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    <title>Container synchronization</title>
    <para>To discover whether your Object Storage system supports
        container synchronization, see <xref linkend="discoverability"
        />. Alternatively, check with your service provider.</para>
    <para>Container synchronization enables you to synchronize the
        contents of a source container with a destination container.
        After you set up container synchronization, the system
        automatically copies objects from the source container to the
        destination container. Also, the system deletes objects in the
        destination container that were deleted in the source
    <para>The system copies objects in a way that object metadata is
        retained, such as <literal>Last-Modified</literal> and any
        custom metadata you might have set for the object.</para>
    <para>You can configure the source and destination containers, as
            <para>The source container can be on a different or the
                same Object Storage system that the destination
                container is on.</para>
            <para>The destination container can be a source container
                for synchronization for another destination container.</para>
            <para>The destination container can be the original source
                container: both containers synchronize with each
                other. Any object that you add to or delete from a
                container is automatically copied to or deleted from
                the other container.</para>
    <para>The Object Storage system performs the synchronization in
        the background, and makes no guarantees about performance or
    <para>Some Object Storage features, such as large object creation,
        might require the use of several containers. Container
        synchronization handles each container separately; if your
        object segments are located in a different container, they are
        not transferred unless you also set up container
        synchronization on that container. However, even if both the
        manifest and segment containers are synchronized, there is no
        guarantee that the manifest is transferred before the segment
        objects. An attempt to download the large object from the
        destination container might fail, be incomplete, or have
        jumbled content. Object versioning is not supported.</para>
    <para>To configure a <emphasis role="italic">source</emphasis>
        container for synchronization, set the following metadata
            <para><literal>X-Container-Sync-To</literal>. Set this
                metadata header to the following value:</para>
            <para>Your service provider can give you the appropriate
                values for
                The objects are sent to the
                container. These names can be different from the
                source account and container names.</para>
            <para><literal>X-Container-Sync-Key</literal>. Set this
                metadata header to an arbitrary string value. This
                value serves as a shared secret. Secure this value
                just as you would a password.</para>
    <para>To configure a <emphasis role="italic"
            >destination</emphasis> container to receive objects, set
        the <literal>X-Container-Sync-Key</literal> metadata header to
        the <literal>X-Container-Sync-Key</literal> value in the
        source container.</para>
        <para>To configure a destination container as the source
            container for another destination container, set the
                <literal>X-Container-Sync-To</literal> metadata header
            as you would for a source container.</para>