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<title>General API Information</title>
<section xml:id="authentication-object-dev-guide">
<para>Client authentication is provided via a ReST interface
using the &GET; method, with <code>v1.0</code> supplied as
the path. Additionally, two headers are required,
<code>X-Auth-User</code> and <code>X-Auth-Key</code>
with values for the username and API Access Key
<para>Each ReST request against the OpenStack Object Storage
system requires the inclusion of a specific authorization
token HTTP x-header, defined as <code>X-Auth-Token</code>.
Clients obtain this token, along with the Cloud Servers
API URL, by first using an authentication service and
supplying a valid username and API access key.</para>
<para>To authenticate, you must supply your username and
API access key in x-headers:</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Use your OpenStack Object Storage
(Swift) username as the username for the
API. Place it in the
<code>X-Auth-User</code> x-header.
<para>Get your API access key from
authentication service you chose when
installing. You have some options for
auth, including tempauth (which is
included with Swift), swauth (an auth
service for Swift as WSGI middleware that
uses Swift itself as a backing store that
is provided via download from Github), the
OpenStack Identity Service (project named
Keystone), or you can use your own
authentication system. Place your access
key in the <code>X-Auth-Key</code>
<para> </para>
<title>Authentication HTTP Request</title>
<literallayout class="monospaced"><xi:include href="samples/auth-req.txt" parse="text"/></literallayout>
<para>When authentication is successful, an HTTP status
204 (No Content) is returned with the
<code>X-Storage-Url</code> and
<code>X-Auth-Token</code> headers. Any 2xx
response is a good response. For example, a 202
response means the request has been accepted. Also,
additional <code>X-</code> headers may be returned.
These additional headers are related to other
Rackspace services and can be ignored. An HTTP status
of 401 (Unauthorized) is returned upon authentication
failure. All subsequent container/object operations
against OpenStack Object Storage should be made
against the URI specified in
<code>X-Storage-Url</code> and must include the
<code>X-Auth-Token</code> header.</para>
<title>Authentication HTTP Response</title>
<literallayout class="monospaced"><xi:include href="samples/auth-resp.txt" parse="text"/></literallayout>
<para>The <code>X-Storage-Url</code> will need to be
parsed and used in the connection and request line of
all subsequent requests against Object Storage. In the
example response above, users connecting to OpenStack
Object Storage would send most container/object
requests with a host header of
<code>storage.swiftdrive.com</code> and the
request line's version and account as
<code>/v1/CF_xer7_34</code>. Note that
authentication tokens are valid for a 24 hour period
for many authentication configurations.</para>
<section xml:id="overview-object-api">
<title>Overview of API Operations</title>
<para>The OpenStack Object Storage API is implemented as a set
of ReSTful (Representational State Transfer) web services.
All authentication and container/object operations can be
performed with standard HTTP calls. See the <link
>Representational State Transfer</link> on ReST for
more information</para>
<para>The following constraints apply to the ReST API's HTTP
<para>Maximum number of HTTP headers per request:
<para>Maximum length of all HTTP headers: 4096
<para>Maximum length per HTTP request line: 8192
<para>Maximum length of HTTP request: 5
<para>Maximum length of container name: 256
<para>Maximum length of object name: 1024 bytes</para>
<para>Container and object names must be UTF-8 encoded and then should be properly
URL-encoded prior to interacting with the ReST interface. You may be using an API
binding that performs the URL-encoding on your behalf. If so, do not URL-encode before
calling the API binding otherwise you will double-encode container and object names. The
length restrictions should be checked against the URL-encoded string.</para>
<para>Each ReST request against the OpenStack Object Storage
system requires the inclusion of a specific
<firstterm>authorization token</firstterm> HTTP header
defined as <code>X-Auth-Token</code>. Clients obtain this
token, along with the OpenStack Object Storage URLs, by
first using the Authentication service and supplying a
valid Username and API Access Key.</para>
<para><!--There are actually two different sets of ReST services that make up the full OpenStack Object Storage product. -->
The ReST service identified with
<code>X-Storage-Url</code> is used for managing the
data stored in the system. Example operations are creating
containers and uploading objects.
<!--The second ReST service is for managing the CDN feature of OpenStack Object Storage and is identified by <code>X-CDN-Management-Url</code>.--></para>
<para>In the following sections, the purpose of each HTTP
method depends upon which service the call is made
against. For example, a &PUT; request against
<code>X-Storage-Url</code> can be used to create a
container or upload an
object.<!--, while a &PUT; request against the <code>X-CDN-Management-Url</code> is used to CDN-enable a container--></para>
<para>The language-specific APIs mask this system separation
from the programmer. They simply create a container and
mark it <emphasis>public</emphasis> and it handles calling
out to the appropriate back-end services using the
appropriate ReST API.</para>
<para>All requests to authenticate and operate against
OpenStack Object Storage are performed using SSL over
HTTP (HTTPS) on TCP port 443.</para>
<xi:include href="section_object_api_tempurl.xml"/>
<xi:include href="section_object_api_formpost.xml"/>