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<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
    xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"
    <para>The <emphasis role="italic">owner</emphasis> of an Object
        Storage account controls access to that account and its
        containers and objects. An owner is the user who has the
            <literal>admin</literal> role for that tenant. The tenant
        is also known as the project or account. As the account owner,
        you can modify account metadata and create, modify, and delete
        containers and objects.</para>
    <para>To identify yourself as the account owner, include an
        authentication token in the <literal>X-Auth-Token</literal>
        header in the API request.</para>
    <para>Depending on the token value in the
            <literal>X-Auth-Token</literal> header, one of the
        following actions occur:</para>
            <para><literal>X-Auth-Token</literal> contains the token
                for the account owner.</para>
            <para>The request is permitted and has full access to make
                changes to the account.</para>
            <para>The <literal>X-Auth-Token</literal> header is
                omitted or it contains a token for a non-owner or a
                token that is not valid.</para>
            <para>The request fails with a <errorcode>401</errorcode>
                <errortext>Unauthorized</errortext> or
                <errortext>Forbidden</errortext> response.</para>
            <para>You have no access to accounts or containers, unless
                an access control list (ACL) explicitly grants
            <para>The account owner can grant account and container
                access to users through access control lists (ACLs).
                For more information about ACLs, see <xref
    <para>The following table describes the authentication services
        that you can use with Object Storage:</para>
    <informaltable rules="all">
                <th>Authentication service</th>
                    <para>OpenStack Identity Service
                <td><para>The Object Storage account is synonymous
                        with the project or tenant ID.</para>
                    <para>For information about the Identity Service,
                        see <xref linkend="get_auth_token_keystone"
                    <para>Tempauth middleware</para></td>
                <td><para>Object Storage includes this middleware.
                        User and account management is performed in
                        the Object Storage system itself.</para>
                    <para>For information about Tempauth, see <xref
                    <para>swauth (in GitHub) or other custom
                <td><para>This custom middleware is modeled on
                        Tempauth, so usage is typically similar to
                        Tempauth.</para><para>Specifically, you use
                        the <literal>X-Auth-Token</literal> header to
                        pass an authentication token to an API
    <para>Authentication tokens expire after a time period that the
        authentication service defines. When a token expires, use of
        the token causes requests to fail with a
        <errortext>Unauthorized</errortext> response. To continue, you
        must obtain a new token.</para>