used in the user name. In this case, the user name is truncated to remove the portion of the
-                name from the period to the end, leaving only the portion from the beginning up to the period. For example, for a
-                user named "my.userA", the bug would truncate the user name to "my", and if the user "my" exists, that user will
-                be incorrectly deleted. To avoid the problem, do not use periods in user names.</para></warning>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Delete User requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-users-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-users-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Delete User responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-users-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-delete-users-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="listUser">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List User"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Lists the specified user's name and a list of databases that the user can access.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists the specified user's name and a list of databases that the user can access.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List User requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-dbs-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-dbs-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List User responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-dbs-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-dbs-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="getUserAccess">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List User Access"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Shows a list of all databases a user has access to.</para>
-            <para>This operation shows a list of all databases a user has access to.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List User Access requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-access-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-access-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List User Access responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-access-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-list-user-access-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="PUT" id="grantUserAccess">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Grant User Access"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Grant access for the specified user to one or more databases for the specified instance.</para>
-            <para>This operation grants access for the specified user to one or more databases for the specified instance.
-                The user is granted ALL privileges on the database. Refer to the information at the beginning of <xref linkend="user_management"/>
-                for more details on access.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="dbaas:Database">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Grant User Access requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-grant-user-access-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-grant-user-access-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Grant User Access responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-grant-user-access-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-grant-user-access-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="DELETE" id="revokeUserAccess">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Revoke User Access"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Remove access to the specified database for the specified user.</para>
-            <para>This operation removes access to the specified database for the specified user.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Revoke User Access requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-revoke-user-access-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-revoke-user-access-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="202" >
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Revoke User Access responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-revoke-user-access-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-revoke-user-access-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-        &commonFaults;
-        &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <!-- Root -->
-    <method name="POST" id="createRoot">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="Enable Root User"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Enables the root user for the specified database instance and returns the root password.</para>
-            <para>This operation enables login from any host for the root user and provides the user with a generated root password.</para>
-            <note><para>Changes you make as a root user may cause detrimental effects to the database instance and unpredictable behavior for API operations.
-                When you enable the root user, you accept the possibility that we will not be able to support your database instance.
-                While enabling root does not prevent us from a “best effort” approach to helping you if something goes wrong with your instance,
-                we cannot ensure that we will be able to assist you if you change core MySQL settings. These changes can be (but are not limited to)
-                turning off binlogs, removing users that we use to access your instance, and so forth.</para></note>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Enable Root User requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-enable-root-user-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-enable-root-user-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:User">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Enable Root User responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-enable-root-user-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:User">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-enable-root-user-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="isRootEnabled">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Root-Enabled Status"  xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Returns true if root user is enabled for the specified database instance or false otherwise.</para>
-            <para>This operation checks an active specified database instance to see if root access is enabled. It returns True if root user is enabled for the specified database instance or False otherwise.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Check Root User Access requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-check-root-user-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-check-root-user-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:RootEnabled" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the Check Root User Access responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-check-root-user-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:RootEnabled" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-check-root-user-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <!-- Flavor -->
-    <method name="GET" id="getFlavors">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Flavors" xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Lists information for all available <glossterm baseform="flavor">flavors</glossterm>.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists information for all available flavors.</para>
-            <para>This resource is identical to the flavors found in the OpenStack Nova API, but without the disk property.</para>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Flavors requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Flavors" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Flavors responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Flavors" >
-                <doc>
-                    <?hard-pagebreak?>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>
-    <method name="GET" id="getFlavorById">
-        <wadl:doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Flavor By ID" xmlns="">
-            <para role="shortdesc">Lists all flavor information about the specified flavor ID.</para>
-            <para>This operation lists all information for the specified flavor ID with details of the RAM.</para>
-            <para>This resource is identical to the flavors found in the OpenStack Nova API, but without the disk property.</para>
-            <note><para>The flavorId parameter should be an integer. If a floating point value is used for the flavorId parameter,
-                the decimal portion is truncated and the integer portion is used as the value of the flavorId.</para></note>
-            <remark security="reviewer">Reviewer / Writer: need to confirm that this behavior is not changed in subsequent releases, and if it is prevented, remove the Note above.</remark>
-        </wadl:doc>
-        <request>
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml">
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Flavor By ID requests:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-by-id-request.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json">
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-by-id-request.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </request>
-        <response status="200">
-            <representation mediaType="application/xml"
-                element="dbaas:Flavor" >
-                <doc>
-                    <para xmlns="">The following examples show the List Flavor By ID responses:</para>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-by-id-response.xml"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-            <representation mediaType="application/json"
-                element="dbaas:Flavor" >
-                <doc>
-                    <xsdxt:code href="../apidocs/src/resources/samples/db-flavors-by-id-response.json"/>
-                </doc>
-            </representation>
-        </response>
-    &commonFaults;
-    &getFaults;
-    </method>