Objectstore should be able to handle the beatings now. As such, nginx is no longer needed, so it's removed from the dependencies and the configuration files are removed.
The Choose Your Own Adventure README for Nova: You have come across a cloud computing fabric controller. It has identified itself as "Nova." It is apparent that it maintains compatability with the popular Amazon EC2 and S3 APIs. To monitor it from a distance: follow @novacc on twitter To tame it for use in your own cloud: read http://docs.novacc.org/getting.started.html To study its anatomy: read http://docs.novacc.org/architecture.html To disect it in detail: visit http://github.com/nova/cc To taunt it with its weaknesses: use http://github.com/nova/cc/issues To hack at it: read HACKING To watch it: http://test.novacc.org/waterfall